Life advice

in #advice7 years ago

  1. People think that they will be happy if they move to another place, and then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

  2. After you have learned how to save, learn how to earn.

  3. Appreciate the people who come in those moments when it's not good for them, but for you.

  4. Do not shut your mouth to those who open your eyes.

  5. There is no point in trying to help people who do not help themselves. A person can not be forced to climb the stairs if he does not want to go up.

  6. Errors - everyone. Recognizes a mistake - worthy. Ask forgiveness - courageous. Renews relations - strong.

  7. Get courage if you want to change something. Be patient, if something can not be changed. And be wise to know when you need courage, and when patience.

  8. Never regret what you did if at that moment you were really happy.

  9. An apology does not mean that you are wrong, but another person is right. It just means that the value of your relationship is more important than your own ego.

  10. People are divided into two halves. Some people, entering the room, exclaim: "Oh, who I see!"; Others: "Here I am!"

  11. The most difficult thing in life is to understand which bridge should be crossed and which one to burn.

  12. Learn to rejoice without alcohol, to dream without drugs, to communicate without the Internet.

  13. To find out where your heart lives, pay attention, where your mind wanders in moments of dreams.

  14. It is impossible to live without quarrels, just like going through the whole city only to green light.

  15. You need to be able to deny people. They have the property of being impudent.

  16. The only person with whom you have to compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person better than you should be is who you are now.

  17. Never return to places where you were ill. Never ask from those who refused once. And do not let those close who hurt you once hurt you.

  18. There are three golden qualities in a person's character: patience, sense of proportion and the ability to remain silent. Sometimes in life they help more than the mind, talent and beauty.

  19. Never live with a person for money, children and pity. Money will get fed up, children will grow up, and pity will turn into contempt.

  20. The best revenge for a person is to prove that you can do without him.

  21. Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experience, the worst will give you a lesson, and the best will give memories.

  22. Everything can be experienced in this life, as long as there is something to live for, who to love, who to take care of and to whom to believe.

  23. The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of the mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only together can turn into love.

  24. If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

  25. If you want to know a person, do not listen to what others say about him, better listen to what he says about others.

  26. When God closes one door, he opens another; But we often do not notice it, staring at the closed door.

  27. Do not postpone your plans if it's raining outside, a strong wind. Do not give up the dream, if people do not believe in you. There are no unattainable goals - there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a reserve of excuses.

  28. Sex is just one way of expressing one's feelings. Love without sex leaves the body cold, and sex without love is empty.

  29. Alone - watch your thoughts, in the family circle - for the manifestation of character, among friends - for your language.

  30. Sometimes it is useful to simulate the wreck of a ship so that rats can escape from it.

  31. If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If you do not believe - do not make excuses. If you do not appreciate - do not prove it.

  32. Never make excuses. Neither to those who love you, nor - especially - to those who do not love. Anyone who does not love, still you will never believe, but who likes - he will come up with an excuse for you.

  33. Never return to the past. It kills your present. Memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time. The past can not be returned, and the future can not begin.

  34. In fact, the closest person is one who knows your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you as you are.

  35. The word of a loved one heals better than all the doctors of the world. And kills faster than all butchers ...

  36. One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: do not focus on troubles, do not live offenses, do not get drunk with annoyance, do not conceal anger. Do not drag the various trash into your soul.

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