Vision Quest to Nuka Bay... "No Man's Land" along the Gulf of Alaska

in #alaska7 years ago

I was just going to post a one-line caption for this photo of Nuka Passage along the Gulf of Alaska.

This is one of the most incredible gems of Earth's paradise that I have to share with the world. I kept this place and other paradise destinations like it secret for many years until systematically, one after the other was destroyed. Over the decades we realized that by sharing these places with people who care, mysteriously they are spared.

I am not asking anything in regard to this post. I am delivering as I promised one of the most incredible treasures on Earth- not just the place, the incredible and dynamic geologic conditions and forces at work, but the Dream, the Ideal of living simple, wild and free in the wilderness. More than 20 years I struggled in Alaska to find such a place and many years before that. Then, in 1992, I found this place on a map. The map was owned by a Map Maker, a "Cartographer" named James Barnes. He was the president of a company that did map work all over Alaska for the largest clients like the Native Corporations, British Petroleum, and Alaska Magazine, Alaska Railroad and Alaska Airlines.

He hired me right out of Lake Superior College in Minnesota where I graduated with a Drafting and Design Diploma from the Tech School there just as it evolved into a full-fledged college. Great place to go to school.

However, "Nature is the best teacher.", and even though my boss, JB and I got along well, he wanted for me something beyond what even the best money and work can provide. He wanted for me what he had experienced in his early years exploring America's Last Frontier, "The Greatland". Ahh... the dreams and ideals that passed through millions of young men's minds- and women too, but not your ordinary women or ordinary men.

Much like Hawaii, known to be the furthest and remote place on Earth from any other land mass, Alaska is at the very end of the road on a penninsula of the northwesternmost corner and tip of the North American Continent.

As a map-maker and lifelong adventurer, I can give you a multi-million dollar secret known only to those who spend a lifetime searching for and discovering such Treasures of Life- Nature in all her glory, off the beaten path, facing Her on Her terms...

Anywhere off the beaten path will do. "The beaten path is for the beaten man." -an old saying that holds millions hostage inside their small, square, dark, expensive, toxic boxes, while the whole spectrum of Nature awaits for her children of humanity to come outside and PLAY!

Humans have been enslaved for thousands of years. Three hundred years ago there was an awakening, a spark of human intelligence and free-thought ushered-in by the Greeks and enforced by such Warrior-Spirits as the Spartans. Then came the World Wars to try and extinguish that Free Spirit. Then came the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the War on Drugs, the Environment and now illusionary Terrorism.

The real Terrorism is in the hearts and minds of men, women and children who have not been able to be or do or give or receive EXPLORE - DISCOVER - and SHARE why they are here.

The Printing Press helped, then Radio, TV, Cable, Theaters and the Internet, then Smart Phones and Now SteemIt!

I am feeling that humanity may have a chance after all.

This photo of Brown Mountain at the end of Nuka Passage, between Nuka Island and the main land mass of Southcentral, Alaska is a place not for the faint of heart, but for those who are willing and ready to risk EVERYTHING to see it, to feel it, to smell the fragrance of the purest blend of glacier, rainforest and salty-ocean air...

Ahh... my heart and Soul long to return to this Magikal Place. I am assembling photos, video and story to remember the gems of adventure we experienced there. I realize that I too may never see it again in person. Perhaps four trips was enough. However, if I had a million dollars and a capable group of people, then THIS is the place I will guide them.

One of the most epic Vision Quests this Earth has to offer is waiting for those of you and I who dare or care to face fear to fulfill that deepest desire... of ever-deepening connection to the Source... to Nature and to the Force.

There, here, now and then the Way of the Shaman - JEDI - and Spiritual Warrior is employed to live life to the fullest in urbran, rural and remote environments.

Yet this place is calling... a Journey to Nuka Bay- a Vision Quest to Petrof.

I want to do a reconnaissance trip there with up to seven people in March. I have never seen the place in the winter. The fury of the North Pacific Ocean in October through February is ferocious and deadly. Even the nicest, warm sun-shiny day in the middle of the summer can turn dark, cold, rainy and windy in minutes! And it does. I was caught there once in 2001 by a giant storm rolling-in off the Gulf of Alaska. I barely made it out of there alive.

The place calls to me like a moth to a flame. The Call of the Wild has been heralding me into the wilderness of this world since 1971, from one extreme adventure to the next.

As a form of gratitude to SteemIt and all the Steemians of CyberSpace and 3D Reality, I invite you to explore America's Last Frontier... and discover beauty and grandeur beyond comprehension... a Sacred Journey into the Heart of Nature to connect with the Soul who so much yearns to run free!

There or here, the beauty is all around us, and the mysterious Life Force flows through all things.

Like the blind guy in Star Wars Rogue One said, "I am One with the Force. The Force is in me." which is a mantra that is important to know when facing giant bears, moose, wolves, darkness, cold, snow, glacial crevasses, ominous cliffs, rogue waves and calving glaciers.

All my life I have been yearning not just to explore deeper into Nature and Human Inner Nature... but to somehow share the Beauty - Mystery - Wildness - Wisdom - and Magik of these places and experiences with others- especially those who may not ever get to see, hear, smell, taste or touch it!

Photos - Stories - and Video help and then there are what is known as a Shaman Journey wherein an adept and experienced Shaman, who is careful and knows how to keep from losing people and is able to bring them back, may guide you and I there on the "Inner Planes" of Consciousness.

A Shaman Journey on the Inner Planes of Consciousness is one of the most glorious and important of all of Life's Experiences. Both together, the actual time in Nature and then experiencing this world and others on the Astral Plane are all pre-requisite for Soul Travel. Soul Travel is beyond conventional comprehension, Astral Travel or even the Matrix of Nature. Soul Travel is what creates Nature. And Soul Travel is always available to everyone all the time.

The final state of human development is the famed Merkaba, or "Spirit-Light-Body". The Merkaba is a Vehicle of Ascension that has no limits of time, space, distance or resources.

My vision and goal and underlying reason for sharing this with you now is for me to remember... to Awaken and to cultivate this Awareness, Understanding and Application of Soul-based wisdom for three specific purposes:

1- Fun! and for the sake of pure adventure free of time and limitation, rules, laws or obligations.
2- Creating a Light Center and Light Facility there and in Hawaii that serves as a Retreat Center and Movie-set for showcasing the beauty of Nature and the wisdom of people- one EcoVillage after the other giving people everything they want and need so they can be free... free to do and give and receive who and what they were born to be.

Each human has a design and purpose, a function and skill- a piece of the puzzle and Matrix of Nature and Society that must be expressed and fulfilled. These Alaska Hawaii Adventures, Stewardship Projects and Production are for more than just Freedom, Fun and Fulfillment. The overall purpose is pure joy. The next priority is "Serving as a catalyst in the uplifting of humankind, through the establishment of an enlightened global economy and sustainable ecological system that creates rather than destroys." -since 1991

All of this and more is possible through Focus - Passion - and Action! Imagination and Intuition are PARAMOUNT to independence and abundance- real freedom.

There is also the necessity of a "Radical Child's Trust" to embark upon this Journey to Alaska or Hawaii. And the Life Force reminds me all the time and directs me to share with you here and now greater wisdom than anything written so far....

"There is only ONE THING that you must have in order to succeed on all levels... a child's trust." -so says the Force.

This includes not needing to trust ANYONE or ANYTHING. All that is necessary is a child's trust. But there is always more that can be done. The Search & Rescue International Light Centers that I want all of us to build, live at, enjoy, share and profit substantially from are much more than all of this- much more than can be conveyed in words. What I am really wanting to share and to say and to do, to give, receive and be can only be experienced.

All these words help, though, and so do the pictures, but I am ready to embark again upon another epic Alaska Wilderness Filming Adventure. You are invited! Staff, Crew, Sponsors, Writers, Guides, Builders, Organizers, and a core team of Eight to steer and manage it all.

My job is as Executive Producer- making sure the film is epic, on-time and under budget. We can produce this with no investment whatsoever, just Indigenous style with whatever we have at the time including now.

"One good idea," said Napolean Hill in his book, 'Think and Grow Rich", carries more weight than all of the men, machinery and processes of a century." So, this idea, that of a Light Center, a Facility- many of them in Alaska, Hawaii and around the world, are base camps for adventure into the Wild! They are places to rest, relax, meditate, tune-in, enjoy silence and enjoy a form of lifestyle that most humans have not known since before the Great Fall.

Since the Great Fall, thousands of years ago, humans have been enslaved by darkness, fear, war, disease, poverty, destruction and death. I am here to change all of that, and I know how. I have the experience. And I do not need your help. You do not need mine.

However, greater than any endeavor on the part of People - Nature - or Great Spirit is when the three of us work together. Somehow I want to give to this Network, SteemIt and the worldwide web, a gift of an idea- one born of eons of war, trial and error... suffering and despair... a new reason to wake up in the morning, to be excited and to CARE.

Spirit - Nature - Self - and All as One, a form of logical duality (Self and Source) and the so-called Holy Trinity that is the Reality of these challenges and opportunity facing Nature, You and Me.

These Vision Quests to Alaska and Hawaii are rooted in the Earth and Intuition, your own internal guidance system... the same one that led you to read this. The adventure itself and way of life or building or running a Light Center, traveling the world and making a difference is not for everyone, but it is the only thing for some of us.

This is a call to action for the Life Force, Earth Mother and all our Relations to rise to this occasion. I call upon you to form a core Team of People, a revolving group of insightful, motivated and adventurous Souls to embark with me upon this expedition into Alaska wild- and in the enchanted paradise land of Fire and Ice known as Hawaii!

Both are mystical, magikal, wonderful, powerful places. Very few, almost NO ONE really understands what this opportunity means unless they have experienced it. But your inner knower knows, and your Intuition knows everything and what to do next even if you do not.

This adventure, way of life and cause... that of creating and establishing Light Center here, there and everywhere is something that each of us can benefit from and that does not require ANY expenditure from people except there awareness, interest or intention.

Magik Formula: "Intention + Attention = Completion"

90% Fun = 10% Service = 1000% Profit

I am calling upon Nature, People and the Great Mystery to assist me in the manifestation of Light Centers in the following locations including those where YOU most want to LIVE, WORK, PLAY and co-create Reality with Spirit, Nature and I. No religion, beliefs of faith required. However, sometime between now and the afterlife, a child's trust is highly recommended- all the time. The Earth is a dangerous, difficult place ravaged by war, exploitation and pollution. There a ways to heal the land and water, the animals, plants, trees and people.

Education - Ecology - and Economy are key to sustainablity. Agriculture - Media - and Manufacturing more specifically.

Exploring, Discovering and Sharing the beauty, mystery, wildness and wisdom is only the beginning. What comes next, and is important now and enroute to the ultimate is YOUR wisdom, your dreams, ideas, plans and goals.

What is YOUR mission? What is YOUR vision?

Mine is in part to build EcoVillages and to document the process from beginning. Or, that WAS my role for the last 20 Years. Now I am inspired to share this Vision and Dream so that others can experience Nature and Spirit on their OWN terms and in their own way.

"No man is an island." "No woman is an island." We are all in this together, on this little tiny spaceship called Earth. We all need Shelter - Water - Warmth - Love and Food. We all need purpose, a mission or something to do. Many of us want to be part of something bigger- a SOLUTION to something- a catalyst and support of something epic and successful.

Many of us are experiencing this with SteemIt and other miracles of BlockChain Technology, Cryptocurrency and Freedom from centralized governments and control. Yet Freedom is not Free.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -said an American President

And once there is freedom, there must be a way to sustain enthusiasm and joy. EcoVillage Life is one way that this may be experienced.

Imagine living wild and free, simply and sustainbly, holistically and in a GENERATIVE way. Imagine generating interest and support, enthusiasm and action for your own land in Nature, in the wilderness of Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand or Africa- the wilderness areas of Asia, Europe or South America! I am not referring to being a tourist or a visitor to these places. I am talking about being an Ambassador of the Earth, highly trained, ultra-conscious as part of a Team that is much more capable as a Team than any one individual. Yet, each individual has their freedom and prosperity, privacy and creativity, alone space and tribal family.

This is all more than just a good idea... This is our Destiny.

The days grow short for my willingness to be inside on a computer. Between your genius and mine, we can create a way to live, work and play that is the best of both worlds, Nature and Society.

A core Team of Eight with Revolving Leadership. We demonstrate personal and organizational self-sufficiency and the much more highly efficient synergy that comes from collaboration on a common vision.

My vision is and has been for two decades, "Seeing people living the life and doing the work they love and earning a decent living sharing the highlights with the rest of us."

The MISSION is Paradise. The purpose is being a catalyst in the uplifting of humanind and the establishment of an enlightened global society and sustainable ecological system that creates rather than destroys."

You have your chose of doing any, none or all of the following:

Number 1 "Just be."
Number 2: Inquire within: "What is my purpose?" and as often as is necessary, "What is best to do now?"
Number 3: Imagination - Intuition - and Creativity

Communication and Collaboration: Adventure Stewardship and Production...

Higher Education - Ecological Stewardship - and Documentary Production:

"Making Movies Making Money Making a Difference!"

Alaska - Hawaii - and around the world...

So be it. Aho.

Earlier: "So, this is a momento to a place that was and is still among the greatest places on Earth. I traveled the world over to find something as grand and dynamic as this rare and precious place called Nuka Bay.

There is land there, along this coast between the ocean and a large glacier-made lake. Miles long the lake is yet only one mile through the moss-covered forest.

Most will never see this place. Mother Nature Her Self asked me to bring this to People. The mountains, oceans, forest, field, lake and stream all blend together into one landscape of perpetual snow and ice, jagged peaks, massive and endless snowfield..."

Tentative and Definite Dates:

Spring Equinox of 2018 week of March 22nd / Summer Solstice June 22nd to July 10th / Fall Equinox September 17th to the 26th / and Winter Solstice December 17th to New Year's Eve.

There is no formal sign-up or fee or schedule, yet. All of this is being offered to the Steemian Collective for review and activation. On my part, I invite and welcome a core team of eight to work together from wherever we are to plan the work and coordinate. The rewards are many including financial if there is someone on the team that can Market or sell the most incredible idea, adventure and way of life ever transformed into a major motion picture!

Standing by...

Alaska Airborne Ranger cmdr
501 c (3) founder and Secretary
Alaska Ha20171107_130513.jpgwaii Vision Quest GuideBest Brown Mtn Nuka Bay Petrof Windhover.jpg03.1 Petrof Lake ocean stream.jpg4b0adc_569e9a641e4244c79a1b823106a531c1.jpg


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