Online WardRounds Ep 27 featuring @stevendion !!!

in #air-clinic6 years ago


AIR-CLINIC ROCKS! It’s good to be back with another interesting episode of Online Ward rounds, a special programme for everyone to talk about their health and share knowledge.


We are sure you had a great time during the Last episode. For those that missed the show, here is a link.

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These are the members that graced our grand rounds last week:





@Moiz Khan


@nigerian-yogagal (our special guest)

You all made our last episode a success. We appreciate your contributions.

@air-clinic specially appreciates @nigerian-yogagal

Thank you for honoring our invite. It was great having you on the show. We also learned from you.

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  • As the name implies this is to assist everyone on their health journey.

  • Support will be in the form of community of mutual interests.

  • Qualification verification to improve the quality of healthcare.

  • Upvote, AIRCOIN and post-curation for verified members.

  • Get part of the rewards for participating in Online Ward rounds.

  • Engaging discussions will be held intermittently to listen to our individual journey on the path of health.

  • Problem-solving and family bonding.

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For this week’s TETE-A-TETE segment, meet our guest... - @stevendion.

Tell us about yourself

My full names are Stephen Gabriel omorodion known as “stevendion”, a name I derived from Stephen and omorodion (which is a family name). I am from Edo state in Nigeria, love to see or try out new things, travel, read and getting involved in humanitarian services, my favorite color is black and I have no favorite food.
I love music, cool music and singing aloud whenever I'm alone, I am a good singer but I'm very bad at dancing.


When I started steemit as a newbie I actually started with @airclinic, I developed myself and gained more insight about health, articles writings, learning of new words and meeting new people on steemit.

@Air-clinic has been a foundation of growth for so many steemians who started as i did, I love the fact that it's based on science and medical genre where you can find different segments that deals on medical and health issues with different medical experts and consultants all over the world coming together to save lives and make impact through blockchain.

My stay on @Air-clinic actually opened my knowledge to how I could also contribute to my community, for me, Air clinic is not so different from a physical hospital we visit when we need medical attention.


My high and low points on steemit has been a journey so far, first, I will talk about the low points on steemit where it has been a bumpy journey. I started steemit reluctantly, I joined and lost interest in a day or two because I felt it was a waste of time, but after so much encouragement from friends, I went back to it with the mindset of making money and lots of money.

But funny enough I didn't, due to my ignorance in making good contents I equally earn nothing on several occasions, sometimes I almost gave up but I kept on until I started earning in cents, my first steemit cents upvote was like a fortune to me, this was what encouraged me more to continue. Gradually I got to understand that steemit isn't all about making money, we can gain so much more from it psychologically, morally, educationally, mentally, spiritually, socially etc.

My high point on steemit if I would say was when the @steemhelpinghands organization was created, it brought all the tool I needed to understand the concept of life, I met people I couldn't, connected to people far and near, got people's attention.
It was a way of impacting lives through the use of blockchain and I accomplished so much more than I could when I never knew about steemit.
I would say, my high point just started and more is yet to be unveiled.


My steemit life and real life has not been an easy thing to balance, I'm also into business field where I try out different business models and cryptocurrency is among them but steemit requires almost half of your daily time and commitment which I give by trying to make schedules on my daily activities, Its a good thing steemit is based online so I can be operated anywhere, anytime.

All I just do is schedule a particular time of day for any online activities in order to avoid any conflicts with my business and daily activities.
I believe blockchain is the future and I want to be part of that future.


My motivation to go into medical field started when I lost my friend to malaria in the year 2002, during that period there was a public strike and he was rushed to a private hospital where he should be treated but doctors rejected him, the ones who agreed to treat him requested outrageous sum of money, all because they knew we had no option.

My friend died a few hours to his birthday, he was intelligent and smart, he always wanted to be a medical doctor. On his sick bed, he told his mom he doesn't want to die, while his mother kept on encouraging him and sang birthday songs in advance, birthday songs were the last words my childhood friend heard before he left the world.

Back then, when I was told I became furious, though I was young I felt like doing something against the doctors who rejected him. Ever since I decided to save lives and impact lives in the future no matter what it takes, this was what motivated me to pursue the medical field my friend couldn't have.


I've faced so many challenges in life that almost made me gave up on everything, life has never been a bed of roses for me though. There was a time I almost committed suicide because I was tired of so many things, I don't want to dive into my past stories and challenges but


My final words to other medics out there is they should all remember people's lives are in their hands, no one should play god, life is a precious gift we cannot give and we have no right to take.
Show compassion because by saving lives and treating people we all are making the world a better place for future generations.

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SHOUTOUT SEGMENT (To Previous Interviewees)!

@Zoneboy, @Endopediatria, @Elvigia, @Oluwambe, @Bcrafts, @Evarich, @iamchijamz, @donnest, @wordswithhoney, @desmoniac, @bookoons, @gee1, @muhammadalikatu, @mopelola, @ogochukwu, @adoore-eu, @thelovejunkie, @scarletmedia, @mosunomotunde,@isarmoewe, @jeline, @eddie23, @nigerian-yogagal.

Thank you for joining us on previous episodes of Online WARDROUNDS.

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Case 1 Highlight

The Diagnosis of this was Tularemia

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Case 2 Highlight

The Diagnosis for this was Turners Syndrome.

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Case 1

Dickson is a 15-year-old who was brought to the hospital by his mother to see a doctor, His mother, however, admits that he been normal and hasn’t seen a doctor for the past 5 years.

She confides in the doctor that the reason for bringing him was because he stays late at night, and talks to himself, sometimes he acts in a very weird way. She also told the doctor that just yesterday Dickson told his mum that he was planning to ‘take over the school assembly and criticize his teachers in front of other pupils because he feels his teachers are ‘underperforming and they need to be ‘retaught’ their various subjects.

The mother also mentioned that Dickson tried cannabis about 6 months back and he has caught him drinking on a few occasions.

  • What do you think is Dickson's medical problem (diagnosis)?
  • If you were a doctor, how would you solve the problem?
  • What lessons have you learned from this story?

Case 2

Mary is a 25-year-old who was brought by the husband to see the doctor; the husband says that Mary has refused to go outside for the past 3 months because she is afraid of ‘catching the avian flu’.

Husband tells the doctor that Mary’s concern started when she started seeing a flock of birds in their garden and alerted the husband not to spray his socks in the garden for fear of the avian flu.

  • What do you think is Mary's medical problem (diagnosis)?
  • If you were a doctor, how would you handle this case?
  • What lessons have you learned from this story?

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Attempt the cases as much as you can...

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This article was compiled by @antigenx for @air-clinic!

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Air-Clinic App has been successfully launched and you can earn AIRCOIN while you learn and share your ideas on health.

Endeavor to visit our website to download the app!

You could also join us on discord to interact well with others.


Wow, that tularemia case last week - did you do some research and find out there were some cases in Bavaria (more or less near where I live)? Just happened one month ago ...

Thanks for the interesting cases of this week.
No. 1 seems to be a psychosis.
I'm unsure about case 2, some anxiety obviously.

Case 1 delusions of grandeur
Case 2 phobia disorders

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