January ProgBlog #1: really, really easing back in

in #aer5 years ago

I was optimistic and tried but as expected it took me longer to ease back in than I wanted.

And then I injured my right thumb cleaning the stove and had a couple of days where holding the pen was painful (but towards the end of Day 0 and yesterday I tried anyway, today was better).

Currently working on trying to get Zara's hair sorted. Took me a bit to remember how to x-mirror around the 3d cursor and even then because I hadn't applied the transforms to the curves the mirrored copies were wonkered. Which was fine as I only wanted the same number of guides on both sides and didn't want the hairstyle to be symmetrical, but it's a bit of work adjusting.

Need to work on it a bit more but it renders half-decently, and nice and quick when I remembered to switch to using the gigantic graphics card I have for this express purpose.

Only other related thing of note I've done recently is tortured myself til late last night reading the last version of my old scripts that I have (every single awful episode). It was so bad. I escalated really quick from internally screaming to externally screaming to laughing in exasperation and exclaiming OHMYGODWAT several times all the way through to WHY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. I'm really glad I chose not to rush this thing (as tempting as it was at the time to "just get something out" as I was being encouraged to back then) and spent the extra couple of years writing the (ridiculously long and detailed) outline to nut out several cultural and technological things and then more years polishing the absolute hell out of the scripts.

Hopefully it's actually okay now x_x

This post also appears on my blog.

Apologies to the people waiting on stuff, I haven't forgotten, honest x_x

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Thanks for looking! ^_^

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Sometimes our body needs to remind us to rest. It sucks that it's being done in the form of injuries but otherwise we probably won't listen.

Glad you're getting somewhere with the hair. Can I get a haircut from your gigantic graphics card? It seems to do a pretty quick and thorough job.

Picking up old creative stuff sure seems like a way to gain confidence and see how you've improved over time. I guess I'm gonna do the same. It might help me move forward with my current ( Dino ) story.


I advise other people similarly but rarely take my own advice ^_^; Like when I hurt my hand I struggled on (just changed the way I held the pen which worked out all rightish for 3d stuff but I couldn't colour very well due to not being able to change pressure easily).

The gigantic graphics card is currently doing the rendering. I did the haircut and you probably shouldn't trust me to do one of those in meatspace as I don't have an undo combo or curve guides out here XD

Looking at the old stuff was definitely good for me as I plateaud around 2012 (which I'm really glad about as it means I've been able to move forward, prior to that it was just a lot of repeat work because starting over was quicker and easier than fixing the old crap stuff, but can also be a bit of a downer because you don't notice improvements because they're now so miniscule).

Hope looking at old stuff gives you some motivation or new ideas, whichever it is you need :D

And then I injured my right thumb cleaning the stove

And this is why I steer clear of cleaning of any sort.

I would much rather avoid cleaning but if I see it IT MUST BE CLEAN (not necessarily tidy, I literally don't care about that and it incessantly infuriates the people who very firmly conflate the two XD). I generally avoid looking at the stove coz I hate cleaning it...for this reason XD

However I'm the one at home most of the time so I try to keep on top of it (even though I have infinitely better things to do XD).

Our place is clean and most of it is tidy ... just not where I work :D

Sounds like my desk actually XD (not that the rest of the house is that tidy but there is a vast difference between my desk and the rest of the house).

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