A Human Experience (Project)

Several weeks ago I told my friends, family, and anyone willing to listen, about Steemit. Everyone reacted with a very similar emotion, excitement. Unfortunately, the majority began to act dismissive as I urged them to make an account and start sharing themselves with the world. They simply did not want to make an account on Steemit. "Why?" I asked many times incredulously. Here are a few of the responses I got: "I don't have anything to share, I'm not interesting, I'm not special, nobody would want to read about me..."

Hearing this from some of the people closest to me really made me think. It made me think about the insecurities and self doubts that must be present for someone to feel they have nothing to offer the world. During one conversation with my sister, I was struck with an idea. We were arguing that she did in fact have something interesting to offer others and she said "just because I'm not interesting doesn't mean all people aren't. You should be the person to go tell talented people about Steemit." Of course, I did not agree entirely with her statement, but her comment did get me thinking... Everyone has a story, personal experience, or talent that can in some way benefit others, I firmly believe this. However, this statement does not ring true for everyone! I thought, "many people do not yet know about Steemit... AND many people do not believe they have something tangible to offer a community such as this." Both of these statements are disappointing to me... and over the last few weeks I set out to do something about both.

So much about humanity fascinates me... The subtle differences between individuals easily results in major changes in life experiences. An interaction with a complete stranger can make, or break, a person's whole day. The passion that men and women exhibit for the people, pets, and projects in their lives are often too bright to comprehend. I recently drove across the country and after speaking with many people with different backgrounds and ways of life; I realized that what I am passionate about is people. We all have such unique experiences, such unique talents, and every single one of us has something we can teach another person. Between the conversations revolving around Steemit, my week long drive across the country, and the many hours reflecting, I realized I wanted to capture what a human experience really is. What it really is for us to be... us! With this thought inspiring me, I spent the last few weeks speaking to literally hundreds of people. I gathered stories, experiences, songs, pictures, videos, tutorials, paintings, comics... that I will be sharing on Steemit. Several times a week I will post under my new handle @ahumanexperience . Each post will cover an individual and serve as a snapshot of that person's experience. Obviously, the posts will be as diverse as... humanity itself :)

This project aims to bring the individual to the Steemit community and to bring the Steemit community to the individual.

If you are interested in more information, feel free to me email me at [email protected] and be sure to follow @ahumanexperience to learn about just some of the individuals in this work. Posting begins tomorrow!



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