Why Affiliate Marketing is the Best Way to Make Money for Beginners
How can earning money online really be that simple.
The simplest way to explain it is that it is essentially sales. You are
acting as a seller and earning commission on any sales you make.
In that way, you are just like the door-to-door salesmen who come
around to sell you broadband.
The difference is that you aren’t going door to door. The internet
is your door and this is a door that gives you access to everyone
on the planet. That right away gives you a huge advantage – and
especially when you learn how you can get the visitors to come to
The other difference here is that the commission scheme is going
to be highly different. Regular salesmen will normally get a small
cut of whatever they sell: perhaps 5-10%. As mentioned, the
difference with affiliate marketing, is that you’re going to get as
much as 70-80% of the proceeds. That’s right: often as an affiliate
marketer you are actually going to earn more than the creator of
the product!
This is what makes affiliate marketing so hugely appealing:
because it means that you can start earning just as though you
were selling your own product, but without having to invest lots of
money to create something from scratch.
What’s more, is that because you’ll be selling a product that is
already out there, you can choose something that is already selling
in big numbers. When you create your own product to sell, there is
always a small risk that you’ll build something that no one wants.
When you simply market something that is highly popular, that
becomes much less likely!