Kingcasino Airdrop Round 2 || Reward: Up to 20 KCT [$36] + 2.5 KCT [$4.5] per referral
🔵 Kingcasino (KCT) Token Airdrop (ROUND 2)
💲 Reward: Up to 20 KCT [$36] + 2.5 KCT [$4.5] per referral
✔️ KCT token is IEO on Latoken & p2pb2b Exchange
➡️ Start bot :
🔸 Register on their website(Mandatory: 4 KCT)
🔸 Join their Telegram group and channel (Mandatory: 4 KCT)
🔸 Do the other optional tasks on the bot. (Up to 12 KCT)
🔸 Submit your details to the airdrop bot.
🔴 Airdrop rewards will be distributed to your ETH wallet until the end of August, 2020.