Posy and the bag full of food
If I have to describe Posy with one word it would be food-lover . I think, most time of the day she is waiting for me to give her more food or maybe find food somewhere in the house or outside.
3 words, 8 letters, say it and I am yours.
I love you.I got food.
One month ago her food obsession reached a whole new level: I was upstairs in the bedroom and she was alone downstairs in the living room, sleeping – at least I thought she was sleeping…
The next days Posy was behaving strange. She did’nt want to go outside and she seemed like having a tummy ache. Luckily our neighbour is a vet so we got her checked, but she couldn’t find anything. At that point I was really worried, but I decided just to wait.
A few days later - Posy felt already better - I finally found the reason for her behavior. When I was upstairs, she was in the kitchen and somehow managed to find the bag of dogfood that was already opened, but not stored in the container like it usually is. So she started eating (and eating and eating…) and must have been so full and not hungry anymore. I guess she just couldn’t resist her favourite food and when I found the bag it was completely empty…
To avoid circumstances like that we always close the kitchen door to make it impossible for Posy to reach any food that she shouldn’t eat.
Hope you enjoyed this little story about Posys love to everything that is eatable (or not).
Have a nice day! :-)

It is much easier for dogs to learn spoken commands if they are given in conjunction with hand signals or gestures.
yep, i think that's right. they understand commands with hand signals so much better