Most of my raging is done internally so I get headaches a lot
I have a love/hate relationship with this thing XD more love than hate but I really hate it when I have to fix things. Least with this one I can fix things but I would much rather it was more like my Macs and Just WorkedTM XD
That would be incredibly counterproductive XD
Most of my raging is done internally so I get headaches a lot
I have a love/hate relationship with this thing XD more love than hate but I really hate it when I have to fix things. Least with this one I can fix things but I would much rather it was more like my Macs and Just WorkedTM XD
There is something to be said for the whole just working thing.
It's quite satisfyingly to smash shit up sometimes. Although the next day tends to be painful, lol
It can be, though I still try not to smash things I need ;D