War & Peace in the Congo(DRC)
War-weary Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) should not be forced to conduct an election this year. Any election done in the DRC that is not preceded by an interim government led by non-politicians will most likely only serve to extend the wars and instability in the world’s 11th largest country.
The UN and AU should hold talks with President Joseph Kabila, and pressure him to accept to step down within the next 12 months, and hand over power to an interim government, preferably led by religious leaders. More than 90% of the Congolese are Christians, mostly Catholics and Protestants. A senior Catholic priest/bishop could team up with a senior Protestant priest/bishop as interim President/Vice-President.
During the rule of the interim govt(eg 5 years), new electoral laws should be enacted that must lead to the exclusion from politics of all previous warlords.
Moïse Katumbi: The Man that Led The Powers-That-Be to Demand an Election in 2018
Moïse Katumbi, the son of a Sephardic Jew and the ex-Governor of Katanga Province(2007-2015) must also be excluded from holding any political position in DRC in future. One of the reasons that the powers-that-be globally have been pushing for an election in the unstable country is because they wanted Mr Katumbi to become the next president.
During Mr Katumbi’s reign as Governor of Katanga, he and his Jewish friends made billions illegally from minerals, as they threw crumbs to the locals to placate them. Katumbi was behaving as a god when he was the governor of the province.
Jewish-owned media was already promoting Katumbi as the next president of DRC years ago. “The 53-year-old former governor of Congo’s copper-rich Katanga province would be the likeliest candidate to replace President Joseph Kabila if he’s allowed to compete in elections scheduled for December, according to a poll published last month.”
Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-30/congo-s-katumbi-to-return-home-when-election-certain-to-go-ahead
It would be a good idea to exclude all former provincial governors from contesting the presidency in future. It is almost impossible to have a governor who has not been corrupt or involved with violent militias, especially in the mineral producing provinces.
Source of Instability and Conflict in the Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is widely considered one of the world's richest countries in natural resources; its untapped deposits of raw minerals are estimated to be worth in excess of US$24 trillion. The Congo has 70% of the world's coltan(used in mobile phones, pacemakers, jet engines, turbines etc), a third of its cobalt(used to make rechargeable batteries), more than 30% of its diamond reserves, and a tenth of its copper.
Source: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/DR+Congo's+$24+trillion+fortune.-a0193800184
The world’s richest and most powerful peoplehave refused to let the Congolese enjoy their wealth in peace. It is time good people in the world supported the country to stabilize so that its people who are refugees can return back home. This would be good for the Congolese and for the host countries too.
As at 2 August 2018, this article has been blocked from all search engines I have checked i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing and Duckduckgo. Also, Steemit default search engine(Google) has not indexed it. Therefore, this article is completely undiscoverable online.
This is interesting because this article has been re-published in at least one major online newspaper whose editor follows me(and has linked back to the article).
I would not have known about that publication if he had not sent me a heads up about it, since it is also blocked from all search engines.
This article has also been posted to twitter, among other sites, with links back to it. There is therefore no reason why the search engines ‘cannot find it’.
The truth hurts. Really hurts.
This proves, without any shadow of doubt, that it is the powers-that-be who are behind the Congo crisis, because (((they))) also control the search engines.
Something I should have added in the original article:
If former warlords and other divisive and crooked politicians were to be excluded in future elections(a necessity in DRC), then they should be paid a generous salary for life to ensure their continued cooperation with future governments. This is a very small price to pay to save millions of people from being killed in future wars.
These former senior warlords/senior political crooks cannot be more than 300 in number. Their pay would hardly dent the US$24 Trillion in DRC mineral wealth. This wealth has made powerful global forces lay the groundwork that has resulted in over 6 million Congolese civilians being killed as they pitted one community against the other through incitement - keeping peasants busy massacring each other, as the powers-that-be raped the country.
1996–1997: 250 thousand – 800 thousand civilians killed. 1998-2003: 4.7 million civilians killed. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/apr/08/congo.jamesastill
Civilians get killed regularly up to this day. Currently, “there are over 70 armed groups operating in the DRC.” https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/atrocity-alert-no-116-1-august-2018
And now, these same powerful forces are not concerned about the fate of the sick and homeless civilians and the fact that the country is too divided and unstable, and an election now will only exacerbate the instability and violence. All they want is their kin to become president so they can grab the minerals from the front gate.
Herman J. Cohen, former ambassador & US Asst. Secretary of State, pitching for his kin, Moise Katumbi.