Blockchain and Agroforestry

in #agroforestry7 years ago

BlockChain e AgroForestry

Not Knowing what to do with my life, I navigated between a diversity of knowledges. I did theater, music, learn permaculture, study agroforestry, programed databases. For last, I discover the BlockChain. And I made a link: Agroforestry and Blockchain… or … Blockchain and Agroforestry?

Before understanding the links between this two fields, we need to understand each one.



With the picture above we can have a ideia of what is Agroforestry. Food crops in the middle of big trees. The result in the real world is something like the picture below.


The organization of the plants follow the observation of the local nature. The plantation imitate the native forest. And accelerates the process, using pruning as the best tool.

In the picture above we can see at least 3 extracts. The first with Pineapple Seedlings, the second with banana trees, and the third with large fruit and wood trees. All of they are dividing the same place, and NOT, they do not in competition, they are helping each other.

Well, I don't have the pretencion of prove the science behind the Agroforestry. You can find information in the internet(the content in Portuguese is the best).

Do you understand what is Agroforestry? No?? Good, then we gonna see what Blockchain is...

I tried to write a compelling description about what Blockchain is, but I have fail. Then I posting a text from Wikipédia.

“A blockchain, originally block chain, is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way".[8] For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for inter-node communication and validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority.”

Do you understand? No? Maybe the picture below will help you.

infographic-how-blockchain-works (copy).jpg

Very simple, isn't? But the security of this web is made with a very strong encryption. The system is so secure, that on of its uses is transferring funds, in a market that moviment around 5 billion Dollars a day.

This security, aliaded with the possibility of write any type of data in the blockchain, create many others possibilities. Now we can create Smart Contracts (programming contracts), register documents, comprove a identity, etc.

But if you don't know what I an talk about, please look some information on the internet. We have good content in Portuguese.

Blockchain and Agroforestry
Let's start….

I imagine, at least, two ways to link Agroforestry and Blockchain.

1 - Let's think about the implantation of 1 million hectares of Agroforestry in the Amazônia, in a degraded area. This is a Business. The trees will need be registered, to prove that trees are planted there, to prove what species this plant belong, when its was planted, by who. Knowing that a wood tree in the amazon need more than 30 years to grown up, where we going to find a secure form to write this data? A safe place, where the data stay inalterable? The Blockchain of course. Is the guarantee of the authenticity of the data, and with this, we cam make a Token, representing the value of the tree, backed with the data in the blockchain. But the best is make a token representing the value of a specific Agroforestry System. Then we entered in the second way I see the Agroforestry and the Blockchain going to work together.

2 - Agroforestry Tokenization: Each one of Agroforestry Systems have its own characteristics, like species of the plants, the way of distribute the seeds, finalitis, and have its own need of a financing. With blockchain technology, and Smart Contracts technology, we can create a Token, to represent the value of one Agroforestry System. Each one system, each one of the implementation projects can have it's own Token, it's own Smart Contract, creating the connections between the investor and the farmer. For example: A Token could give to the holder the right to receive a part of the sells of products of the Agroforestry, or could give the right to buy the production with this token, or the token can be buyed back by the farmer in the future, or can give all the options above at the same time. The possibility of create long terms contracts, and distribute the dividends all around the world is a solution for the issue of financing a Agroforestry, at the same time is a solution for the investor that looks for goods assets that don't destroy the ecosystem (on the contrary, the Agroforestry and other Agroecological systems produce food and other products and, at the same time, grown up the natural resources in the area that is implanted).

But the farmer will know about Smart Contracts programmation? And how the investor will find this tokens in the market? How this tokens can be negotiated around the globe? Who give the guaranties that the business is not a scam?

Thinking in that, I start a project call SintropiCoin. The first platform to connecting Blockchain and Agroforestry (and other Agroecological systems). The name came from the word ‘Sintropy’ (sintrópico in Portuguese), that means the growing of organic entities in the same direction. Also came from the concept or Syntropic Agriculture.

You can take a look in a out of date version of the White Paper. The project is alive and be executing fast (April,2018). If you like, or dislike, and want some more information, you can send a email to [email protected], in Portuguese, English, and Spanish)

Yes, I am making auto-propaganda. We are forming a equip, and looking for the firsts resources to accelerate the process. We work in Brazil, but the project can be implanted in all countries (first in Latino América).

If you like this post and you want colabore with the project, you can send some Bitcoin to this Adress here: 12Axkf5gsHGkGE1NnvJuoGgb52gxPEhLkv, or upvote here on Steemit.

Together for a world of abundance.

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