The ADZcoin Cryptocurrency Concept

in #adz8 years ago (edited)

What the heck is Adzcoin all about?

Image of Adzbuzz

Well, if you have never heard of Cryptocurrency, here is an overview of the coin which is about to become the coin of the people.
For the lay person who does not want to know all the techie stuff, it is simply a form of electronic payment, also known as Altcoins. Most people have heard of Bitcoin, and that is where it all began. There are thousands of different Altcoins in existence, which have had varying amounts of success in the marketplace.

People trade, deal and invest in these coins in order to make a profit when they cash them in. So where does ADZcoin fit in to this vast arena?

There is a lot of utter rubbish online isn’t there? But there is far more really good stuff, which we love, and return to again and again. We all have our favorites, on YouTube, blogs that we follow, weather channels, sports pages, charities …. the list goes on. Have you ever thought that it would be great to show your appreciation of the good content they produce? You can’ like’ things on Facebook, and that gets the publishers message out to more people, which brings more traffic to their site.

Then what? You may click on a advert or buy something, which will bring them in some money. Trouble is, most of us hate adverts, and use add blockers.

So how are these publishers going to survive as ad blockers get more prevalent and sophisticated? Websites cost money to set up and maintain, and people who create them want to be paid for their time and expertise. They can’t ask you to click on their adds, because Google would slap them!

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way that you could just click a button and send them a donation?

ADZcoin – The Vision

In development, as I type this, is the soon to be famous ADZbuzzer is being developed! Publishes simply add the button (next to the other social sharing buttons like Facebook, Twitter, etc) where they will be able to be rewarded by their readers. Pretty smart isn’t it?! The whole thing is explained in detail on the Adcoindesk website.

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The Final Piece Of The ADZcoin Project Puzzle

If you have a blog, website, YouTube channel, or forum etc, you will see the beauty of this. Competing with huge companies who have huge resources won’t pose such a problem anymore.

I live in a small country surrounded by ocean. It has been well documented how High Streets in small towns are literally dying. Competition from out of town shopping centers has all but killed them off. Our town has survived and flourished because we have independent shops, cafes, pubs and restaurants. Apart from a chemist and a small supermarket, there are no chain stores.

Our town gets lots of visitors, because it has unique and interesting places for them to spend their money! Without this commitment by the residents and the town council, we would have gone down the plug hole along with neighboring towns.

Do you see where I’m going with this?! 😉 Its the same for small to medium publishers, it is getting harder and harder to make money, not just because of the competition from massive sites, but because it is getting increasingly difficult to monetize the traffic that they do get. They need more traffic to see their lovely content, and ADZbuzzer, because of its unique features, will help with that.

ADZcoin – The Future

The future for the AZdcoin project is very bright indeed! What I have talked about here today is just a fraction of what’s to come.

ADZ the cryptocurrency will be distributed to the members on the platform!

It doesn’t stop there, you will soon be able to download the ADZcoin Extension on all platforms. This will enable users to get discounts when shopping online, and get ADZ back! You will then be able to withdraw your coins into your wallet, and do with them as you please.

So how ADZbuzz Will Help you Earn A Full-Time Passive Income Online!

Welcome to the ADZbuzz Club, a community of like-minded people who have one goal: Making a full-time passive income online while at the same time building up your wealth!

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This is a truly unique opportunity using ADZcoin and the ADZbuzz platform and is unlike anything you have ever seen before!

How does it work exactly? Here’s a short to-the-point overview:
Step 1: Buy An ADZbuzz Upgrade Offer
The upgrade offer will lift your limits on the ADZbuzz platform so you can use it as any other social media platform without restrictions. The upgrade offer can only be bought using ADZcoin, which can easily be bought with USD from the crypto currency exchange Livecoin.

Step 2: Get A 100% Refund Instantly
The truly unique angle of this offer is that it’s basically free to get started. The amount of coins you use to buy the upgrade will be instantly credited to your account.

Step 3: Watch Your Profits accumulate
Once you buy an upgrade offer you will earn up to 30% profits on top of your initial payment. So $1000 worth of ADZ will turn into $1300 over time coming from numerous income streams within the ADZbuzz project.

Step 4: Rinse And Repeat Until You Earn A Full-Time Income!
The compounding factor will allow you to buy more and more upgrades which will ensure you eventually earn a full-time passive income, while at the same time owning an asset (ADZ) that is worth a lot of money!

Here at the ADZbuzz club we take the greatest invention of mankind even a step further!

Why would we build compound interest on an asset that continuously loses value (Dollars or any other currency) because it’s being printed every day, while we can do exactly the same thing using an asset (crypto currency) that is limited in supply?

There are only a total of 84 million ADZcoins that will ever be created. This means that scarcity will kick in when the ADZbuzz Club grows and more and more people buy upgrades, our other products and use ADZcoin in their business.

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Decreased Supply + Increased Demand = Higher Value!

So in essence, when you buy the upgrade offer to lift your limits on the ADZbuzz platform, you also grow your wealth over time by owning more and more ADZcoins, which is an asset that will continuously rise in value over time.

So get started today, join the ADZbuzz passive income club and let’s become financially free together!

If you want to Join then, now is the time. Click below
Join here-->ADZBUZZ


Adzcoin will be next Bitcoin