The glorification of getting drunk.

in #alcohol7 years ago


This drinking culture we have is destructive beyond belief not just on a personal level in wrecking relationships, causing violence, and even in some cases early death through disease etc. But on a societal level it costing the taxpayer millions of pounds a year. Hospitals overburdened with patients at weekends and bank holidays, it generally causes havoc and destruction. You would imagine something like alcohol, looking at things on a surface level like that, would be illegal right? But its not so why is that?

Firstly when people get drunk they escape their own reality, the very root cause as to why they do it, they may argue like I once did, that it is ‘fun’ but surely you can have fun without literally poisoning yourself? They drink often to escape their 9-5 weekly cycle to forget for a few hours that they are slaves to a system that has stolen their freedom and couldn’t care less about them. To paper over the cracks of their own discontentment and unhappiness instead of facing their issues head on. It is understandable to a degree as to why people do this, but it is just based in avoidance and does nothing to move either the person or society further forward. Of course people drink for all kinds of reasons to try and escape guilt, abuse, unworthiness but alcohol only serves to make these issues worse in the long run.

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Im only focusing on human freedom here in that this poison is given to us so we are too dumbed down, out of our faces, or depressed and hungover to rise up and and change anything in this World. Everyone is grinding during the week and then pissed up at the weekend watching the game or something. Like I say Ive done it myself , it makes you feel truly awful afterwards. Being completely honest the biggest mistakes I have made in my own life have been when I have been drunk, I couldn’t have cared less about Worldly issues or the environment when I was getting drunk every weekend weekend.

The health issues caused by alcohol are there for all to see and of course the main one is the destruction of the liver, one of the most important organs in the body to maintain good health. It helps to purify and detoxify the body of harmful toxins and substances. A fully functioning liver is essential to human health. Alcohol is also a thief of nutrients, people diets in general are already very poor with little to no nutrition, and whatever nutrition they are getting then gets obliterated by alcohol. Clearly drinking makes us feel worse afterwards as the body recovers from being literally poisoned (theres a lot of truth in that question whats your poison?!). For days this can linger, hardly something that makes a person want to go out and do anything positive in the World.

Alcohol is the worst drug out there, certainly worse than most other narcotics and certainly 100% more harmful than cannabis! How many incidents of violence or vandalism are based around somebody who was smoking a joint in their living room? How much damage to property? How many people end up in A&E after getting high? Generally the worst thing that can happen to pot smokers is that they may get a little paranoid or get the munchies and pig out on a load of junk food! Far far less destructive yet one is legal and the other is not? I'm not advocating cannabis either, there are negative side effects if you smoke it all the time, it can make people unmotivated and lazy, but comparing the two is like chalk and cheese in terms of the destruction of society. Just on the subject of cannabis the very notion of BANNING a plant in the first place is absolutely hilarious, like Nature could ever be banned or restricted by man! Just more BS we blindly accept as a society. People are destroying themselves and their lives getting wasted, and that suits the government just fine because whilst we are destroying ourselves we are not destroying the system that puts us in such a mindset whereby we need alcohol to actually escape our reality.

Look at the extent alcohol is advertised and glorified! TV adverts, football shirt sponsors where children watch their favorite players running around with Calsberg or Carling emblazed across their shirts and so are conditioned from an early age so the cycle continues. Its even promoted in the Olympic games (surely such an event should be promoting things that are good for health?). Lets get this straight alcohol is a HARD drug and should be viewed as such, lets start calling things as they are, a chemical induced drug that dumbs down the population and destroys their mind, bodies, and spirits (again is it just a coincidence that they are called ‘spirits’ either!)

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TV is a drug, sugar is a drug, all these things we have been told to accept and embrace that we have accepted as normal are stealing and ruining our futures and those of generations to come. Yet try being the only one not drinking in any kind of social engagement and people look at you like you are an absolute freak of Nature! People cannot fathom that, God forbid, you might not want to poison yourself! They also just can’t seem to have a good time without it, its become an addiction for many, a bad habit that they can’t, or don’t even want to break. It’s a huge issue again that holds us back as a species and prevents us from becoming the best version of ourselves. I wonder how many more lives need to be wrecked before the penny actually drops that this stuff needs to go. Certainly if we are serious about moving forward as a species then it must go. I pretty much live by the rule these days that if something was actually good for us then they wouldn’t let us have it, and anything that is heavily advertised needs to be avoided like the plague! All this promotion of alcohol ,when was the last time you saw an advert on TV promoting good healthy organic food, or a water distiller, or anything else TRULY beneficial to our general well being? No its all Heineken, KFC, Coca Cola and people just LOVE it, the more junk the better. Eating and drinking crap to fill the void in their lives. Harsh maybe but I think if we’re being honest with ourselves then this statement is quite accurate. It comes back again to self love, a person or society that loves itself does not self destruct and poison itself. Instead it looks after its health first and foremost rejecting toxins and poisons.

Its interesting when you actually sit and think about it how alcohol is associated with every kind of event in our lives. Weddings? Get drunk. Funerals? Get drunk. Birthdays? Get drunk? Weekend? Get drunk. The list goes on. Its become an addiction in society, not just in one Country but the World over, the irony is that we are PAYING to poison ourselves. Think about that for a minute, does that sound like sanity to you? God I wish I could claw back all the money I spent poisoning myself over the years, I could probably go on several nice holidays! Like I say Ive been no angel, I just opened my eyes and can now see it for what it is, something that inadvertently steals our freedoms by making us a much less functioning society.

Love, care, courage

Tony Sayers


I perfectly understand your point, and part of the fact that weed is not legal is only because to this day we are still battling against 100 years worth of ideas ingrained in society , even more damaging are just those notions we can not rid from only 60 years ago .

I tend to mind my own business and if you don't want to drink good for you, but if I like to drink then I will the rules are simple for me I do not affect any other person with my actions and leave them be , I expect the same from others.

As everything these days we have the ability to convert it into a drug regardless of what it is, no wonder you have shit movies like fifty shades of grey , that is someones drug whether they drink or not .

Now that same person we say drink, and from my point of view if they watch that and think it is the greatest thing ever most likely have suppressed tendencies , assuming the general population who only care for missionary.

So now they drink and we will say it is a dude because obvious. He gets ideas and the wifey does not like those ideas much. He is drunk and not able to impose common sense . You can guess what is next.

Now although alcohol is socially acceptable and mostly encouraged where something like smoking may not even be advertised , that barely is the problem.

People are the problem , people and all their feelings, wants and false needs. You can remove alcohol and next week they will drink cow piss if it works. Yes you are perfectly correct about alcohol but you did not account for what a wretched society we are in general , alcohol is just the excuse.

-- this is my personal opinion although in rant form and although you may not agree with my spur of the moment view, this will remain my view within context--

I get your point, its very much a double edged sword. Yes we can be wretched but then the alcohol kind of magnifies our worst parts!

I was Dry for just over 2 years, during that time people would often comment that I was spying on them, I actually took to non alcoholic beers just so people would stop thinking that I wasn't drinking! It is only when you are the sober on in the room that you realize how destructive drink is. We will go through so many dangerous situations when drunk and not even bat an eyelid.

Thanks for posting!

Every bad move I have mad in my life was when I was drunk!

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