AI and romance | ИИ и романтика

in #ai7 years ago

During the crawling of news sites and the Internet in general, sometimes I come across funny comments of experts. Here, for example, Joel Tito spoke about the tasks that artificial intelligence will help governments and the authorities in general. Those who do not want to read a lot of English words, I will tell briefly:

1) Health and general public health.

2) Adoption of management decisions.

3) Ensuring security and fairness.

In principle, everything is quite sensible, although these three tasks do not exhaust the possibilities of AI in the field of state and municipal management, as well as improvements in all spheres of people's and society's life from medicine and education to science and culture (I talk a lot about this at But all these arguments are just theoretical arguments that have not yet come up against reality. Well, there is some kind of romance...

If any of you have read the book «Brain of the Firm» by Stafford Beer, one certainly remembers how in the fourth part of the book the experiment of Cybersyn in Chile was described, the scientific leader of which was the author. So, there he regretfully writes that then Augusto Pinochet arrived on the tanks and dispersed all of them, stopping the introduction of cybernetics in one particular country. Well, here it is the same. People in power will use the technologies of Artificial Intelligence only in order to strengthen their power. And if they see that these technologies shake their position, then there will be a huge obstacle to development. About this aspect of reality must always be remembered.

В процессе брожения по новостным сайтам и интернету вообще иногда попадаются забавные комментарии экспертов. Вот, к примеру, Джоэль Тито рассказал про те задачи, которые искусственный интеллект поможет решить правительствам и вообще органам власти. Тем, кто не хочет читать много английских слов, расскажу кратко:

1) Здравоохранение и вообще общественное здоровье.

2) Принятие управленческих решений.

3) Обеспечение безопасности и справедливости.

В принципе, всё довольно здраво, хотя этими тремя задачами совсем не исчерпываются возможности ИИ в области государственного и муниципального управления, а также улучшения во всех сферах жизни людей и общества от медицины и образования до науки и культуры (я много об этом рассказываю на Но все эти рассуждения — всего лишь теоретические рассуждения, которые ещё не сталкивались с реальностью. Ну то есть какого-то рода романтика...

 Если кто из вас читал книгу «Мозг фирмы» Стаффорда Бира, то он наверняка помнит, как в четвёртой части книги описывался эксперимент «Киберсин» в Чили, научным руководителем которого был автор. Так вот там он с сожалением пишет, что потом на танках приехал Аугусто Пиночет и разогнал всех их, прекратив внедрение кибернетики в одной отдельно взятой стране. Ну так вот и здесь так же. Люди, находящиеся у власти, будут использовать технологии Искусственного Интеллекта только для того, чтобы свою власть укрепить. А если они увидят, что оные технологии покачнут их положение, то будет огромное препятствование развитию. Про этот аспект реальности надо помнить всегда.  


Thank you for this thoughtful article. Unfortunately I am not able to understand your Russian posts on your homepage.

In the setting you've described, I think one should additionally take into account the implications of blockchain technology combined with novel artificial intelligence.

I think blockchain was actually invented by hidden Strong AI :).

Nice done. Created its own ecosystem while sucking wealth out of the inferior intelligence. I am quit not sure if it's not some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Yes, or any kind of extraterrestial. Good hypothesis.

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