Plausible Deniability, Aliens and the Pussycats
An article of this nature must start with certain warnings, as well as assurances that nothing written is real and it is all simply an interesting story.
Hey, well hello, have we met before? No...No, of course not.
Um, so like I want to be the antithesis to an anonymous thought. What does that mean? Not sure to be honest, but since your still reading let's see if we can work it out starting with some thoughts about masks and aliens.
Aliens seem to be pretty self-explanatory, lots of people see them and talk about them with books, pictures and satires. However, what really is a mask?
Did I say yet that I am not responsible for my thoughts? Need to ensure I set up the prerequisite conversation that will convince you later that I really didn't know anything at all, I was just a story teller, and not a great one at that.
Ok, so back to masks and the misplaced words that time endeavours to keep us remembering. Words like מרכבה that should by right not link to an army tank. Instead, if you trace further back and remove this mask of time, we find the word ophanim. Or maybe a term like Thrones works better? Yes that is correct, a group of angels (depending on your perspective) is a group of thrones. For the sake of the story I tell, let us say 13 thrones, and yes Game of Thrones, if in title only.
Quick reminder that I don't know anything, anyone, nor will I in the future. I hope that clears up how I saw an angel a couple times when I was younger...whoosh was it fiery, and completely smashes your mind leaving you speechless and crying for a couple of days. There was a sound too. A sound I have heard described by a doctor I know who was over for dinner recently.
While outside this summer gardening he began to feel unwell. He diagnosed himself with the first signs of a heart attack and simply got into his car and drove himself to the hospital, which was five minutes away and calmly informed the nurse at emergency that he was in Atrial fibrillation (Afib). He required defibrillation. They rushed him into the emergency room where he was put under briefly for the cardioversion, which ironically uses a controlled electric shock to reset the heartbeat and allow the biological body to continue functioning normally again. Normal being relative to the individual of course. So the story goes that when he came back from the anesthesia he could hear the doctor and a nurse speaking as if everything was normal and he could not work out what the sound that he had just heard was. It had been a sound like a “mmmm” and then a bang, a hum of electricity … silenced by a crack.
Let us now understand the point of this story within another story. The story of the sound that he heard, and how I have heard that sound before as well. The sound was caused by the electrical charge coursing through the body and mind. Or was it the sound of the spirit reconnecting with the body after an absence, different than sleep? Both? The sound is very loud and has further components that are difficult to put into words, the individual is always in the prone position somehow when this happens.
Many years ago, while hypothetically seeing a vision of an angel, I also was literally struck down with some type of loud bang and whoosh inside my brain… a hum of electricity, silenced by a cracking sound. I had gone from meditating in the prone position, to only being able to lay in the fetal position for hours. It took days for my brain to return to some semblance of typical function without great sadness. A great mask had been removed, a mask we are born into, and yet we know we are not. To be without ego is a frightful thing. In the absence of a sense of self one can quickly become lost, or worse possessed. Am I possessed by a different mask then? Or is true ascendance the realization of self without body and without mind? My thoughts are like birds, my mind is the clouds. The only true masks then are those of darkness and light… all the world's a stage in the plays of shadows and light between.
So what do aliens have to do with angels? That is the likely correlation I had assumed and now struggle to maintain. Perhaps there are more than one group of angels, and they do not always work to the same plan. Or worse, some of them compete, using our planet like a giant colosseum for their lower-selves to be amused along with capitalistic, satanic consumption and the breeding of narcissistic egos. Such egos are easier to squeeze the energy they seek out of humans from... and shit, am I not amused! Oops! It is all a story...nothing to get worked up about...summoning hellfire and damnation or some such nonsense...mmmm. War of angels and the Red Dragon. Can aliens not be easier to sort into a narrative of non-subjective truths? Something such as: aliens are beings represented already in all we see around us and then some.
Aliens are, in truth, simply something alien to one’s mind and/or way of thinking. Illegal is the alien, a simple capitalistic propaganda method of ownership… and Lucifer loves owning things. Though Lucifer cannot own or (shall we say it as it is) posses all alien beings and entities; for aliens are represented by many different types, and some types Lucifer must respect as a brother while others he still fears as a sun. Would it not be weird if we had it all wrong, and it was really something like...Saint Sun?
Ok enough story time. How can I bring the feral kittens that have become half tamed young cats into this odd rant, and end things with some cute note? Oh shit...what do you mean aliens and cats are connected? Yes, I see your point. Is this page serious, check "Cat communication" on Wikipedia? Yes that page is terribly serious and worth some consideration if you really care about your cat, or any animal for that matter. Do you? Damnation, I am off topic again....where was I? Oh yes!
What it is an alien but an entity or being we have not yet met?
And what is a cat but an alien by a different name? I do not know this for certain. I, umm, I heard it from someone else. Yes! Last week I heard it from someone, somewhere. What were we talking about again? So forgetful. What was I saying? Oh yeah...aliens and angels do not exist, and what do you mean my cat controls me? I am in full control of my biological body and mind at all times!
I am an alien entity you likely have not met yet. My throne is here. And once, long ago, there was a Song of Songs. Time for someone to feed the Red Dragon, or kill it once and for all. And FFS, can we get the sex thing worked out, as Every time you masturbate... God kills a kitten should not be a real, actual, Wikipedia link unless religion is very confused...oh yes, it is.
Oh shit...I see, it really is terribly confused.
Anyways, nice story. Talk again soon maybe, if I am still around and have not left myself for greener pastures. Though not sure about that with all the Cattle mutilation and Mad cow disease. Anyways between the cattle, the viruses, and the black helicopters I think I can safely say that angles are real. Though not entirely sure how to define how that cats are aliens. What was I saying again? Shit, I forgot my train of thought.