Was Alex Jones Eliminated by The Deep State or Q Anon?

in #alex6 years ago

Alex Jones Censored.png

Alex Jones was the greatest awakening factor in my entire life. Everything he said made sense and his passion for what he preached allowed me to carry on with my regular life knowing that there was someone out there fighting for what I believed was right. In fact, the entire country was about to carry on with their everyday lives knowing that there was a sizable persona going up against the government that could make a much greater impact than any of us could have. Perhaps that's why they let him be?

When I first discovered him in 2006, he was very loud and passionate. At the time, the nation was being spoiled in an unprecedented level as every day folks basked in jewelry and luxury automobiles purchased using equity from their home. Life was easy and pleasant, so when a character like Alex Jones, angry and frustrated at the government comes along, all the happy pappy people look at him like he's crazy for being so upset. At this time, Alex carried the image of those who didn't work hard and complained about everything.

In 2008, the entire world was hit by the greatest economic collapse in modern history. The blissful fairy tale world they once knew was gone as a result of a system controlled by a small handful of people they did not elect. All of a sudden, many Americans became Alex Jones, a person whose character had worked so hard throughout their lives for far less than those in power have gained. It was time to switch it up.

Alex Jones's character then went from an angry passionate patriot to... a sort of a goofy psychopath who instead of talking about the issues as he has in the past, to imitating sociopathic celebrities and making insulting remarks about those driving the "Military Industrial Complex". So now his character was one who believed that the country was run by sociopaths willing to end human life for the sake of profiteering on the business of war. Crazy right?

Not so crazy after you elect a President, give him a Nobel Peace prize on day one, and watch him invade five middle eastern countries and bomb half of Africa. After eight years of destruction which ultimately led to the collapse of Europe, it wouldn't be to far fetched to believe that Alex Jones was right all along. So now that the people are keen to the business of war, Alex now needed to change it up to something else that the majority of Americans won't get behind, so what does he become?

Now before, I state what I believe his current character is, understand that I do support some of his current stances. KEYWORD: Some. Much of his content during the Trump presidency involved exposing Michelle Obama's penis, bullying the social justice warriors, and arguing with children.

Now, I know some of you may be on board with all of this, but just think about how petty all of these things are. The fact that you and Alex have the same stances on all of today's crazy issues, now ask yourself, would you be okay with him being your spokes person? I ask this because when people see that we truthers share a similar ideology with Alex Jones, all of the petty arguments he makes along with his clear disgust in transvestites is now a reflection of us, and that's not cool.

With that being said, it's seeming more and more like the removal of Alex Jones was not a move by the deep state and indeed a move by Trump's congress to eliminate all this negative stigma that Alex Jones has created for us Truthers (

Think about it, if Facebook, YouTube, and Google were trying to silence the movement, all the other small timer alternative media reporters would've also been wacked. However, that hasn't happened. We still have all of our great Q Reporters and our movement is still on schedule and going strong. I'm looking forward to bringing home all the troops after we wrap up Iran and will be basking in peach on our November 11th, military parade.

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