Bitget LiquidSwap LSD Social Giveaway
To participate, follow these simple steps:
- Follow Bitget and Pontem Liquidswap on X: Follow Bitget and Pontem Liquidswap on your preferred social media platform.
- Repost/Quote the Giveaway Post with Hashtag #LSDlistBitget and Tag Your Friends: Repost or quote the giveaway post and include the hashtag #LSDlistBitget along with tagging your friends.
- Sign Up and Deposit/Trade Any Amount of LSD on Bitget: Register on Bitget and complete a deposit/trade using LSD.
- Fill Out the Form in the Giveaway Post: Fill out the required form in the giveaway post :
Prize Details:
- 500 Qualified Users will be Randomly Selected to Equally Share the Prize Pool
Promotion Period : July 29th, 11:00 - August 8th, 11:00 (UTC)
Are you ready to win some amazing prizes? Join the Bitget Social Giveaway now!