in #air-clinic7 years ago

I shall strive to be honest. Our thoughts are a product of our society, religion and culture. So that my views on abortion years ago - heavily influenced by my parents who were my source of information, and my religion which I wore like a pacemaker - would not in any way remain as it used to be. It is expected to have metamorphosed just as much as my cultural views have.

Culture influences our pattern of thought. The west upholds the status of abortion while her African counterpart, to which I belong, criminalizes it.
abortion 2.jpg

Prior to my university years, l would think of abortion as a taboo. How could one who did not create life, decide to terminate it? It was for me, diabolic, and any woman that conceived the thought, I wished ill luckarbortion3.jpg

There couldn't be any excuse for cold murder!
My thoughts were defined then by my religious and cultural knowledge.

Now, as an adult, I am better equipped to give an informed thought.

In Effect, Abortion is NOT diabolic If we considered some medical indications and social situations necessitating most abortions.

In medical discretion, some conditions may necessitate an abortion if the mother is to stay ALIVE!abortion1.jpg

Also, not all pregnancies are planned nor desired; some are accidents, products of rape. It would be traumatising, a breech of a woman's reproductive right to carry a pregnancy fathered by a rapistrape3.jpg

If such babies survived, they may not benefit from motherly care. Uncivilized, they turn out the unwanted ones in the society and make even worse rapists of themselves and we have a catastrophic chain reaction that could have been nipped in the bud.

There are still many teenage girls who would undergo unsafe abortions every year in Nigeria whether we approve of it or not, and run the risk of either dying or becoming infertile the rest of their lives.
maternal death.jpg all image sources from

These girls would have a chance to better health care if abortion were legalized.
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