Advertisers Pulling Out of YouTube CENSORSHIP March 31, 2017
hi YouTube Theresa live here in I'm
getting in on this conversation again
about advertisers and creators revenue
and how a lot of these advertisers are
pulling out and I want to start here by
saying that this is how I see them the
traditional media because in some many
senses media's media however you have
big business big media and big politics
all wrapped up together and that's one
of the things that we you know may not
be aware of that's what I've seen is how
they're all kind of working together and
so you know like when they all have the
same story think of the news
organizations when all of them run the same
story doesn't anyone see anything about
that but I had some things here that I
wanted to you know that I had written
down but first before I say that here's
some of the companies that have been
mentioned General Motors starbucks Pepsi
walmart AT&T Verizon and this has come
from boogie2988 philip defranco and
drama alert and so these are the some of
the channels I've been following up with
you know following the story on but I've
written some things actually in the
YouTube help forum about my opinions on
this because I've been a content creator
on YouTube for 11 years and honestly my
revenue was down like eighty percent
from 2012 and I i was posting family
friendly content for a long time and
then two years ago it just i got to the
point it's like what do I have to do
what do I have to do to get it to
increase you know what do I have to do
so i thought okay i need to change and
do something different because for four
years i watched it go down and in so i
mean it's it's really unfortunate it
just seems kind of like um from that
point it just kept going down and my
content was not getting served up why
why is that
and and see we went through the same
thing when I was first on YouTube
they're talking about the same thing oh
whoa well if you see advertisers content
show up on videos that aren't friendly
tell the advertiser make sure you tell
the advertiser well to me that's
propaganda that's propaganda from
the traditional media because they are
big business big media and politics all
mixed together now this is what I wrote
I said advertisers have controlled and
dictated the narrative for a very long
time with radio newspaper there was a
monopoly when they started out with air
wave TV there was a monopoly with cable
TV there was a monopoly for who could
broadcast now anyone can broadcast and
the leaders of countries don't like the
idea of losing control of the
brainwashing they have indoctrinated
on all of us for their ill-gotten
gains why is it some products can be put
on a front typically a humanitarian
front as their products are gently
floating out of the back of military
aircraft bombing the country for natural
resources as far as being a little
facetious when I wrote that but and then
I go on to say we have all seen american
troops throwing candy to Middle Eastern
kids those doing the protesting are part
of the three-headed dragon big business
big media and big politics nothing we
say and do as content creators is going
to be right because they want people
watching the old media where they
dictate the dialogue those advertisers
are the ones with a product to sell if
their sales are down then maybe it's
maybe its because they didn't advertise on youtube with
follow up my own question and it says
companies can sell parts of their
company rename the company create a side
company hide the company yet there is
still a history of the company
contributing to war and violence isn't
it a bit
hypocritical to say that YouTube is
showing reality real life situations yet
some of these companies who are
contributing to war violence and
terrorism have directly contributed to
the sentiments of folks in other
countries picking up their cameras and
recording their life and the destruction
they are living that is like knowing
that withholding basic needs of water
and food create homelessness and death
yet the company is doing it don't want
us to see what they have created they
don't want to take responsibility yet
they have a direct hand in creating the
violence and then I share the Wikipedia
history of General Motors and see
General Motors has made military
equipment and so but you know as we know
with a lot of companies they rename
things they sell them to other parts
they diversify and move things to other
places so then they make it harder for
us to connect the dots to know what type
of activities is happening with
companies and so yeah that's just my
kind of my relationship because if you
go to Wikipedia com you go see history
of General Motors making military
equipment and and so YouTube represents
the world in a way and people's
sentiments from around the world so I'm
thinking why is it okay for them to make
military equipment and stuff that
probably still exists that's harmful to
other countries but yet then they want
to say their family friendly that
doesn't make any sense to me and then
there was this last point Oh someone had
said something about oh they said its
creators this was interesting they wrote
as creators when we get when do we get
the choice or a control panel to ban
advertisers and ads from our channels
advertisers that we find repulsive and
do not fit in with our morals when will
that be implemented or do we just have
to put up with their brainwashing I
won't hold my breath and then I put you
make a great point you can do that
through Adsense with allowing of blocking
ads not just through youtube I just
think the advertisers are being assholes
and I do I think they're just being
assholes and so it's the you know
there's a three-headed dragon the
advertisers the traditional media and
big politics because they have the
narrative they've been running the
narrative they've been dictating the
narrative they've been brainwashing the
country and then I go on to put I notice
well Walmart was on the list and I won't
miss going there because i have other
places to go mixed with online shopping
i was verbally assaulted by a cashier at
my local walmart a few weeks weeks ago
for taking video with my camera at the
self checkout which was moving really
slow she accused me of taking video of
her and she threatened to call the
police on me because she said it was
against the law and I needed her
permission to take pictures of her I
told her the video was not of her or
about her she went and got store security
while I was checking myself out you
can't even see her in the video because
she is so far back but Walmart is
replacing paid people jobs with robot
checkouts and expecting the customers to
check their self out I thought this was
poor customer service and decided to
make a video I told the store security
that I was targeted because i was using
a camera and she didn't target the
people using mobile devices who can be
recording and taking pictures to the
store security admitted that she knew
people take pictures in the store with
mobile devices but I could I have no
desire to go to that store and let the
employees verbally bully me anymore and
that's why I was thinking it's like
that's what we have right now is a
country of of people who bull just
bully other people because you know they
don't get the results that they want you
know because a narrative has been forced
on us from the past and so now we are
exercising our freedom of will power to
do things differently and they don't
like that you know so you know and yeah
that's just how I see it and so
it's like I can't say anything negative
about church or religion even though
they have an indoctrination that's
harmful to children that's harmful to
people and so I'm fine if you know not
advertising not putting advertising on
content if if that's what has to happen
for me to be able to talk about this
stuff I'm going to talk about it because
because I think that it's a crime
against humanity for these companies
these big traditional business companies
to dictate a narrative to create some
censorship in content creators and so
I'll just go on continuing to speak even
if i don't have advertising on my videos
that's fine I'll find something else
yeah it was nice it was fun while it
lasted but I'll just go on and and and
keep making content and you know and
i'll put it up there and they're the
ones who are missing out not me because
they have products to sell i'll just
keep on doing what I do and America is
going to move on in the direction that
we want to move without being bullied by
the thinking of the old generation the
narrow box of narcissistic thinking that
they have oppressed on to people and so
yeah that's just my experience and I'm
not feeling sorry for any of it because
I don't think people's thinking should
be controlled you know you have a
product you should advertise it to
people but the problem is politics gets
mixed in there too and they're losing
control of the American population and
that's what they don't like so they it's
almost like they go to any measure to
try to maybe get people to go back to
that old medium we don't like it we
don't like it we were exercising our
freedom of speech right now and we don't
like censorship
we don't like other people telling us
what to do or how to think and that's
just how it is we're going to speak up
and we're not going to be quite anymore
because we're tired of it we're tired of
being bullied and actually we're the
ones who have been bullied if anything
we're the ones who have been bullied and
oppressed and repressed by by the
dialogue by harmful dialogue it's a
crime criminal dialogue is what it is so
yeah that's all I have to say about that
for right now and so yeah and if you
want to follow along with that dialogue
that's fine that's your freedom to
follow along and not think any further
just stay like a ping-pong ball inside
of the tiny box that's fine but I'm
going any different direction and so
yeah bye-bye but yeah thank you guys for
watching please thumbs up this video
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thank you I'll see you very soon peace
love and avocados
Teresa Warrior
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