Major Government Study Exposes Glyphosate BioMarkers in Urine for Farmers and General Population
Originally posted on Quora February 25, 2023
There is a statistically significant positive association between glyphosate exposure and specific biomarkers (8-OHdG and MDA) for oxidative stress indicating DNA damage and a greater potential for cancer. But perhaps the most horrifying finding in this study is that even non-agricultural control group participants not exposed to glyphosate on a firsthand basis, had measurable levels of glyphosate in their urine, below the legally admissible level, and the associated biomarkers for oxidative stress. The study found mean urinary glyphosate concentrations as high as 0.9 microgram per liter for recently exposed farmers and as low as 0.4 microgram per liter for the non-agricultural control group with lifetime exposed farmers and farming control in the middle with 0.6 microgram per liter and 0.45 microgram per liter. This study corroborates the findings of previous cell culture and rodent studies that found glyphosate exposure in ultra-low doses (below 700 micrograms per liter) induced oxidative stress and is associated with kidney and liver damage. The implications of this study are profound given the fact that an estimated 80% of the general population is exposed to glyphosate not only in store bought weed killer but our (GM) food and water supply as well.
Source: NIH: Glyphosate Exposure and Urinary Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Agricultural Health Study