"I yearn to meet my One and live happily ever after" – is the 'Twin soul' idea real or a myth?

in #advice7 years ago

Excerpt: How many times have you heard people say - "I am longing to be with my twin soul/my other-half"? Is such an aspiration real? Is the ultimate goal in our romantic life should be to reunite with another human, The One? In this article, I claim that the notion of twin soul was indoctrinated into our minds and that in reality what we call true-love begins when we unite with our soul level. Furthermore, waiting for a loved one to come to complete us is the fast way to a miserable life. Rather, one should get themselves out of the duality, claim self-love, and then everything will come to them, including what is perceived to be "The One".

(c) nomad-magus

For a long time, when I was much younger, I used to believe that once I would meet my One, a girl that would fit exactly what my heart and my mind longed for, I would be happy and whole. This belief, like a guiding light, had led me to wonderful adventures which allowed me, compelled me, to grow and expand my awareness. With those experiences came the understanding that the belief I was holding about the "twin soul" is ancient as humanity is, and it is high time I let it go. With the release came liberation, and joy that I could had not fathomed before I embarked on the journey.

Let's examine this "twin soul/other-half" idea -

Throughout the years, I have often heard women who said: “he fulfills me”; “he is completing me in everything”; “we match so perfectly because together we are a complete one unit”; or men who reassure their spouses by saying: “she is my other half”; or a young loving couple who states in each other's ears and to the rest of the world that they are “two parts of one big whole”. All of the above statements are expressed from a dualistic perspective and testify that although the relationship might be beautiful, magical, rewarding and enjoyable it remains in the confinements of the box of dualism. If our intention is to grow towards the limitless True Love then we must step out of the duality. It’s high time we faced old notions as “twin flame” or “the other half” with courage and flexibility.

Although the well-known notion Twin-flame embodies grand spiritual truth, it is still not the final destination for a human being who seeks mastery or happiness. A person who we see as our complement is not our True Love.

From a subjective point of view, those who see their spouse as their True Love cannot be wrong of course. This is their subjective experience. From their limited state of consciousness, their spouse indeed seems to be their True Love for s/he plants in them the feelings they expect to receive from a true lover: gentleness, care, empathy, protection, intimacy, and completion. However, those people lack to see that True Love is far grander and eventually the subjective illusion they have proliferated fades away, leaving them with the puzzling thoughts: “is that all?”; “is that everything that a True love relationship can offer me!?"

What is a true love relationship?

When eventually a True Love relationship is created such questions are never asked. True Love does not exist in our lives to offer us something or to fulfill needs. Our True Lover, our spouse, does not carry any shred of responsibility to our own life nor s/he is there to save us from unfortunate life circumstances.

Evidently, our modern culture has educated us to think differently. A feature film as "Pretty Woman" with the actress Julia Roberts, presents that exact attitude – a rich and handsome man, prince charming, saved a good-hearted young girl whose misfortunate life-circumstances had led her to become a prostitute. Once he pulled her out of the poor situation they could live happily ever after. Another film starring the same actress described a similar idea. In "Noting Hill", a famous movie star arrived in Great Britain and accidentally fell in love with an anonymous bookseller (Hugh Grant) whom she eventually saved from a boring and meaningless life. Here again, they lived happily ever after. Although such approaches towards love are emotional, romantic and appropriately touch our hearts, they only present a partial and incomplete picture of what really goes behind the scenes when it comes to relationships. There is 50% chance that the Pretty-women's or Noting Hill's couples have divorced and are no longer living together.

The faulty doctrine that our culture nourishes claims that each human being has only one twin soul whom they will meet if and when they behave well enough or if they are lucky enough. Moreover, such encounter will mark the ending of all their sufferings in this lifetime. The higher truth, however, is different and much more comforting. Those of us who thought they had lost a great love when they were young, or have felt they have missed their twin flame, should find great comfort and encouragement in the following words.
The Higher Truth

(c) nomad-magus

The psychic relationships between the human beings in our world is a complex tapestry which resembles a family tree. There is the main branch that splits into sub-categories and fine fragments up to the individual person. Each human being is placed at one specific spot on that diagram from which they can move upwards according to their spiritual development. When a man meets a woman whom towards he feels great closeness, it means that those two individuals belong to the same department on that family tree which split from the same soul. In that meaning, they are indeed twin souls. However, it does not mean that they are the sole and only twin souls to each other. The family tree is huge, enormous and infinite and the higher we progress on it the bigger the chances that we would find additional twin souls with whom our connection would be even stronger, deeper and more rewarding compared to the initial relationship with our first lover whom we met in the early days of our life. It is not a surprise then to witness many couples who describe their current relationship as their most loving and rewarding one compared to their previous love affairs.

Each and every relationship that we experience which involves emotional entanglements - in the neutral sense of that word – IS a relationship with a twin soul. Sometimes such relationship lasts for a very short period of time, a few days perhaps, only to leave us with many thoughts and inspirations that further ignite our growth. In other times a connection with a twin soul may last for many years, lifetimes and beyond. In both cases, it is a twin-soul type of relationship. A woman who says that she might never love again like she loved her first sweetheart only twists the reality and dooms herself to a life of solitude and misery. Her stubbornness to keep holding to that old and fragile branch would surely impede her from growing upwards to find a greater love, her True Love.

In future posts, I will describe in details the nature of that true love and what it means exactly to us, the human beings who live and love in the physical world.

Credit: a detail of “Don Quixote De La Mancha” painted by Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau

In conclusions: for those of you, regardless your states or age, who still yearn to find great love, remember that it's never too late. The point of power is in the now moment, from which spring ample opportunities for many beautiful relationships with many of your own soul-mates. Follow your heart and if it tells you to search for your one then do not listen to me or anyone else who tells you it's a myth. There is a reason why "the one" concept was imprinted in your mind/heart and the quest, albeit it's a Don Quixote one, will reveal to you great truths.

Good luck!


You are most welcome to write in the comments your own dilemmas, questions, or dreams and I'll reply with my suggested inputs.

As you already know, I consider myself one of the lucky ones. If she is not my one twin soul then she is a member of the same leaf on the tree.

I used to believe people where separated in to two haves that completed each other. A Yin and Yang almost. Now I know that finding a partner means first falling in love with yourself and then finding someone that occupies the same place. In the end, if you don't love yourself completely, how can you know what it is when you love someone else?

Indeed, there's no other way. I hope those who are still not convinced will read more comments like yours. Thanks for sharing.

@nomad-magus ...as i mentioned in previous post that i cannot stop myself from scrolling your posts..now i came through this one which i think is 3 days old ...sorry for being late..:P .. anyways..
Your words in the post reflects the reality in nutshell..!! Yess there is no twin soul waiting at the other end..i agree sir...what i have noticed these days that the young people be it a girl or a boy litreally destructs themselves for the sake of so called true love which in my opinion does not even exists in real sense.. a person no doubt can find true love but in HIMSELF or HERSELF .... itz better to find it within onself which inturn can give you inner peace.
True love even if exists is still rarest thing on earth..
Mr.David you have actually touched the right point here... Thankyou...
What is ur further advice or opinion?? @nomad-magus

The problem begins when young people follow false gods, neon gods, like in the immortal song "the sound of silence".
Carry on believing in yourself, loving yourself, and you will see true love in your lifetime, sooner than later.
More advices will unfold in future posts. Day by day.
Thanks for your feedback, @monisnasir 👍

Waiting desperately for future posts...thankyou sir

You said it right bro...may be it is a conviction or conception created by people to give themselves hope or an unachievable virtue within the two mates..but it is the thing we all yearn for... So why to make it a pre requisite.. Let our notion about it make it up,may be a virtual one..

We yearn for the connection with our inner self, and because we don't know to pin point that elusive self we therfore we settle for an outer representative, i.e., a partner.
Thanks for your feedback and support

Yes it is better to sometimes make ourselves up with the perception of the thing that never really is...even though the accomplishment of the same is challenging and somewhat boorish..

Finding a twin soul isn't that easy, only the ones who are lucky get the one, In my opinion one should undergo through numerous relationships as long as he finds the one, if we have to bring some cloth, we look for 100's untill we find a one which suits our personality, so what is the problem in numerous relationships, we can know people and find a perfect match for our selves. Thank you

As I wrote, in my opinion and based on my life experience there is no one twin soul waiting at the end of the road.
Finding a relstiondhip of the soul level is not an issue of effort or hardship but more of allowing and timing.
Thanks for your comment👍

Completely my pleasure

It is true finding your soul mate ,the one with which you can spend you whole life...everyone should try to find their one which best suits them.....if the decision is mAde right ....this decision can make their lives like life in heaven....

... The decision to pursue love from within.
Thanks for expressing your opinion

I agree completely..
There's no twin soul waiting for us..
If the love is true, how can it fade away..
Human beings are fickle, and something like true love is very rare

But don't give up on love. One day you will love and be loved in a way grander than what you have ever experienced. This I know for 100%👍

I won't..
Without love, life isn't worth living

Yup ...dont make love to have completely different image for you...true love and true soul mates are there waiting for the right time to show up....if you believe in waiting you should

Bro, I do believe in love ..
But I don't believe in soul mates.
That's just a notion created by people to give themselves hope..

Only lucky people find true love nwadays in this lusty sexfull world people love body not hearts

My friend, if this is your perception then this is what you will attract to yourself. I know very well what you mean, the male-female relationship is out of balance, led by the battle of powers, seems hopeless and anything but love-oriented. But I am telling you people are changing. And if you want to find yourself in a world which is not "lusty" or "sexfull" then allow yourself to change.
My two cents. Your choice 👍

Thnks my friend for the wonderfull reply

Human emotions are actually deceitful sometimes. I’ve been asking myself a lot of times if twin soul is teal and if it is how will you know? If what you feel in a certain person also feels like what you feel on the other.

Emotions from the mind are misleading. I totally agree.

Yup and it is too hard to control it.

Definitely. My solution is not thinking and breathing consciously. Never to fight the mind..

Hmmm thank you 😊 it actually really help. It’s like you arhmmm just in a zone out

Finding your soulmate can be both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing if you meet and stay together, but a curse if you meet but the timing is wrong or other obstacles get in your way and you are forced to be apart

IMO, even separating is a blessing for the long run albeit painful when it happens. I Totally know what you mean.

Well said "true-love begins when we unite with our soul level" this is true we all want one to be in our lives and make our lives beautiful and realise that we are living for a reason, at some point in our life we all come up with that one person who me you think that, yeah that person is actually my soul mate and is truly made for me, "waiting for a loved one to come to complete us is the fast way to a miserable life" in order to degrade our misery we need that one thing in our life, enjoyed reading it...

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