The Dapper Dad Inaugural Year...
Wow, what an inaugural year for Dapper Dad Club! As I look back on what has transpired and how this platform grew from a simple idea to what it is today, I'm already extremely humbled.
I started Dapper Dad Club with a goal of becoming a better individual, writer, and all around human. In doing so, I was able to develop the blog, dabble in YouTube, hopefully more to come in the future there as I'm able to identify what type of personality to become, began initial writings on a few books, collaborated with some amazing people, and lined up some great things to come in 2018.
Here are some articles that were most popular among readers this year:
- How to Keep Her - Click Here to Read
- Dating with Children... - Click Here to Read
- Grooming the Man Mane! - Click Here to Read
- The Craft of Being a Gentleman - Click Here to Read
- Blasters vs Firearms - Click Here to Read
- The Hand Holding Contract - Click Here to Read
- The Proper Way of Setting Goals - Click Here to Read
Of course, I also have to pay tribute to a few that I also personally enjoyed writing:
- The History of Cigars: The Cigar Series - Click Here to Read
- The Modern PocketKnife - Click Here to Read
- Investing: What's Your Strategy? - Click Here to Read
- Reflections, and Thank You's... - Click Here to Read
- Inspired, yet Uninspired - Click Here to Read
- Finding the Right Barber - Click Here to Read
How could I not close out 2017 with thank yous!
Thank you to my Mini Bro! Even though you are too young to read this, you have always been a true inspiration for this platform. A way for me to help explain what it means to be a gentleman, and man growing in society.
Thank you to Piper, for being a true partner and helping me brainstorm during those summer nights of an idea I had. For the countless times, you have sat, edited, and helped revise posts when I just couldn't figure out how to tell the message. And always helping me stay motivated, even when a post would horribly fail to gain views.
Thank you to my brother and sister, who have helped me develop this platform and come up with new and exciting things to write about.
Last, but not least, and I can say this enough but thank you to every one of you who have made this idea turn in to what it is. This platform is still so young, and I'm excited to show you where it will go!
Thanks for tuning in and that is your Daily Dose of Dapperness!

Hi, my name is Blake. I'm a true fan of the 1950's style gentleman, a father, adventurer, and all around Curious George!
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Thanks for the read and comment @palmidrummer
What a great year we had!