"Green Hilton Agreement?"
"The "Green Hilton Memorial Agreement" Agreement in Geneva (Switzerland) on November 14, 1963"
"The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 after Suharto was appointed President of Indonesia."
"SWISSINDO is for instance referring to the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement"
"The “GREEN HILTON AGREEMENT” was an agreement, not an International Treaty or Bi-lateral Treaty. The actual AGREEMENT was entered into on the Indonesian side by Mr Soewarno (Code Name – Satya Darma), Mr Chaerul Pathollah (Code Name – Suring Pati), and Ms Sarinah (Code Name – Lady of Roses) all working under a Power of Attorney issued by President Soekarno. This AGREEMENT dated 14th November 1963 was countersigned by President Soekarno on 21st February 1966.
On the American side the AGREEMENT was entered into by President John F. Kennedy, Mr Hughes Scoot, Mr Robert Huglis, Mr Anthong Brian."
"By 1963, this alliance pooled their financial resources together to create the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, which was signed by John F. Kennedy and President Skoearno and was finished on November 14, 1963. This agreement was to utilize the Global Collateral Accounts"
"In respect of your statement claiming you have seen the Green Hilton Treaty. We do not dispute your claim on this, but advise as to caution. The reason being is that there are at least Three (3) known forgeries of this Treaty in existence. There may be more. All differ from each other and all of them do lead to confusion with those who make claims of having read the Treaty.
It is not known who composed any of the forgeries, although guesses are abound.
The “Real” Treaty states, that an agreement has been reached, and shall be referred to as a “Treaty” between Sovereign Nations, by the President of the United States and the President of Indonesia, that Assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts pursuant to Treaties ……. (numerous Treaties referred to) ……. and held under Custodianship within Indonesia, shall be transferred to ……… (Name of location in the USA) ……… and utilized by the USA to fractionally back the International Currency of the US Dollar. Note, the content of the treaty actually states several further issues, but the above is the main issue."
"Lately a document called the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement caused quite a stir in cyberspace. This mysterious document mentions that the United States has a debt of 57,000 tons of gold to Indonesia. Even mentioned that the document is what causes the CIA overthrew President Sukarno participate. But, we should not look too far. Because there is good reason to say that this document is in fact false documents"