RE: Code of Ethics for AI Implementation
Hello @juanmolina,
very interesting topic and nicely written article!
This is the type of AI thoughts and discourse at the core of the most important problems of AI.
I guess the EC made an not so bad job to hammer something out on a meta level. On the other hand I'm pretty sure that it's a little like crying for a registration and insurance with these new elctro scooters everywhere. Yep, they've got the rules and regulations in place but no man power to enforce any of this other than by chance.
Now think of AI's created on a script kiddie level with freely available resources in an anon style. I guess it's a non brainer that on this level not so nice things will happen for sure.
But, for corporations and official public bodies this seems to be a set of rules that they could work by.
Upvoted, resteemed and shared to my twitter account!
Thank you for your ready-witted comment, I must confess that I was waiting for this from you.
When I wrote my article, I always kept in mind how much you like this topic.
AI will provide in the next decade (which is about to begin) the greatest benefits in quality of life that humanity can imagine. It will totally change the environment, the way of life, the way we interact between human beings.
But unfortunately, history has shown us time and again, how destructive and ambitious we are. Wars, weapons of mass destruction, environmental pollution, extinction of species, xenophobia, racism ...
With AI this will not be different.
Very true Juan!
I agree 100%! ...and I enjoy reading your articles a lot my friend! Nice little group that we have here around @crpyto.piotr!