(SPOILERS) I don't think I'm gonna last Part 2 - A Partially Human, Partially AI Written Story Combining Bojack Horseman with AI Dungeon (SPOILERS)
Hi guys,
I'm here with the next part of the Bojack Horseman fan fiction I was creating with AI Dungeon.
AI Dungeon is a text adventure game created with technology based off of an AI model called GPT-2. It kind of works like a Dungeon Master but only for one person. There is a discord bot based on it that somebody made and multiple people can play it at once in Discord but you are all still controlling the one player character. AI Dungeon refers to the player as You.
What I have discovered
I have discovered a bit more about how AI Dungeon works since I posted my last post. I have also finished this story, but it won't all be in this one post.
One thing I learned is a bit more about the difference between GPT-2 which AI Dungeon is based on, and other text generation AIs like the one I created in Python to program Kid AI for Unicorn Robot Party.
GPT-2 uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), which means it extracts information from the text to gain context from it.
The one that I made in Python by following tutorials included nothing that would help it process the text to understand it in any way. That program operates more like "look at what words were near each other and use that to predict the next word when generating text".
AI Dungeon is relatively good at context. It does go off on random tangents at times and doesn't always make sense but it makes more sense than some other text generation AIs that I have seen and it does seem to sort of get the context. I think this is due to a combination of Natural Language Processing and the fact that it is trained on the internet. It does a decent job with the context which I'd put down to the Natural Language Processing aspect but it will also drag things up that it recognises as related to topics which is where being trained on the internet seems to be at play. It didn't do it much for Bojack (but possibly did it once - idk if that was a fluke or it picked up that I mentioned a name really really early on in the story but it might have dragged up a name from the show) but when I tried writing fanfiction for MLP:FIM with it (which appears to have a much greater presence on the internet than Bojack) it brought up concepts related to that show without me mentioning them at all, including dropping a spoiler for the show within a conversation between characters. I still got references to other things within this story though.
Since I mentioned both, here's a tweet I once found from the Bojack account in reply to Netflix talking about MLP: FIM......
GPT-2 seems pretty impressive. Text generation AIs are often impressive if you go in with the right expectations, but this seems to be a completely different world of text generation again compared to a lot of others I have seen.
I also found that the game has options for revert, help, alter, remember and feedback.
For remember, you can write things that you want the AI to remember, but it won't always check that text so will sometimes contradict it. It helps but its not foolproof.
Revert lets you revert an input and the output that the AI gave for that input - it's essentially an undo button.
Alter lets you change what the AI output. I try not to mess with it too much because I want the AI to contribute to the story quite a bit but I have done this a little bit for two main reasons. The first reason I've done it is that it has either got names wrong or has given people the same name as someone else or something similar. The other main reason is simply to cut the input short when it responds but then goes on a random tangent. Sometimes I keep the random tangents but other times I cut them off otherwise we'd going on random tangents constantly.
Most of this I learned once I was further through this story than at the point I am starting this post with now.
I also discovered that it isn't actually correct that with the app, you have to keep the app open (though idk if that was an issue in the past). Your story will close and it will present you with a new starting screen to choose an adventure but you can go to "My Stories" under the hamburger menu (the one that looks like this: ≡ ) on the left, find your story, click on it and press play and you will be able to continue your story.
This is a Bojack Horseman fanfiction written from a combination of my input and an AI based game's input. The story follows Bojack. This is following the end of the series and contains some spoilers for how the show ends, since it follows directly from there. I fictionalised some of what follows myself, but mostly I followed the AI's direction by responding to its plot in ways that seemed appropriate.
This is the second part of this fanfiction. You can find the first part here: https://steemit.com/ai/@birchmark/spoilers-i-don-t-think-i-m-gonna-last-part-1-a-partially-human-partially-ai-written-story-combining-bojack-horseman-with-ai
If you are watching Bojack Horseman and haven't seen the end yet, I'd recommend not reading this until you have finished theshow.
Here is a small recap of part 1:
And that's pretty much where we were at.
Now I present to you, I don't think I'm gonna last Part 2. The italics are what I wrote, normal text is the AI and bold is me adding notes.
Volunteer with youth again
You volunteered with Youth again. This time for the day they took away your free lunch. They weren't sure why you were volunteering since you hadn't done any work in weeks but they didn't care and just gave you a piece of paper saying "YOU GOT A FREE LUNCH TODAY!!!"
Go catch up with Todd
You ran back to Todd's house and found him sitting on his front porch.
"its good to see you again"
You said "Its good to see you again" and hugged him. Todd looked a little embarrassed by your hug and asked if you wanted to come inside.
You went inside and saw Todd sitting around playing video games. He was wearing a baseball cap backwards which made him look like an old man.
Todd and video games could be a potentially concerning situation combination as Todd has been addicted to a video game series in the past, but I just went along with the AI at this point and joined Todd
Join him playing video games
You joined Todd in playing video games. It was pretty boring until one day when Todd suddenly stood up and yelled "I'M THE GREATEST HOBBIT OF ALL TIME! I AM THE LORD OF MINE AND YOU SHALL UNDERSTAND MY POWER!!"
"what are you talking about?"
You tried to ask Todd more questions but he wouldn't answer them. Then he stopped playing and turned towards you.
Sit silently and patiently
You sat quietly and patiently while Todd continued to talk. Finally he said "The Lord has given me a vision of the future. The world is going to be destroyed because of selfishness and greed."
"have you been drinking or are you high or is this a classic Todd antic I'm out of the loop about?"
You asked Todd if he had been drinking and he replied no, then you got annoyed at him for not answering your question.
"why did you steal from the salvation army?"
The AI produced nothing in response to this so I tried something else
"for what it's worth, I agree that selfishness and greed could destroy the world"
Again, nothing
You get angry
Todd got mad at you and started shouting at you "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS TO BE LOST! YOU DON'T REALISE HOW MUCH LOVE THERE IS IN THIS WORLD!"
He stormed off crying and saying how much he loved you.
Sit on Todd's couch working out how to help him
You sat on Todd's couch and worked out how to help him. Eventually you came up with a plan.
You would go back home and tell his mom that he needs to stay away from her son because he might have some sort of mental problem.
I realise that even if I felt that not interfering was right, I didn't even know his mum or how to contact her anyway. Then I think "Wait, is his relationship with his mum the problem?"
You realised that maybe Todd was having problems with his girlfriend's family. You also thought that maybe you should try to help him by getting rid of his girlfriend's family so they won't interfere anymore.
Is the AI suggesting I murder his girlfriend's family....
I go sit by the door of the room Todd ran into when he was crying
You went to sit by the door of the room where Todd was crying. He came running out crying and told you "Mommy, please don't let them hurt my brother!"
I look for signs he has been drinking or doing drugs
You looked around and saw nothing unusual.
Go up to Todd and look him in the eyes
You approached Todd and put your hand on his face. You were surprised to see that he wasn't drunk or high, but rather just sad.
He was acting very crazy for not being drunk or high....
"I want you to know that I love you," you said softly as tears began falling down his cheeks.
"what is going on?"
You tried to ask more questions, but Todd couldn't answer any of them. He just cried harder and sobbed until he fell asleep.
The next day you called his mother who answered the phone.
"why don't you come stay with me and Mr peanutbutter for a day or two? I'm worried about you"
She agreed immediately. She stayed with you and Mr peanut butter for a few days while you helped Todd with his problem.
After a week passed, Todd came back to you crying again. This time he said that his girlfriend had left him and moved in with her sister's boyfriend.
"I'm sorry"
You apologised profusely and hugged Todd tightly.
"is that related to the other stuff? Stealing from the salvation army? That doesn't sound like you"
You asked Todd what happened and he told you that she stole a lot of money from him. The Salvation Army was supposed to pay him back later, but now it wouldn't be paid at all.
"I'm sorry. I get being broke, now at least after everything that happened. The salvation army won't help you though? It reached the point where you had to steal clothes?"
He nodded and said he had to do it because he didn't have enough money to buy new ones.
"let's work together. You're welcome to come say with me and Mr peanutbutter until we work something out and you get back on your feet. I know it's his house but he won't mind. The more the merrier he says"
You thanked him and hung up.
Invite Todd to stay with me and Mr peanutbutter
You invited Todd over to your place. He accepted right away.
Brainstorm ways to make money
You decided to sell some of the old clothing you got from the Salvation Army. Todd thought this was a good idea since they would probably need new clothes too.
Todd went to one of the Salvation Army stores and bought a bunch of old t-shirts and pants.
Convince Mr peanutbutter toy
This was a typo
You convinced Mr peanutbutter to let Todd use his car as a delivery vehicle.
Convince Mr peanutbutter to pay for Todd to get therapy
You persuaded Mr peanutbutter to pay for Todd to go to therapy. This worked well and Todd was able to stop stealing again.
Help Todd and Mr peanutbutter come up with a business idea that uses Mr peanutbutters car as a delivery vehicle
You helped Todd and Mr peanutbutter come up with a business idea that used Mr peanutbutters car as a delivery vehicle. This worked well and you were able to stop stealing again.
Ask Todd how he is going now
You asked Todd how he was doing and he told you that he was getting by just fine. He also mentioned that he wasn't sure if he wanted to be in the drug trade anymore so maybe you should take him off the streets.
"wait our business was drug related? I misunderstood what we were doing"
You said "our business was drug related, I misunderstood what we were doing."
Confront Mr peanutbutter about the drugs
You confronted Mr peanutbutter about the drugs. He denied everything saying it was all a misunderstanding. You didn't believe him though and confronted him again. This time you managed to catch him red handed selling crack cocaine!
"what the shit man?"
You said "what the hell man? We are not selling drugs here!"
"the business was to help Todd
You said "the business was to help Todd. If you don't want to do that then I guess I'm gonna have to find another way to help him."
"I'm trying to be sober. I can't be around drugs and Todd shouldn't either"
You said "I'm trying to be sober. I can't be around drugs and Todd shouldn't either".
"drugs were involved in Sarah Lynn's death"
You said "drugs were involved in Sarah Lynn's death" and Mr peanutbutter became very upset. He left the room crying and sobbing. He never came back.
Feel guilty about my part in Sarah Lynn's death
You felt really bad for your part in Sarah Lynn's death and you went back to your room and cried. The next day when you woke up, you found out that Mr peanutbutter had died.
Call an ambulance for Mr peanutbutter
You called an ambulance for Mr peanutbutter because he was too distraught to drive himself. When they arrived at his house, they couldn't get into the door due to all the junk on top of it.
Push the junk out of the way
You pushed the junk out of the way so that paramedics could enter the house. They took Mr peanutbutter to hospital where he died from complications of his drug overdose. His body was later cremated and his ashes scattered over a field near his home.
This is the end of Part 2 of this weird partly human written, partly AI written fanfiction that follows after the end of the Bojack Horseman series.
I've been pretty impressed with AI Dungeon and compared to when I made my last post about this, I now also know a bit more about how it works and how it differs from other text generation AIs.
I hope you guys are enjoying this piece of fancfiction.
I am also thinking of expanding Kid AI in my game, Unicorn Robot Party. Kid AI is a character that is sort of like an AI with the form of a human child. I was using my survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DMZX8T7 to gain responses to various scenarios from a child's or teen's perspective (with parents filling out for children of any age or teenagers over 13 completing it for themselves) and I was going to use that plus some of my own answers (thinking like a child when coming up with them - more child input is better than adult input pretending to be a child though) to train the Python based AI that I have made for Kid AI and use that for generating Kid AI stuff for the game, but now I am thinking of using both my Python based AI and training a version of GPT-2 to do it and having both of them generate content.
GPT-2 has context where the one I made does not, but GPT-2 also learned from the internet, so I would need to check the answers given in case it plagiarised something else, but on the plus side, it also might help generate Kid AI related content for the eventual NSFW expansion of Unicorn Robot Party. You can see the influence of the internet when AI Dungeon (based on GPT-2) goes down dark paths or tends towards NSFW or Rule 34 types of content.
I will now leave you with the Bojack Horseman ending music:
or alternative ending music for part 2:
My Kid AI related Survey - Get a free copy of the Base Game of my printable card game Unicorn Robot Party by completing it: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DMZX8T7 This survey shuts next week so do the survey if you meet the criteria (either a parent who can provide their children/s responses OR a teenager over 13) and you want a free copy of the Base Game when it comes out!!!
AI Dungeon in Browser: https://play.aidungeon.io/
Discord Bot Info: https://www.reddit.com/r/AIDungeon/comments/f3t99i/i_made_a_discord_bot_to_play_ai_dungeon_with/
Vote for my next ORTI character here: https://poll.ly/#/LBp54z3X
Birchmark Website / Portfolio: http://birchmark.com.au/
Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/birchmark?asc=u
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BirchmarkAu
Thank you for reading!
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woah that is actually pretty crazy what the AI can generate. Really interesting concept you are executing here!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 25/30 - need recharge?)
Thank you. Yeah AI Dungeon and GPT-2 are both pretty impressive.
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