eIOTA Airdrop Round 2
eIOTA Airdrop Round 2
eIOTA is a tokenised IOTA on the Ethereum Blockchain
Maximum Supply: 2,779,530,283,277,761 (Similar to IOTA)
Only 1 airdrop per person, if duplicates are found the person will be disqualified from this airdrop
How many eIOTA tokens you will receive in airdrop round 2 will depend on how many eIOTA tokens are there in your wallet:
30,000 eIOTA and below = 10% bonus of what you have
30,000 - 49,999 eIOTA = 25% bonus of what you have
50,000 - 79,999 eIOTA = 55% bonus of what you have
80,000 - 99,999 eIOTA = 115% bonus of what you have
100,000 eIOTA and above = 250% bonus of what you have