Air Conditioning Filter: Essential Part of Heating and Air Conditioning
The most crucial part of an air conditioning system is the filter. Your air conditioner system will be dirty without it and your air quality will suffer. To ensure that you get the best central air conditioning, all parts of the system, including the ductwork and the refrigerant, must be cleaned and replaced.
Air conditioner filters that are not cleaned regularly can cause higher energy bills and shorter life expectancy.
Equipment life is extended because all air conditioner parts depend on each other. Each component must work together. Your heating and cooling won't be as efficient, so you will need to spend more on air conditioning repair and maintenance.
Air conditioning filters should be replaced every month for home systems, or every two years for commercial and industrial units. They are used almost 24 hours per day, 7 days a semaine. This will ensure your family's health and a running cool air conditioner system. Even if dust particles are visible, it is not necessary to clean the filter.
There are many air conditioning filters available. The speed at which one becomes blocked depends on the brand. Most air conditioning filters measure 1 1/2 to 2 feet for every ton of cooling capacity.
MERV ratings - Minimum Efficiency Rating Value - are a way to judge a filter's cleaning ability. These ratings indicate how efficient an air conditioner filter is, and range from 1-12. Higher ratings mean that the filter is more efficient at removing allergens such as pollen, animal dander, mold, and dust. This will protect your air conditioner equipment. Air conditioning filters can filter out particles as small as 3-10 microns.
These are the most common types of air conditioner filters:
Disposable fiberglass disposable filters (1") and (2): These are very common in homes, small-sized industrial air conditioners, and commercial air conditioning systems. The filters are disposable and trap dust. You should not clean them. You could damage the adhesive coating or the mesh work and reduce the filter's ability remove particles. They are not as efficient as other types of filters, even though they cost less.
Pleated fiberglass disposable filters (1") and (2"): These are used in many commercial and residential settings. They are made from materials that vary in effectiveness. They are usually more densely woven to remove dirt. They have a greater surface area than conventional filters, which can lead to higher trapping of particles. These filters must be chosen for your air conditioning system. Otherwise, this could increase the demand on your air conditioner components. A mismatch could be detrimental to the system's health and cause higher maintenance costs and increased service costs. Check with your air conditioner manufacturer to determine the right type of pleated filter. After drying and cleaning the air conditioner filter, a filter spray can be used.
Electrostatic filters are different in design and performance. It is difficult to choose the best one. These filters are often advertised as being allergy-free. They are also available in 1" and 2". The static charge is created when air passes through the filter and collects dust. They might require more cleaning or more power.
Electronic filters: These filters are usually connected to an electric power source and wall mounted. They come with a prefilter that can capture larger particles and need to be cleaned only every six months.