*Citizens' unease due to the python*.
- Initially the snake was found by residents who again to his garden around the palm plantation. Then they told the wargalai and immediately together to catch the animal in the forest near the village *.
And according to the story of the residents, when found, the snake is preying on a boar. The snake's stomach looks big as it has just eaten its prey, the length of the snake is about 7 meters. After we arrest, to be temporarily secured so as not to endanger later,
claimed the area where it served in the category of trajectory snakes and other wild animals. You see, the area is still filled with forests and swamps.
We have time to secure, then we give to the zoo to be maintained. This new finding is also planned as soon as possible
appealed to residents who found to inform to him. So there is no threat and things that are not desired, especially considering there are children of citizens
Children crowded, hopefully people who find out to tell us to be safe. Going forward, I will also form a special standby team to tame those snakes,
(Dan menurut cerita warga, saat ditemukan, ular tersebut sedang memangsa seekor babi hutan. Perut ular itu terlihat besar seperti baru saja memakan mangsa, panjangnya ular tersebut sekitar 7 meter. Setelah kita tangkap, untuk sementara diamankan agar tidak membahayakan nantinya,
mengaku kawasan tempatnya itu berdinas masuk kategori lintasan ular dan hewan-hewan liar lainnya. Soalnya, daerah tersebut masih dipenuhi dengan hutan dan rawa-rawa.
Sempat kita amankan, kemudian kita berikan kepada kebun binatang untuk dipelihara. Temuan baru ini juga kita rencanakan begitu nantinya
mengimbau kepada warga yang menemukan agar memberitahukan kepada pihaknya. Supaya tidak ada ancaman serta terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, apalagi mengingat ada anak-anak warga
Anak-anak ramai, semoga masyarakat yang menemukan agar memberitahukan agar kita amankan. Ke depan, saya juga akan bentuk tim siaga khusus untuk menjinakkan ular-ular tersebut),