The axis powers?
Debt can be claimed by putting someone in duress so says laws in America
It’s how American money remains powerful even when everyone has a debt and can’t pay it back
They kick you to the curb, so most people keep working and all they do is work….
Laws in other countries let you take slaves
Algeria Angola
Laws in Germany let doctor’s practice biopsies on you in your sleep
Ever signed a marketing contract to let unnamed marketing partners (unlimited number of them)
In unlimited countries apply laws and conditions to you? And agree to follow their laws?
Japan having very few laws
Ever read the laws in China? Anyone can use the Chinese courts by paying a filing fee
Putin (guns )
Mohammed casinos (cash)
Xixiping (cash) (finance companies)
Any other world leader with billions to burn up legally Turing people Into Mindless drug addicted zombie soldiers?
Why????……. Ever heard a king give a commandment saying make sure no one finds out.
Japan has a microchip now that make you think stuff you don’t know why you think that
Now you want to kill someone and don’t know why
How about a country where propaganda is considered advertising and talking into shooting you your school is legal?
How about Edrogan?
How about free healthcare
And now your tooth is a microchip transmitted propaganda directly into your brain all day long
You just signed a marketing agreement for your new phone
The phone was free but now your tooth is connected via military encryption to a phone that advertises violence to your brain daily and it sounds like your own thoughts
While the phone plays music and adds stimuli
In case you thought nobody would take credit for something so sadistic
When you have a million tanks in the water with 1,000 guns
Now all you need a genocide for oil