🎁 Airdrop - PIGGIE coin 🎁 earn $piggies / gana $piggies!
🎁 https://t.me/DiversiCripto/162 🎁
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There are only 2 votes left for the #airdrop of $piggie coin, a PoS and Masternode cryptocurrency, to begin.
💰 Generate passive income by saving $piggie on your wallet! Don’t you have it yet? 👉🏻 https://mypiggiesbank.com/
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Solo quedan 2 votos para que comience el #airdrop de $piggie coin, una criptomoneda PoS y Masternode.
💰 ¡Genera ingresos pasivos ahorrando $piggie en tu cartera! ¿Aún no lo tienes? 👉🏻 https://mypiggiesbank.com/
📊 Disponible en CoinGecko y CoinMarketCap, donde puedes ver el precio y la información del mercado.
📊 Available on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap where you can see the price and market information.
💎 Enlaces/Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mypiggiesbank
Discord: https://discord.gg/W9zYUewDwv
Canal de Telegram: https://t.me/mypiggiesbank