She's a little wild-woman!
Recently, we took a trip to Branson, MO. While in town, we acted like we were still in the country, and Red-Pepper managed to catch this snake. Here is a video where you can see her in action.
The actual capture happens at about the 12 minute mark, so if you just want to watch the action, feel free to skip ahead. If you just want to see some photos of her with her catch, here they are.

@little-peppers Snake Kissing actually Brings Good Luck.......Nice Catch Red-Pepper
LOL! Really?
Waooo,, amazing post ,,
What a Beautiful post at this time,, I like little baby and snake
Very nice photography,, I like your post,,, @little-pepper
This pic look really cute,, excellent photography
Good job. My dear ,, lovely scene
Superb,,,, adventure
Your children are just so cool and so beautiful! What a joy to watch your videos always. They are living legends already 😍
LOL - Thank you!
What kind of snake is it? I assume some rat snake subspecies.
Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon)
That is so cool!
Gg girl! :-D
Thank you!