More Reveals! Are you living in Sugarland? See how a Netflix series knew about Afghanistan in advance! How does entertainment know years in advance about world events that will take place in the Political Realm?
First Episode of Ozark called Sugarland
Are YOU living in Sugarland?
Starts out talking about what money means to people
The Haves the Have Nots
Shows first hand the dichotomy of the "American Dream!"
Note the van with the children or family stick figures.
Do you remember these?
How many vehicles did you see them on?
How many families out there are you aware of where what they portrayed as their public image, Christmas Cards and Letters was only a facade? A dream of what they wanted it to be, but behind the scenes even if your tongue was not one that wagged, it was evident even in affluent families. . ."Their Dream" the public front they desperately tried to put on for people was nothing more than just that. . .A Front!
For example, how many families claimed to believe one way about what God teaches, even boasted about their fancy churches they plopped down in on Sundays, maybe had a family member who worked at the church, but then you found out, they were not happy. A son or daughter had gone astray. Maybe they were fine in a financial sense, but the families dream would not be realized as a child fell for one of the many Agenda's and Cons.
Then you watched them Pretend all was okay, but you saw first hand evidence of the cracks.
Then you started to see, those cracks. . .they started in the family while said child that "went off the rails" was young.
Perhaps mom focused on the wrong things she perceived were right.
Maybe dad was working all the time and mom helped justify because. . .muh future, muh clothes, muh trips, muh status, muh FACADE much?
Not all in churches fed into the facade. Some are genuine real people who didn't pretend.
The Pretenders. . .many are still pretending today so they may feel superior to others.
In that sense, their con continues. Them conning themselves and others.
Note from early scene as he aides a drug cartel
Pretty much sums it up doesn't it?
No doubt there has been an attack on the family unit, my question is. . .who all Allowed it rather than putting their foot down to things of This nature?
Abercrombie and Fitch, Wexner, Epstein and the pedophile normalization agenda
If you watch the episode or read the attached research notes in the comments, you will see evidence.
How many of these families that "Put on the Show" in public wanted their cools to look like the "cool, trendy, popular" kid so they fed into the SHOW?
You know, the preppy clothing, fitting in with the "In Crowd" which made mom and dad happy because they couldn't leave their own high school days behind? Do you find it interesting how Ego plays a major role in the decisions people make which greatly affect their family, yet they lie to themselves and pretend it is the kid's fault or the fault of society around them.
I ask you, who chose to feed into the music, content, luxuries of a society bent on feeding the ego and an agenda that was clearly Not godly as their children saw them Say one thing and Do another.
This goes for content consumed.
Merchandise consumed.
Luxury trips while patting ones' self on the pack for having their kids go on a virtue signaling trip to help others one summer rather than fostering helping on a daily basis right within their own community.
Helping the elderly, helping special needs kids, helping the less fortunate on a Daily Basis as a family unit rather than sending the kids off. Incredible isn't it?
Rich kids on a "missions trip" does not an empathetic person make.
It does make the parents feel better when they take their luxury vacations so they can boast to all of their friends about how "giving" they are.
How many of us lied to ourselves saying it was about our work ethic we were taught and this was why we needed either two income families or a checked out dad who dedicated all time to work, then felt owed "me time" for sacrificing most time to work for the family? Or at least needed time to do all that was needed around the house on time off leaving little time for the family, but Sunday morning pew time was in session?
Don't get me wrong, worshipping God should be first, but God never said to be so overworked and scheduled with hobbies that He was a once a week demand and a have to rather than a relationship on a daily basis. Is God usually found in the pew of a church or in nature, love, care for one another beyond financial but also emotional?
Back to the Ozark and why it is important.
Marty is justifying in the opening sequence as he narrates what makes a good parent while justifying why his work is put Above his family.
At one point he states,
"Money's not peace of mind. Money's not happiness
Money is at it's essence, that measure of a man's choices!"
Do you find that interesting?
Season 1 Episode 1 is a tale of how two parents won't just con each other and justify it to themselves, but also when the going gets tough. . . how they will do anything to save the very family the two of them were actually working against saving while putting on the much needed Show and Public Face of being a "real family!"
This first episode of Ozark exposes how people are not quite who others think them to be.
What goes on behind the scenes is a far cry from what is seen by the rest of the world.
Are the sins of the father, the sins of the mother visited upon the children? The grandchildren?
When will people own up to what they caused rather than blaming the environment, the society around them no matter how evil and others?
Are not people actually responsible for the choices that they make?
Could they have made a different choice rather than the ones they made or will they continue to Not Heal because they are more interested in Justifying their choices rather than seeing them in the Clear, Glaring Light?
Isn't it about time people start admitting to what it is?
Many times dysfunctional
A group of people all of whom are trying to heal from their own childhood traumas, which many times are cyclical.
Generational curse?
Is there a way to break the cycle?
Within this episode with all that Wendy, the wife, did to cheat. . .you see a personification of forgiveness and redemption.
Humanity cannot always forget, but can forgive as Marty chooses life for Wendy in spite of her disloyalty, cheating and attempt to leave Marty high and dry.
This episode also exposes something all know exists if they are honest with themselves. . .your government and the banking system believe they can Control and Tell people what they can or cannot do with their own money.
Your government and banking system do not like people working Outside of their System nor thinking Outside the Box!
So the question becomes, what would You Do to save your family?
Would you go to extraordinary lengths, would you work for a drug cartel, the mafia or any criminal organization in order to keep your family from death?
Would you BS your way through it if you had to?
Would you involve your family in helping to save their own hides?
Is it all worth the Struggle?
Worth the SHOW?
Worth the consequences?
You decide!
Truth or Consequences?
Connections some may not even know are there!
Accommodation and subsistence expenses
Business expenses on trips
Marketing and PR expenses
Bank Credit Card and Financial charges
Back mileage for getting supplies
Software and Hardware expenses
Phone and internet expense
Do Not report all revenue as income!
Deduct all expenses and have receipts
Start up and Organization expenses
Total you can deduct
5,000 in start up and 5,000 in organization expenses
includes fees paid to incorporate
Office expenses, technology and supplies
Accounting software
Home office deduction
Mortgage interest
Use the percentage of space to write off all home costs used in business
Cell phone and cell phone service expenses
Can write of cell phone and the cost of cell phone service
Costs of goods sold
selling costs of products
cost of raw materials
All costs to deliver a service specific to business
Think amazon costs, etc.
Labor and time spent to hunt for materials both online and on foot.
Deduct paying work fees to kelsey
Business mileage for all business use
2020 it was over .50 for each mile
Business conferences and any other business reason
Business Travel
Business meals
50% can be written off from income
Ordinary and necessary in operation includes employees
Business has any debt, you can write off the business interest expense
Retirement contributions like traditional IRA's
Health Savings Contributions
Write off self employment taxes
If making 130,000 or more you can write off more by incorporating into a s corporation.
Chair holders of S corporations do not pay self employment taxes.
You are required to pay a reasonable salary based on the services you provide
If the salary you pay yourself is lower than 130,000 you will likely save more on self employment taxes as a result of the switch to an s corporation.
Qualified Business Income deduction from new tax laws that passed.
Allowed to write off up to 20% of your business income on your taxes.
Top 5 tax write offs for LLC's
Vehicle expense deductions you are Allowed!
Includes delivery
We use it at least 50% so deduct 50% up to depreciation limits
LLC write offs
Business travel 100% of travel and lodging expenses
seeking out potential business