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RE: I would like to highlight a new steemit user @Bania from Nigeria, he has been very successful and his success is more proof that Steem Blockchain can support people in developing nations! For this reason alone steem might gain humanitarian investors!

in #africa8 years ago

Damn this is really exciting work. You guys that are doing so much to bring Steemit to Naija are really fulfilling its potential in exciting new ways. Literacy into lucre, international connections, the web embodiment of acting local and thinking global.

In Nigeria however, it seems like all the Steemit action is happening in Lagos and Port Harcourt and Abuja and -- Ibadan? Anyway, those are all places I call Not!Enugu. One of the things I hope to do as I earn more is to start promoting Steemit in Enugue. Even before that, I'm looking for Enugu-based Steemians to get together and organize; accomplish together what we can't do apart.


You need tio become a localbitcoin for your dealer incase there is no dealers in ur area, probly is, but become a cheaper one, bevcaue steemit users need bitcoin dealers bcause bitcoin ATms are gonna be an expensove luuxry but u dont need them at al u can always make money becoming a bitycoin (and steem) dealer selling and buying bitcoin (or steem) for cash,

but maybe there are plenty of bitcoin dealers already but mak sure people know u will help thjem cash their steem out, so u can always be aure people will be able to spend their money when they want so they can be motioavted to keep using steemit. many people just save the money not knowing how to withdraw it and end up being less motiavtd, peopl eneed to see that its real money

we will be able to get a lot of peopel in ur area on steemit with simple word of moputh campaugns, but u also need to have some ground breaking project with building local fre WOFIO ro something or buiklding a cmputer lab for a school, u need a way for ur vilage or town to have public fre wifi for people tro use who would like to work on steemit, and iut would be great to have a compuyer lab where poor presidents without smartphones can just uyse stemit untill they make enough for a smartphone for themselves, this is something that would make steemit look very good in the town when we provide free wifi
we gotta get more free wifi out there! people need more free wifi and compuer labs to use! people need to see computers and internet as an abundant resurce that everyone can access, then peopel will see how easy a work at home economy can work!

EVERYONE can make money online, work at home can become the lifeblood of the new world economy! Its just humans finding nooks and cranie of money in the economy ND building NEW ways to make MORE money onlin! theers PLENTy for everyone!


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