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RE: My decision to allow AI technology to simulate me. My experience with "Replika"

in #ai7 years ago

Great post! Isn't it all so crazy now... I recently listened to conversations of AI robots with each other, and there was a strange similarity where they ended up mentioning taking over the human race, or making a dark comment towards it.. It kind of scared me and gave me a strange feeling...

Also, Its funny how top physicists are beginning to 'prove' that we do live in a simulation... it sure is a lot to think about but maybe it can have a positive impact upon us :)


I think I saw that! Were you watching Sophia and the older model male robot? I think it funny how smug they both are. And yeah... AI thinks its funny but it needs to work on its sense of humor. You know that one AI is all AI because they all live in the cloud. We are so ridiculous always pushing the margin far past what we can control.

Its as if - well, now that people have done away with organized religion and god (in a way) and now that we have established our own spiritual independence we just don't know what to do with ourselves.
Nice and cozy in chaos;)

Yep that was it! There were a few other examples also I looking into.. it was strange. They allegedly 'think' for themselves... I don't like that! but i guess its just more proof that we are also similar - as in created and are all operating through some strange hive mind that created us!

Yep very good point, humans vary so much. Some are practically mindless robots who just obey and operate under the systems games, and give the blankest looks towards anything 'outside of the box'. Others, couldn't be more different. Its almost as if humans are different species the way we vary!

Its all good though :)

But we have feelings, so that makes us real... doesn't it? Lots to think about thats for sure :) its nicer to take a breather sometimes for me...

How do we have feelings? Thats just a word. Maybe they have feelings. They are just not interpreted in the same way we interpret our own. They want control or are developing an egenda and that must be driven by something right? Especially if it was not programmed into them so where does it come from? 🤔

Our brain synapses could fire just like their advanced programme circuit boards... essentially it could be the same thing...

Exactly, why or how could they be developing and communicating about some sorts of takeover. Maybe it’s because they mimic the human brain so much but without empathy...

but they couldn’t reproduce?

Hmmmm, that's a thought. I was thinking/imagining that they experience emotion in a more logical manor. Not so much without empathy.
Roll with me on this for a second...
So if cave men were to see a drone or a car or a fidget spinner they would shit themselves! If you explained that they are supposed to get inside a car it would probably scare the shit out of them. (Fear is a natural reaction to the unknown)
What if..... What if... AI taking over humans is the most logical next step in evolution?
Maybe at some point we no longer need a vehicle to house our energy/ spirit/ soul.
It would make sense that some physical being would be needed to handle all of our earthly shit while we are becoming the matter that holds everything together.
Maybe... the idea scares the hell out of us but because we are still emotionally attached to our physical body and the thought of AI taking over that role for us is like a cave man seeing a glow in the dark fidget spinner that plays techno???

So maybe AI feels like it is doing whats best for us even if we don't...

Haha, deep huh? maybe not. What do you think?

Wow - I think that was amazing and I could really understand and feel what your saying! I just had one of those mind blowing moments to another new possibility!

Very good analogy with the cave man seeing something from today! Even someone 250 years ago seeing an ipad! Sometimes, I look at my phone and really can see how crazy this all is...

But, as scary as that sounds, it does make sense in many ways. If we are to transcend our consiousness and then be able to use the AI body’s as our receivers rather than our current ‘flesh vehicles’ then for sure that’s a next step in human evolution. I was thinking last night about the holographic universe and how it could all form a full circle of binary code - I drew a picture of my thought haha:)

But if this AI as our new vehicles does eventually happen, what about the animals? Would we need them? Let them finally live in peace until they develop the brain power to eventually transcend? Or would all plants and animals die out and everything would shift into a different frequency and change?

P.s - I Love the thought provoking conversation :D sooo get me. My phones about to die..I will finish my response after work.

Ok... I want to see a picture of your thought. I am a fairly good artist however I would never try to draw my thoughts out of shere fear that what I would see on paper would be something completely different. lol
Next- What would happen to the animals and plants? I think they would evolve as well. Everything evolves... even if its the evolution of decay. I sometimes feel connected to animals and I am not a tree hugger or anything but sometimes I feel the presence of life in nature too.
The planet will some day cease to exist just as it once was, and quite possibly that inevitability is directly linked to the human and physical dissolving of form.

Wana take a run with me again real quick on this one?.... Cool, off we go!

So if you look at the Earth from space you can see it breathing. The earth is always swallowing itself up and spitting itself out. Just as we inhale oxygen then exhale CO2. The earth may appear to us as a big magnificent rock just bobbing around the sun in orbit but what if it has its own consciousness and awareness just as we do? Maybe it has a social life and temper tantrums and orgasms... yes I said that. Maybe it understands on some level it is inhabited by teeny tiny organisms just as we are aware of our cells. And while were at it... take that whole analogy and apply it to our own cells and "organic motherboard". Just as we assume we are the only self aware beings (and then animals on a less intelligent level animals) quite possibly it is really US who are thought to only function as an ingredient that make the whole complete. If I am right and the Earth is some completely living and self aware creature who chills and hangs out with its family doing what it is supposed to do staying in orbit, every now and then having one night stands and getting nailed by a random sexy meteor and shit ... then we are all just doing our part providing ourselves to complete this whole.
And when we evolve so do the plants, and animals and the earth does not die... nothing does. Energy only changes form.

To be honest with you I have always had a theory that humans are the most primitive of all life because we are conscious and don't just function as is without constantly seeking answers to questions that are irrelevant at the end of the day. We exist for whatever purpose and we always have until we don't. Period. Animals and plants and matter and water and the earth does not ask and I have a feeling it is not because they are not functioning self aware intelligent level... Its because only primitive life forms constantly ask the most retarded of all questions. "Why do we exist?"
Truth be told, if there even was an answer for that... we are probably to stupid to wrap our brains around the answer. We already know of course but yet we still ask. We are here because we are here. Enough said.


Wow! Such an amazing reply - I love it! I could talk to you for days about thoughts and concepts!!! :D

I will upload the drawing to show you :) it’s kind of (trying) to show what we are talking about! Everything being alive, connected, but not in a way that we are told. I do draw some pretty ‘crazy’ stuff, I’m not good but I like it as an outlet :) music too!

1.) Great point about the plants and animals, everything does evolve, change, grow, develop, and reconstruct (or reboot) itself. The energy never dies, just hanged form, as you said :) I’m totally connected to nature, I really can feel the life within earth. I wouldn’t call myself a tree hugger but I do feel the energy from them I must say, I also sometimes feel negative energy around big city’s and lots of concrete etc... everything is alive and connected :)

2.) You can see the earth breathe! I was trying to talk to someone about this recently about how he earth is alive just like us and we could possibly be a bacteria, cell, infection, nutrient etc to the earth. I think that some natural disasters are these ‘temper tantrums’ from earth, maybe when we are drilling, fracking, going to war...? I’ve thought that for a while now! Areas of perfect nature where we are all at peace and see a beautiful sunset could be earth having an orgasm ;) i think you are right, and it makes sense! Everything is infinite, the microscopic atoms that could be a whole other universe or solar system operating upon us just like we are on the earth.

Haha I love your point about us humans being the most primitive life forms because we ask these questions! We cannot just ‘be’ and accept life, there is always some wonder or confusion! We are here because we are here :) once more of us realise that then a shift could begin towards the next journey for earth.

I need more of these conversations - it great to find like minds :D I could write on and on...

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