in #adventure7 years ago

WARNING: This is a post about hunting which includes the shooting of animals. Please only proceed if you are comfortable with such things.

For those of you who are newer to steemit, @papa-pepper didn't really grow up as a hunter. In fact, I never even went deer hunting until last year. If you'd like to check out the posts that I made last year to document my first deer hunting adventures, here are the links:

As last hunting season came to a close, my "stats" were that I had fired a total of three shots and killed a total of three deer; two bucks and a doe. For us, deer are a great potential meat source, and I appreciate the connection with my food supply that hunting provides just like I do with gardening, foraging, raising animals, and fishing.


So far, I've only been out "hunting" once this year, and that was only for about ten minutes. Truth be told, it is quite a peculiar story, so I thought that I should share it. Trust me, it's not exactly what you'd expect.

Lately I've been finishing up clearing a bit of woods for some projects related to the upcoming building of my house. While I was chainsawing and using the backhoe attachment on the front end loader to eliminate a few trees, my oldest boy "Monster Truck the Pepper" was enjoying feeding our sheep some snacks and also helping by stacking branches for me.

As our work for the day neared an end, we began our short drive back to where we are currently staying. As we passed the top of our property, I had an idea.

Often, there is a spot where deer like to hide near there, and I figured that I might as well take a peek. A few of my neighbors already harvested four bucks in the immediate area this year, so I thought it would be best if I could at least get some meat this hunting season.

I pulled the truck up next to the top of the woods and got out, instructing my four year old to be quite. I walked a few feet to the edge of the woods, and sure enough, a few deer got up and began to run off. I walked back to the truck, put on my orange hunting gear and grabbed my 30.06 out of its case.

I opened up some of my ammunition and loaded a round into my rifle. This wasn't really a calculated move or a chance for me to try to get a deer with only one shot, it's just that I needed a bullet to fire if I got a shot, so I put one into my firearm.

With my boy waiting quietly, I rustled off into the woods through the new fallen leaves. Most of the deer took off in an unappealing direction, but one had turned the other way. The more I walked, the farther it moved. I knew that a clearing ran perpendicular to the field where I parked, so I exited the woods and entered that clearing.

As I walked down the opening, I could see where the deer was. It looked like it wanted to stay put, because it would lie down whenever I stopped moving. After a moment I would inch closer until it stood up again, and then I would stop until it lied back down.

Soon, I was close enough that I felt confident in taking the shot.

The deer had stood up and was looking straight at me. It was a doe that was at least a few years old, and I clearly remember passing on this deer last year. This time, I wasn't going to pass.

I'm not sure whether I lined up the shot left-handed or right, but either way I raised my rifle and lined up the shot. When the cross hairs reached their mark, I gently squeezed the trigger. The gun blasted and the deer fell over, right where it had been standing.

I walked over, grabbed a leg and began to drag it out of the woods back to the truck, calling to my boy as I came. Since the place where I normally dress my deer is nearby, I tossed it on the hood of my truck and grabbed a leg out the window. My hand was cramping by the time I got where I was going, but I held on and made it.


After a bit of heavy lifting, I had the deer hung up and ready to clean. Since no one really knew that I was "going hunting," @mama-pepper and the rest of the @little-peppers were surprised at the news. Soon, I had the "usual crowd" observing my activities.

Though not everyone believes in eating meat, for the time being we do. Personally, I'd rather harvest an animal like this and use as much of it as I can rather than buying the questionable, carbon-monoxide laced meat at the grocery store. At least this animal was able to be free and live in the real world eating what it normally would, rather than being grown in some sort of over-packed meat factory eating who knows what.

A lot of the scraps sent straight to the chickens, guinea fowl, and Muscovy ducks. The bulk of the remainder went to the pigs. I'm still allowing the meat to cool and hang for a bit before I cut it all the way up, but we have what we will be using and the rest mostly went to the animals.


Growing up, I'd often hear all sorts of great hunting stories. Men would take a week off of work, head out to the cabin with the buddies, and hunt all week, hoping to get some big bucks. I'm not really in it for a trophy, and I don't want to take a week off of my life either. Some may even argue that I didn't really even "go hunting." But, I guess I did go in the woods and shoot a deer, so I'm sure that it qualifies.

It does remind me of one similar hunting experience that I am aware of. Growing up, I had a brother who bow hunted. One day after his wrestling practice at school, he came home to find a deer in our front yard. Quickly, he grabbed his bow and an arrow and went to the front porch. Soon, he too had successfully harvested a deer.

Hopefully soon we will have some venison jerky to enjoy! We will have to see if I get any more this year, but either way, I'll keep you posted.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @malos10



I totally agree with the free living animal as food vs those in groceries

Glad to hear it. If I'm going to choose to eat meat, this is the way that I prefer to do it.

Are you familiar with Joel Salatin? "A really good life, one bad day." That is how I raise my chickens and beef. Too lazy to hunt... ;)

Its a type of hunting - We have free range chickens and I have to hunt them, I prefer inventing box traps when I can be more clever than them, but that is not always the case ;p

Yeah, we have had several chicken round-ups that we refer to as "rodeos."

Oh that sounds like a lot of fun, for you and the girls! Fun 'until'.

That is one of the better hunting stories I have read. As a papa you don't really need to go wondering off in the wilderness for a week when you can keep track of where your food is. That's really awesome you were able to load up and have a deer that quickly and after a day of work too. You sure know how to keep yourself busy as the story started with you headed home and here you've given yourself more work to do.
I really like that you let the little peppers there while you dressed and hung the doe. Dressing a deer with my father is one of my most vivid memories as a child and I recall it every time I do the process myself with a smile.
Carry-on @papa-pepper

Thanks so much for the encouragement and sharing the memories. You are right about that time too, I knew where they were, I just had to go get one. No need for me to wander around hoping to see one!

Thanks again @erodedthoughts!

To be honest it would not surprise me to read a post next year about how you have collected a few fawn's and are now raising your own deer on the ranch.
One fact I forgot to point out yesterday was kudo's to you for using the extra parts to increase those animals you already have on the farm. Have you started to dry hides yet as part of the "use as much as you can" lifestyle?

Inspiring for sure. I wish I learnt how to clean a deer after you caught it when I was younger.

At least my @little-peppers can learn when they are young if they want to. I had to have a guy half my age teach me how to last year!

I hope someone shows up in my life who could teach me sooner then later, we got a goat we should eat probably

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Have you tried the local butcher shop?

indeed, and I have not yet, though I have a friend who is a butcher

LOL Half your age! Youngin the age of the teacher should never matter, remember Yahweh was a very young man and just look at the learning he laid down that the elders despised.
There will be many times in your life where you will be the teacher or the student.
As a teacher always remember that you have been the "student" first.

Well done. I think that all meat eaters should experience something like this. When you complete all the steps from a living animal to food on your plate it gives you a new sense of connection with your food. Next up you gotta hone your archery skills and test out bow hunting

I should give the bow a try one day, you're right. I think that there is too big of a disconnect between many and their food, no matter what they choose to eat. For us, this instills a deep appreciation for our food. Thanks @jasonshick!

I love me some venison.

Other people can't stand the taste of gamey meat, but I've never found venison to be too gamey. And it tends to be a bit leaner and more flavorful than a lot of beef, as well.

Wish it was easier to get.

I think that "gamey" may just be a code word for "lack of growth hormone, GMO feed, and antibiotic overdoses.

Perhaps that is where the "domestic" flavoring comes from...

Venison is really lean and good meat! I hope to hunt for deer one day to bring perspective of hunting for my own food and understanding nature better.

It is very good meat. I hope that you do get to experience that one day!

this cool, a reliable hunter, a friend of the heart do not get hit,

I will try to be safe and careful! Thank you @jasonmunapasee!

All animals die. Most for no purpose at all. This way, we get some good meals out of it. I understand that many people are against it, but I am not.

Hay I not it any way funful. To kill someone who don't have any thing to prtect themselves. What you find interesting to kill animal. They are like you, you must take care of them , you human have responsibly to protect those who are not able to protect them self. Killing a deer is not ethical anyway .

To eat plants we must kill them too.

Hay sir plants are made for eat , that why talk to protect trees . Not plant , do you know all the creature is made to contribute to balance the ecosystem . And if you are human it's not meant you have right to play with the nature .

If you love animals, why do you eat their source of food? Now they have to compete with you for a food source when clearly you have the advantage. That's not fair to them. You should learn to just live on air alone. Become a breatharian. and leave the plants for the animals.

You can't counter stupid with logic or use big words like breatharian. LOL.

Hay and I know many here always support you what so ever you do no matter , as I can see here in comment section.

Truthfully, caring for the deer population means becoming a predator. There are too many deer and they affect each other, they become weak and sick, they wander out into traffic. Its really sad, probably because there aren't as many bears or wolves, but we must now become the apex predator and help the deer live sustainably.

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