The Charm of Reje Ilang Waterfall (Pesona Air Terjun Reje Ilang)

in #adventure7 years ago (edited)


this is the charm of the waterfall reje ilang

Gayo highlands, not only known for its arabica coffee alone, but save a million extraordinary natural charm.

This reje ilang waterfall, located in the village of meriah jaya, subdistrict of gajah putih, regency bener meriah, aceh, indonesia.

the location of this waterfall is one of the new tourist destinations in bener meriah, where this location is still not so quiet and has not been visited by many people.

where reje ilang, because at the location of the waterfall is said the story, there is a king who was declared lost when imprisoned in that location.

although the location is far from the settlement of citizens, and need more energy to get to this place, tour waterfall reje ilang visited by tourists from various region of aceh.

(Bahasa Indonesia)

Dataran tinggi gayo, tidak hanya dikenal dengan kopi arabikanya saja, namun menyimpan sejuta pesona alam yang luar biasa.

air terjun reje ilang ini, terletak di desa meriah jaya, kecamatan gajah putih, kabupaten bener meriah, aceh, indonesia.

lokasi air terjun ini merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata baru di bener meriah, dimana lokasi ini masih belum begitu tenang dan belum dikunjungi oleh banyak orang.

dimanakan reje ilang, karena di lokasi air terjun konon ceritanya, ada seorang raja yang dinyatakan hilang saat bertapa di lokasi tersebut.

meskipun lokasinya jauh dari pemukiman warga, serta membutuhkan lebih banyak energi untuk menuju ke tempat ini, wisata air terjun reje ilang mulai didatangi wisatawan dari berbagai wilayah aceh.



Interupsi, Meriah Jaya ( Digol).

Salam hangat

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