Just 20 Megapixel!

in #adventure7 years ago

I think i found my first great shot! with my new Megapixel.1519308422399

It's sunday good for ride and for adventure so, I decided to go here,

    1. https://www.google.com.ph/maps/@10.2558652,123.9540597,3a,75y,122.66h,69.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stp6_9b9YNSXlfMZloNwwIA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
I know your thinking why is it under construction from google map, because life gonna be like that we started this life with an empty pocket but when we grew up and learned lot of incredible things we totally appreciate those.

Just like this after a month of waiting...

With my 20 megapixel, i've taken those shots randomly hopefully you like it! because I totally loved it!

As you can see the result was very fascinating and absolutely amazing that's why i can say it's a great shot.

As you can see the difference we can totally describe ourselves on this simple compiration and that we will need to start with nothing and less of everything let's start making new and fresh decision in our lives, let us put ourselves into our own ego and maybe we're always saying we do our very best beginning but other thing it's not.

Just step it positively forward...

towards our goals and dreams always cross our fingers and do our part.

Thank you for listening! ;)


Wow! This are great shots. I just upvoted you

I'm here to upvote your post.

@enjoyy Thank you! visiting your post too :)

Fightings :)

Good shot, keep it up bro

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