#AIR-CLINIC WRITING CONTEST #12: Drug Abuse; A Youth Destiny Killer
Simply put, a drug is any substance which when inhaled, injected, smoked, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a temporary physiological change in the body.
When you use legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t or using of a drug for nontherapeutic effect can be said to be drug abuse. Taking drugs out of it recommendation or prescription can also be termed as drug abuse. You may abuse drugs to feel good, ease stress, or avoid reality just like a good number of teenagers do, but when you indulge in a particular drug or pill after it purpose might have been met, for some reasons you may be abusing that drug.
This with time leads to addiction where you can’t stop. That urge to get and use drugs can fill up every minute of the day, even if you want to quit.
Drug abuse can hurt the people around you e.g families, kids, friends,and babies who aren't yet born. It can also have a bad effect of the brain and body.
below are some of the problems caused by abusing drugs:
Fighting in public
Public misconduct
Trouble at work or school
Issues in relationships
Child abuse or neglect
One of the cardinal factors is to the rapid increase in drug indulgence peer pressure. This does not only apply to the youth only, peer pressure is simply the pressure experienced by a group of people or a code of conduct set by a group of persons. This could be at work place, schools, market, offices, villages etc. It is also the feeling of trying to be like the next person regardless of whether they are right or not.
Majority of teens use drugs because their friends use them. They feel out of place or inferior not taking drug that their friends take. The issue of pressure can be curtailed with the proper awareness on the long lasting effect of drugs. The youth must be taught how to say NO to things that doesn't appeal to them or anything forced on them by their peers.
The family too have a big role to play here by informing their wards about the futuristic effect of drugs. Since families are the bedrock of every society much could be achieved in putting a hold to drug abuse by proper orientation and proper upbringing in the family settings.
#AIR-CLINIC Discord group https://discord.gg/rqded5m
Author: @kattiee