Artificial Intelligence - We Owe an Explanation

in #ai7 years ago

Upon being briefed on John Frank Weaver’s article “Artificial Intelligence Owes You an Explanation”, something felt amiss; not quite right; faulty… The article:

My beliefs on the subject fundamentally align with what Lord Jamar, Hip-hop legend and one-fifths member of the group Brand Nubian, states at the end of the video below; minute 6:00 - 7:05:

I concur with what Lord Jamar states. Humans can never create any robotic system or any-like of the sort as well as how we have been created by “God”, “Natural Creation”, “Elohim”, “The Creator”, or “evolution” if that’s what you want to call it. Because we as humans did not create ourselves, nor do we understand in totality the means by which we were created, scientifically speaking, how could we then create something greater than ourselves? We do not even understand the human brain in it’s full totality, and yet beyond the brain, we do not understand the spiritual nature of ourselves in totality, nor metaphysics, let alone physics, chemistry, and biology.

We can create systems and memory databases and know-how infrastructures that run on automatic, and we can run tests and experiments that can innovate and push boundaries, but we can do this in so far as we understand ourselves. And to understand ourselves fully is to reach utopia because then we can master all that is. I believe we will never reach that point in time. And religious and cultural traditions, for their own reasons, concur with this conclusion. The world will destruct before we reach such manifestations, by sheer human shortcomings, the foremost of which is greed.
Science I believe will never reach its utmost potential. It will reach great potential, but never it’s utmost because we will not be able to reach our utmost
Potential; we will only get close. We are not almighty God’s. We do not control the spontaneous events that happen day-to-day in life, and we never will be able to. This just is not how Earth’s experiment is set up.
We may cure cancer, we may fly cars, I even believe we may eventually be able to travel from London to Australia in less than 1 hour; we can create out of body experiences and near death experiences, we can go into outer space and reach horizons beyond Pluto if we so hope to; we can accomplish numerous amazing and incredible feats. Except for defining infinity. Except for being 100% completely aware of everything that does and “does not” exist. It will not be possible because we are innately limited in that capacity, and we are innately limited in that capacity for the sole underlying reason - we did not create ourselves. There is a greater working that we are only affected by, and we cannot effect it because it is much greater than we can even imagine. Hence why so many great thinkers go mad whence trying to challenge what it is that encompasses all that is (infinity; complete knowing). It is undefinable. It is only a feeling. It is larger than our scope to rationale and define. It is as fluid as energy & and as transient as rhythm. It is as awe-abounding as the limitless capacities of unseen parts of the cosmos abounding in the universe. And therefore, how can we create something more innovative than our own minds can fathom to understand, as far as invention and creation goes. We can channel through ourselves amazing epiphanies, and experiments, and innovations, but even through such wondrous channel, that will all still come through our minds and imaginations as humans, via the human experience; an experience limited in its capacity by that which is has not yet witnessed. Never the almighty’s level; never at nature’s magnificent level of natural intelligence.

Robots will not reach utopia for us. Unless an outside agency manipulates and assists in propelling it in some way; unless a divine hand comes into play. The same way we went from big foot to Homo sapiens, an outside factor from elsewhere manipulated the body’s workings - as in conscious manipulation occurred from outside of our own selves. Beyond indirect natural evolution, a direct outside agency factored in intelligibly. Colloquial speaking, evolution is shallow. The true story of creation is both creationism and evolution together. Just as how spirituality and science together will make us reach our realistically utmost possible potential that we can imagine. Our utmost-imaginable potential. “Utmost imaginable” still being short of 100% absoluteness due to innate short-comings within our experience on earth, as iterated above.

Knowledge and science in its essence is for the ability to “control” things. We cannot control our occurrences in life 100% and never will be able to. Creation is so chaotic and yet so organized, that we do not understand neither aspects fully nor completely, and never will be able to because the divine hand is just so grande and magnificent and awe-abounding; seemingly infinite in its capacity. Thus, science will never reach its full potential by itself through human beings. We cannot even, with our own logic, reasoning, free will, and ethics - create a world of peace and prosperity within ourselves. How will we create a robotic infrastructure that will create that for us indelibly. Impossible. Especially when it is limited by the same limits we will be limited by when creating it - our own human natural tendencies - and inevitably so - due to our own short-comings due in part to materialism, and greed, all of which plays into the rigid-hand of what dictates what deem “reality”, our scientific rubric. It is this which makes the world what it is. Our minds are not queued to the frequency necessitated to create such a Utopian module, and in my belief never will be, because it is not meant to be queued at that frequency. We are humans with unlimited capabilities manifesting in a reality limited by our own limited realities dealt to us by an intelligence more astounding than what we even know ourselves to truly be.

My main point is that robots will likely do more harm than good for us after it surpasses a certain stage. The more advanced robots become, the more liable to nefarious craziness we are susceptible to. But I also believe we can only take robots so far due to our own innate limitations as human beings on Earth.

In conclusion, innovation and progress will come about but such I believe, will self destruct us before it is able to encompass the totality of impact God/Nature/Divine Creation is capable of. Innately we are flawed by our own human nature, and furthermore so if we extend toward capacities beyond our wisely encompassed abilities, as Lord Jamar conscientiously iterates. All has its unique part to play in creation. That which falls out of pocket with its own purpose self destructs inevitably. So goes the law of nature and the law of creation. Yet between now and then, much potential resides to make the world a better place through our innovative inventions and wise-usage of technology.

“Over time technology has helped man to move his physical body and things faster and faster and to more and more places he couldn’t go before. Now technology is able to help man move his mind faster and to more places in the same way. This technology is Mind Technology. Mind technology is developed from other technologies upon which it is based upon and which makes this possible. Technology such as electricity, electronic audio and computer. What was once done at normal speed in the traditional way can now be accelerated to hyper speeds with technology. It is like being able to travel in a supersonic jet when you once had to walk. Some people think it is best to do things the natural way than to rely on technology. But would you want to walk from one end of the Earth to another when you could fly there in a supersonic jet? You would not even think of doing that! The moment technology is developed, we got to use it. We either progress or regress. We never stand still. Advancement of technology is the result of advancement in knowledge. Changing the way we do things by adapting technology is the natural way of evolving our lives.” [Citation: Tan, Enoch. Mind Technology - Technology vs Nature. Secrets of Mind and Reality].

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