A Global Diet Is Coming.
Over the last several months I’ve noticed a few articles coming out. About not having enough land to feed the population based on the current food guidelines. I screen shot and underline through 4 articles on this topic. Please look through them and then I will go into my thoughts on this. Thanks.

Keep that word Equity in mind.

Feeding the world, a global challenge? Sorry I know I said I wouldn’t comment until after the articles, but why in the hell is the usda food guide being used to compare the dietary needs for the whole world? The whole premise of this article is a crock of shit. Different nations, different needs, different food guides. Anyways, please continue.

Seeing as a vegan myself and knowing a great deal about nutrition. And it’s true how wasteful and detrimental commercial livestock rearing is on the land. One would think I’d be all for it, and I am in a way. However, I know why the UN is looking to shift the world off of meat. And it’s not about saving the planet, it’s not about suffering and it’s not even about producing more food for human consumption. Its all about control. Control over the land, control over resources, and most of all, total control over you. From what you eat to where you sleep and everything in between. That’s what it is and only had been about.

Feeding the world based on the USDA food guide, makes sense. DERP!

Yeah, You American pigs! You eat too much. You really do though, but that’s for another post lol

It’s was basically the same as the last to articles.
This article is a real piece of work. It’s basically saying that people are fat and are going to just get bigger and fatter. A how are we going to accommodate their need for more food.

Okay, I just have to mention that I love the additional ridges of fat around the blue ‘future human’ in the articles cover photo. Friggin hilarious!

What fat people are getting bigger and old people die. That’s not a phenomena lol

33 😉👌

Okay, so basically what you are saying is that because these other studies haven’t taken into consideration, the future food requirements of the fatter people from one nation and applied it to every nation (fat or not) that it is therefore wrong. Lmao, Am I reading that right? I have an idea how about we stop promoting obesity in the nations with the highest rates of obesity? Just a thought!
Nah but that’s no good for pushing your agendas. Am I right United Nations?

Before we delve into food production reality. Let’s look at our population reality.

Here in Canada the birthrate is so bad our own government predicts that 100% of population growth will be through immigration by the year 2035
So you might ask yourself, what’s the Canadian government doing about the low birthrate in Canada? Aside from flooding the country will illegal migrants.
Make abortions pills free of course! Because after all “You chose this country. This is your country more than it is for others because we take it for granted.” - Justin Trudeau
Free Abortion Pills: it's a matter of Mife & death.
"Can the courts restrict a woman from reproducing?"
"In what her lawyers are considering a Canadian first, a Montreal woman will take pregnancy tests twice a year as part of her sentence.
The woman, whose name cannot be released under a publication ban, pleaded guilty to infanticide last year. In additional to pregnancy testing the woman was sentenced to 20 months house arrest, and three years’ probation.
Unknowingly pregnant the woman gave birth in a bathtub, the baby was found by her spouse alive in a plastic bag but died days later. Originally the woman was charged with manslaughter, a charge that was later downgraded to infanticide."
You can learn more about that story in my post below.
The Beginning of Birth Restrictions in Canada?
Japan is in (de)population crisis.
Japan's population shrinking and the robosex agenda
Anyways the point I’m trying to make here, is that they are telling us one thing about the population, and in reality it’s the opposite. Our population isn’t growing, it’s declining!
Food production
Sounds to me that they are planning to create a global food guide. Perhaps this is setting up for the birth of the GLOBAL FOOD COUNCIL? “Seasonal food, better for everyone” EQUITY right?
I personally think that bugs will take a much larger role in food guides and I wrote about just why I think that in he link below.
BUGS: Agenda 2030 Diet Of The Future.
Key facts on food loss and waste you should know! From the UN’s fao. Funny how those articles from earlier failed to mention food waste. Which really is an important factor here.
Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted.
Food losses and waste amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized countries and US$ 310 billion in developing countries.
Industrialized and developing countries dissipate roughly the same quantities of food — respectively 670 and 630 million tonnes.
Fruits and vegetables, plus roots and tubers have the highest wastage rates of any food.
Global quantitative food losses and waste per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruits and vegetables, 20% for oil seeds, meat and dairy plus 35% for fish.
Every year, consumers in rich countries waste almost as much food (222 million tonnes) as the entire net food production of sub-Saharan Africa (230 million tonnes).
The amount of food lost or wasted every year is equivalent to more than half of the world's annual cereals crop (2.3 billion tonnes in 2009/2010).
Per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115 kg a year in Europe and North America, while consumers in sub-Saharan Africa, south and south-eastern Asia, each throw away only 6-11 kg a year. - source

At my place of work I can attest to the food waste. Albeit most of it is junk food but still that junk required land, water and fertilizer to grow. We currently produce enough food to feed a planet of 10 billion humans. Yet we have starving people and obese people on this planet. It’s not about how are we going to feed a population of 9 billion (never going to happen) in 2050? But rather how do we break humanity out of this cycle of food dependence on a corrupt system? And answer is simple, grow your own food. If you can’t get to know someone who can. Get to know your local farmers, who are on social media, they are reachable!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to add your add thoughts below.
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Fortunately we have found an unused, fertile region of soil the size of Canada to start farming. This area is called "Africa".
Unfortunately, they are trying to kill off the last of the farmers on that continent. Slowly moving south this destruction machine has stopped almost all farming.
The people in 'merica are getting fat, not because they eat too much, but actually because they eat too little.
The thing that the FDA and USDA fail to measure is actual nutrition.
These two organizations should actually be banned from using the word nutrition. Instead they are calories or pounds of food-stuffs.
A McDs hamburger has all the nutrition processed and cooked out of it. If you eat it, your stomach will be full, but your body will be empty. And thus it will lower the metabolic rate and save everything as fat.
A global diet is the most evil thing i have ever heard of.
There is no diet that is good for each person.
And the idea of pushing everyone into this globalist agenda is indeed terrifying. That there are people that believe that this group can "know better" is an insult to intelligence.
Fortunately, we are at the beginning of an ice-age. Just as Big-Ag is going to fail. The chemical fertilizers are going to fail.
A huge fork is about to be put into the globalist agenda... but we are going to feel it most.
If we’re were sensible with how we grow food. We wouldl’t need any of Africa for land to grow food. For example: 80% of the food on Canada’s grocery shelves is imported. Most of our land is wasted on growing canola and rearing livestock. When we could grow a shit ton of food for ourselves.
I agree about people’s eating. Bad nutrient deficient food is making them fat and ill.
And yeah, a global diet is a scary thought. For who are they to control and ration out our food to us? However, it’s certainly the plan for down the line.