in #africa6 years ago (edited)

Most Third World countries are living in abject poverty due to corruption according to WHO report 2008. Its continent is one of the most blessed in the world endowed with both human and natural resources, but it is clear that one is not rich because of what he has but, by what he can do with what he has. In spite of its rich resources, its citizens are very poor, which is as a result of heightened level of corrupt practices ongoing in these countries. Corruption has eaten deep into the fabric of their societies to a point where the larger populace of these societies sees nothing wrong with it. Corruption can simply be defined as lack of integrity or honesty i.e. use of a position of trust for dishonest gain. In Nigeria for example, most of its leaders misuse the trust given to them by the electorate and stores up fortunes by stealing national funds for their own personal use without minding the negative consequences it has on the national development of its country. Most families in the Third World countries celebrate the ill-gotten wealth of their children without asking questions to demand how this money was made, in order to ascertain the moral values of their children. The desperation by its citizens to make money no matter the cost even if it goes against core moral values has led to continuous rise in cases of corrupt acts in their countries and across the globe.


Furthermore, some of the negative effects of corruption on the national development of these countries include; increasing rate of unemployment, poor educational system, poor infrastructural systems (e.g. houses, electricity, etc.), and poor health care system. It might shock you to know that on a yearly basis, the development of education, infrastructure and health care systems are included in their country’s budgets and billions of dollars are released to ensure the success of these projects but, almost nothing is achieved at the end of the year with no one held accountable.


However, all hope is not lost because; nothing is beyond change in life. Putting up a positive fight against corruption by firstly, rearranging the psychological setup of its citizens to place more values on good morals than money. Through compulsory enlightenment in schools (basic, secondary and tertiary), religious houses (churches, mosque, etc.), and in public places (markets, parks, etc.), which will go a long way to foster national development. Another avenue to foster national development is for the legislative arm of government to enforce strict laws with great penalties in favor of no man i.e. whether rich or poor, whether a politician or civil servant, whether a community leader or religious leader but, favors only citizens with good moral values by honoring them nationally with financial awards.


Finally, corruption is a cankerworm which has eaten deep into the fabric of most Third World countries, which only enriches people in positions of authority, leaving the poor masses praying and wishing to be like their corrupt leaders. The urgent reawakening of the citizens of these countries is now. Its citizens should stand up and fight positively by demanding for enlightenment of its people on the need to live by core moral values and for the legislative arm of government to play its own part in ensuring no one is above the law. When this is achieved, the national development of these countries will rise astronomically.


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