The creatures of the fungus
Twas a dreary day and the city was windswept and i made the decision of whether to trip or not this day. There was something in the wind that day that made me decide to take the mushrooms, i cannot recall the dosage as this was years ago. I went over to my friends house who was already peaking when i arrived, i had not yet eaten mine yet so our trips did not line up. Him coming down though did however lead to me tripping harder than i ever have as this set him on a quest to hit as many bongs as humanly possible to try and keep his trip going and naturally i did the same. This simple act of lighting what is that to be the evil weed skyrocketed me into my trip and before I knew it reality was gone. I was laying on a bed with my legs hanging off staring into some sort of a hyperspace as if id opened some kind of inter-dimensional portal and had no choice but to go through, I clearly remember seeing all kinds of symbols and 4D shapes everywhere as the room was no longer there just me floating through this sort of green abyss with the shapes and symbols, I could the wind as though it was communicating with me (later in the trip i see the women of wind who indeed was communicating with me) and i begun to get a sensation as though i had just been launched out of a cannon and was flying at hyper speed, I genuinely believed that i was dead but my heart started racing as human instinct kicked in and i started to scream "PUT THE LIGHT ON!" repeatedly. The light as per my request was promptly switched on and i was asked if i was OK i said " i thought i was dead" then laughed and looked outside at a nearby tree that was faintly lit up by a street light that was blowing in the wind more than the tree, haha, but in the leaves of the tree i saw a women and her friends playing instruments foreign to human kind, i could understand them and i realized that they were the ones i could hear while in the abyss like hyper space and that next time i began to panic all i needed to do was listen to the wind. I was then sent to bed in the spare room as my friend now wanted to sleep as it was 2:30 am I listened and did not argue although i was reluctant to go into that warping dark room by myself but i did. shortly after climbing in bed i decided to look at my hand as i had decent night vision and i began to hear a chattering sound, not like teeth but like the sound you would imagine hundreds of forest creatures to make. Shortly after i saw THOUSANDS of these tiny little balls of light, about the size of a pea, which were "landing" on my body and filling me with a warm sensation as your dog would when he/she lies on you, my trip was then disturbed by my friends cat who nearly gave me a God damn heart attack as it burst through the open window and landed on my leg, i damn near fell out the bed. I fell asleep after that while still tripping and it goes without saying my dreams were weird that night.