Few fast easy airdrops today!
First if you wanna join more airdrops join my telegram airdrop group https://t.me/freemoneyairdrops ! I am not posting many airdrops here anymore.
1st.: 36 EST tokens in chinesse but simple, 20s!
1. Click: http://candy.168.io/candies/index.html?c=EST&p=/d7b91809587b4617880ae878d6f7d840
2. Page 1 give ETH wallet
3. Second page under 1. is Telegram join and under 2. is code copy and paste in chat
2nd.: Up to 150 McFly tokens 20-35s depends if you skip some step or not.
1. Click link: https://telegram.me/McFlyAeroBot?start=rel_7WIZWL and do simple steps with bot.
3rd.: 20 WKR tokens, 20s!
1. Aidrop link: https://earn.workcoin.net?kid=NCD21
2. After you fill form you get the Telegram group link or https://t.me/workcoin
4th.: 500 IFOOD tokens, 20s!
1. Click link:
2. Join their Telegram: https://t.me/ifoodschainCN
3. Paste code you got in chat
5th.: 70GAC tokens, 20s!
1. Chat with bot do simple tasks: https://t.me/GladAgebot?start=456697458
6th.: 2 WAVES AIRDROP 60s!
1. All explained in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSVzFT2ZeboIWYcU6vx57DOLJn2QTwdIztLkosMiCPy5d5xQ/viewform
7th.: 35 SOUND tokens, 30s!
1. Click link and follow simple instructions: http://www.coinclub.global/airdrop/mUf59T6fmJ3yGJe5TL1R
Last today: 20 EOC, 20s!
1. Click link: https://airdrop.eoschain.co/r/079178
2. Write both Telegram and Twitter usernames without @!
Have a nice day and Massive profits :)