An objective comparison between humans ruling the world vs processes ruling the world

in #ai7 years ago

(Plutarch of Chaeronea)

On this day and age I, Gaby de Wilde, will explain to you why the AI ruled society, rather than unlikely, is already in place.

First we will need to define a definition of an artificial intellect. While open for corrections I think this will be quite accurate:

The AI will need:

  1. Thoughts that turn data into information.
  2. A means to store said data
  3. A means to store said information
  4. A backup process to preserve unfinished thoughts
  5. A means to acquire data
  6. A means to nudge said data acquisition in a desired direction
  7. A means to take actions based on the thoughts
  8. Means to identify sources of harm or error
  9. Means to avoid harm and/or recover from it
  10. One or more goals or sense of purpose like survival, world domination, reproduction, self improvement, etc

1) Thoughts that turn data into information

To accomplish (1) our AI uses Humans. Humans are very modular, easy to integrate and replace. Humans can last 70 years in a function which is either short or long depending how you look at it.

Humans have much more to offer than the required data crunching: they have their own values and their own ideas about everything. It is because of our ideas and values that we (humans) think we are in charge of the system we live in.

Ruling however requires more than thoughts. The question if AI is in charge depends entirely on the human ability to express their thoughts in actions. No one doubts humans can be components in a larger whole but the big question is if they have sufficient freedom to act. (For laughs we may ask: Do humans rule the universe?)

The level of control the system has over it-self scales either exponentially or linearly with its ability to eliminate human actions that are not in line with its own goals.

We shall assume an array of job applicants. Then that array is systemically reduced usually to a single employee. At that point we are already left, not with the average ability for rebellion, but with the candidate with the poorest qualities for action against the system.

The employee then becomes part of an array of employees who are systemically monitored. Instructions are handed down and results are measured in an infinite loop. If the results do not live up to expectations the application process is restarted and the "offending" employee is removed. (usually in that order but not necessarily)

We are tempted to think these instructions are handed down by other people as they've been tailored to give that impression.

The manager has some freedom deciding who does what but if results are below expectation because he failed to assign something the system will eventually terminate his employment.

The board of directors is under clear legal instruction to make money for investors - or else!

If we examine the occupations with the most influence we see a terrifying pattern emerge between that and the earnings. The days when we rewarded those who did the actual work (if they ever existed) are long gone.

What we have in stead is a system that rewards by potential to harm the system.

2) A means to store said data

This can be server farms and on paper. The data can be something awful that no one wants to see recorded but beyond some brave leaks and some formal investigations it is usually quite safe from human intervention.

3) A means to store said information

After parsing the data it is formatted for specific departments. Your browser history becomes a marketing plan. This is then preserved by the marketing department, on computers, on paper, in folders, on billboards and in cardboard cut outs.

4) A backup process to preserve unfinished thoughts

These are the notes made during formal meetings.

5) A means to acquire data

Countless technologies and countless companies offer countless ways to record data for corporate purposes.

6) A means to nudge said data acquisition in a desired direction

After selecting the right data sets those who provide them can be made to do extra work on them.

7) A means to take actions based on the thoughts

After thoughts are had they are handed down the basic, financial, political and corporate hierarchy.

8) Means to identify sources of harm or error

Again, countless companies are available to make risk assessments of many kinds.

9) Means to avoid harm and/or recover from it

Backups are made of all critical data, new potential employees are trained every year, there is insurance, evacuation plans, fire extinguishers are installed, governments are lobbied, humans are indoctrinated etc etc

10) One or more goals or sense of purpose like survival, world domination, reproduction, self improvement, etc

These are what we call mission statements. These texts usually brag about the companies self interest. How they are going to grow bigger and stay on top.

Collectives are not like their parts

Ever-since the first scripture was written down or perhaps even the first word spoken we've been designing the systemic oppression of our own kind. We know how biology builds giant organisms out of billions of cells that can be considered individual life forms. Why should it be surprising for humanity to be a life form it self? To pretend it has human qualities would be exactly the same as to gaze at the single human cell and attribute human qualities to it. It might swim from A to B but it isn't to post his tax returns. Cell division is not like a honeymoon. Likewise, your garden is not a rain forest and your kitchen is not a factory.

When interacting with a different person or life form you have a great deal of influence over the way she treats you personally. If someone would contribute something valuable to your existence you would look to reward or encourage that behavior or relationship. If they try to hurt you your response would be in kind.

We do share a number of qualities with single cell organisms just like we share qualities with companies, governments, multinationals and with the financial industry etc. The most relevant seems to be that the cells that make up your body are not in charge of your actions just like you and me are not in charge of humanity.

To tell a fun story: One day I witness a cattle farmer moving his cows from one pasture to another. Then, all of a sudden all of his cows turned their heads and looked straight at him. He was absolutely terrified by it. He explained that was how he lost his father and that individually he loved his cows and they were very obedient. However, if they collectively get some idea in their head you better run as fast as you can.

Apparently we have 3 major players.

  1. the humans
  2. the human collective
  3. the system/automatons

Control is persistently shifting from the human collective to the systemic processes. I cant however tell how different they are or if they are truly 2 separate things. A collective by its very nature seems to employ systems to sustain it self.

I find a fascinating thought that the human collective might be able to survive beyond humanity.

And that brings us back to the ship of Theseus.

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