100 Vendex Exchage VEND l MoxyOne l 10 CoinHolic COH Airdrop
Before starting the airdrop, I’ve a request. Please follow me and upvote & resteem for more airdrops because I’m getting bandwidth restrictions.
#Airdrop #Free #Token #Coin #Bitcoin #Crypto #ETH #Vendex #VEND #MoxyOne #CoinHolic #COH
Note – Always use ERC20 ETH address on airdrops. Do not use exchange ETH address.
AltCoin Exchange to Buy & Sell Tokens - https://goo.gl/U5es5t
Best Cryptocurrecy Exchange - https://goo.gl/qoDRD3 (Lower trading fee and & exchange which is unique in the fact that the platform shares 50% of revenues with the token holders)
Get 0.001 LTC Just for signup - https://goo.gl/7JG64m
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