in #advice7 years ago

It has become imperative to discuss the issues of pregnancy with men and what they need to know about their pregnant wives.

There are certain things you may be doing knowingly and unknowingly when your wife is pregnant and this may contributes to a state of well being of the mother and the unborn child or not.

It gives me great concern when i see men,who behave indifferently to their wives, simply beceause she is pregnant.knowing fully well that the changes are just temporary.
It does not last forever just 9 months.You don't buy pregnancy from the supermarket.neither is it downloaded from the internet. It's a God given gift to mankind.Women has been given the responsibility to carry it.So they should be treated well and be respected.

Pregnancy is a preparation, of introducing and bringing a new member into the family. Pregnancy is precious and it must be treated as such.
Although most women differ in body changes,so dont worried when you see them do certain things.


-Requesting for unimaginable things e.g she wants to eat beans served with okra soup

-Lazy to prepare meals

-Having the urge to stretch her legs on your laps. Please allow her because carrying the baby not easy.
Her needs may be demanding at times.

These could be annoying but remember that women differ from each other during pregnancy.

-Morning sickness may come and this could lead to vomiting.Please be there for her.

-To some,sleeping is the order of the day.They can sleep anywhere,with the slightest chance even in the kitchen.

-Most of them may have fever.

-Some may loose weight while some others may add up weight.

-Some may have at the corner of the house, a container were they spit into,or even walk about with White handkerchief spitting in it.All of these are your handiwork.So please endure.It doesn't last long.

Tolerate please afterwards comes rejoicing. Even when her attitude becomes annoying,learn to bear,assure her that it will soon be over.Dont abandone her in that condition.Be there for her.Assit her in some domestications,she will surely appreciate you.Have at the back of your mind that the pregnancy didnt come by chance or all by itself.You planted it there,so both of you should bear the pains.Do not neglect her by leaving her all to herself while you go unwinding with friends.It is not proper

She did not commit any abominable act neither is she a curse. it's not an easy journey for her.
So be loving,patient enduring and understanding.

1)Do you take time to observe her,most especially her foot while pregnant,to see if its swollen and profer solution?When she calls for a massage,are you always available to give her such treat?Or when she needs you to accompany her for walk,do you feel ashamed to walk with her.It has been noticed that most men feels ashamed strolling with their pregnant wives. Thats too bad.That should be the time to show her how much you love and care for her.

2)On a regular basis ask to know how she feels and how the baby is doing only she can feel and notice the movement of the baby inside her.

  1. Tell her how beautiful she looks during pregnancy.complement her beauty.Tell her funny things that wound make her laugh,this can ease tension.Shower her with gift items if you have the means.Assure her of your love for her.

  2. Don't be angry if she ever wakes you up by 3am,the time you are enjoying your sleep to come help massage her feet. You need to feel a little of her discomfort and pain because it is not easy for. She too loves sleep but she can't help it.. She shouldn't carry it alone,remember also,that the baby is yours and you need to carry it together. (Not physical carriage though).

5)Sex during pregnancy is very important.So dont deny of that if she asked for it.Dont shy away from such responsity.Athough mosy women differs,but if yours is the type that lives it during pregnancy, pls do not hesitate in giving it to her full dose.

The best time to draw closer to your spouses is during during pregnancy because that's the best times she needs you most.Its not easy for to have a life inside of please draw ever closer to her.Tell her the secret of sweet nothings.

I sincerely appreciate and commend men who fully stand and support their wives during pregnancy.May Almighty God continue to bless you all.Your labours will never go in vain.




Wow, pregnancy is a beautiful thing. Good to cheerish it when found, some are going through hell searching for it

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