The Divide of Credulity

in #agorism5 years ago (edited)


Something interesting has happened this year. A new divide has been forced upon our society. While the race debate comes back to the center ring of public discussion, I am noticing a totally different divide. It is one that has always existed, but that has remained largely unspoken. It’s not good manners to bring up religion and politics in social settings, and people generally keep certain opinions to themselves. We have learned to politely avoid discussing our leanings on certain worldview topics, unless in a trusted space of dialogue.

For many decades now we have functioned with two totally separate societies living amongst one another peacefully, with the core issue of their disagreement rarely having to come up in the course of day to day business. But now that has changed. Now we have been forced to raise our flags and declare ourselves. No longer can we pretend that we are the same as those who stand on the other side of this particular divide. No longer can we live together harmoniously. A reckoning is upon us, my friends. We must acknowledge the divide of which I speak, and we must settle it.

The divide is not one of race or religion, or political parties. It is a divide of credulity. Who do we believe?
To condense a highly complex situation to a thumbnail, this divide is between those who believe in the official narratives put forth by those in power, and those who do not. It is between counter-culture and mainstream culture. Our world is inundated with information, data, and content, and certain leanings or perspectives are codified by institution, language and law. Whether or not we want to, we end up having to pick a side on many issues. We end up entrusting somebody with the job of informing us as to what has occurred and what it means.

The political beliefs held by most people are actually a distillation of what they hear from sources that they rely on for information. This is true in medicine, news, history, and science. There are countless genres within each discipline, but for the sake of discussion, I am simplifying them into two opposing viewpoints. Either you trust the people who have claimed the title of authority and expertise, or you don’t.

If you do choose to place your trust in such authorities, then you’ve got an easy out for due diligence. You needn’t trouble yourself with all the research and reading that is usually required to achieve a well-informed perspective, because the experts have already done all that work for you. You can build your entire notion of the world and its affairs around the assumptions they have led you into, and you do not question or doubt, because it’s settled. See? It says right here.

If you choose not to believe these mainstream sources, however, you have a much more difficult task. Because the path to the truth, it turns out, is not short at all, but rather circuitous. The truth about our world is actually the greatest detective story of all times.


To grasp this story, you cannot simply read a few paragraphs of explanation. Not even just a few books. The history of power is complex, and even a brief overview of all the relevant people and events could not be contained in a single volume. Condensing this immense story into a manageable analysis is not the work of a single historian or writer, but rather a compilation of numerous researchers, journalists, and insiders and the work they have published, often at great risk to themselves.

Finding this true story of our world is not easy. Even once you begin to distrust the so-called authorities, you must then sift through all the alternative narratives, many of which oversimplify issues or make unfounded assumptions, and some of which are actually intentionally misleading. Some people consider themselves woke to the lies of the system, only to then consume with credulity the first alternative narrative they come across. There is no shortage of sensationalism floating around, and those who peddle it know what people are thirsty for. Disinformation is a business.

That should come as no surprise. The dynastic rulers of Earth know that a mass awakening is underway, and they are doing everything in their power to slow or stop it. They have invested heavily in crafty counter-measures, luring the awakening masses into new, seemingly better, but still controlled, narratives. And in large part, it has worked. Public opinion can literally be manufactured.

The search for the truth is difficult. There is far more disinformation going around in the counter-culture than solid truth. To recognize the mainstream system for what it is and reject it is a huge step, but to diligently and meticulously pursue sense-making means taking many steps more, which is much harder. Anything close to a fully informed perspective is an extraordinary accomplishment.

For those who choose to look and who have any discernment, the lies of the state are obvious. The collusion, the corruption, and the criminal mismanagement of funds are all on record. The idea that these people work for us, that our system of governance exists to serve the people, or that any martially enforced authority is derived from our consent has become increasingly laughable. We all know how corrupt it is. The question is, why aren’t we doing anything about it?


It’s because of the divide of credulity. Too many people, whose intellectual, spiritual, and economic might the movement desperately needs, remain credulous of known liars, refusing to even listen when accusations are made by qualified individuals who come with evidence and fact witnesses.

The covid event marked the introduction of a new belief system. Like the belief that terrorist organizations were out to get us because they hate us for our freedoms, a new belief is now being socially engineered. Suddenly we are expected to believe that prevention of infectious illness must be our number one priority, and that we must radically change our lives as an act of compassion to those whom we might, hypothetically, make sick. Nobody seemed particularly concerned about these things even just a year ago, but now we are being told that such precautions are just common sense. And people are going along with it.

But even those who are going along with it have to feel in their gut that something isn’t right. We never took such extreme measures in the past because of viruses. We never did social distancing, forced business closures, or mandated masks. These ideas were only recently introduced, yet all at once, all around the globe, they were simultaneously enforced. A concerted effort was made to create a whole new vision and understanding the world. It can in no way be called an organic process, but rather a top down, compulsory program. This new belief system is now being systematically uploaded into minds of the public. It has changed all of our lives.

Pandemic hysteria has been marketed relentlessly by the mainstream media, and now some reference to it appears on every major website and every service we use. Every business has something on its walls or floors to pay homage (or demand obedience) to the new rituals. This is a universal rollout, with governments, corporations, and globalist organizations like the UN all colluding to force these changes down our throats. If you don’t comply, you’re selfish and dangerous. If you question the data or science, you’re murdering my grandmother. If you present contradicting evidence, you are censored. Many credible doctors and scientists have spoken out about the absurdity of the official pandemic narrative, but companies like Google, Facebook, and YouTube have decided for us that these perspectives are invalid and that we cannot even see them. How kind of them to save us the trouble of thinking critically and making up our own minds.

One interesting aspect of this Lock Step/medical martial law agenda is that it brings the divide of credulity into the center of public attention. You can no longer simply believe what you want and go about your business. Now, any time you go into public, you must show your colors. Either you’re wearing that mask or not. It’s plain for all the eyes and cameras to see. Are you going along with this, or are you saying no?


Fifteen years ago, you could think whatever you thought about who planned 9-11, but when you went to the store, or went to work, or hung out with acquaintances, you had no idea what they felt about that issue, and it didn’t really matter. If you were polite, you didn’t bring it up casually. You lived alongside people who may have felt very differently about history, or about vaccines, or about taxation, but that didn’t affect daily life. Now that has changed. Now it’s plain as day who’s drinking from which fountain.

We have now been publicly divided into those who are buying into all this and those who aren’t. We cannot pretend that the friction between these discordant paradigms can be maintained, at least not living as one community. I have friends who won’t let the kids play together. Who won’t come over to my house, or let me come to theirs. Who won’t shake my hand or give me a hug.

Maybe such contrasting belief systems can co-exist, but it seems unlikely. One side or the other is going to have to prevail, and in a funny way, it’s going to come down to a vote, of sorts. A vote of credulity. Who do you believe?
How closely have you scrutinized the institutions in which you have placed your total trust? It turns out that in these unprecedented times, what each of us believes is of more importance than it has ever been. We are not just deciding on a small, regional, human endeavors. We are deciding on the fate of the whole planet.

We must choose with great care when deciding who can be trusted to manage our money system, our courts, our health care system and our laws. Our survival depends on us choosing wisely. Many great powers are at work in the world, and they seem far more powerful than we feel as individuals, but everything that they are doing requires our consent. We must withdraw that consent immediately. We have no time left to wait. This is the endgame.

For those who wish to join the struggle for freedom, or even those who sense that something isn’t right but haven’t made up their minds as to what to believe, we eagerly await your participation in the conversation. Many great resources exist to catch you up on what has been discovered in the investigation so far. The conspirators, in their arrogance, have revealed a great deal about their plans as well as their crimes, and we have quite a rap sheet on many of them. You can make up your own mind about how much of the story you want to explore, and you can devise your own way of participating in the movement. But regardless of how much you know or how you feel about specific issues, as long as you’re striving for the awakening and liberation of humanity, your voice is very much needed.


For so long we have been lied to, and it’s time we faced the truth. Once we face it, collectively, the world will surely change. Such evil as we now see can never exist in the light. Once we see the parasites, we remove them immediately. So let the cleanse begin, my friends. Let us renew our lives and renew our world. Think of how much better we could make things! No better time than now.

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