ADSactly in a nutshell ( I really TRY to be objective!)

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

Diving into the good, the bad and nearly all the rest.

I spend now several weeks trying to find out about @adsactly and thought it could be a good thing to talk about my experiences.

Short history and why I am writing this

ADSactly showed up on the Steem Blockchain in may 16 with only little to say, only introducing himself as “Micah”, what he has done so far in his life and how he found Steemit. After some posts and some resteems it went more or less silent about ADSactly until about 6 months ago. ADSactly now introducing again as a society, and successively investing into Steempower. By now having a stake of 650 000 SP which represents near 4 million $ in Fiat and a single upvote value of near 300$. In these same 6 months adsactly gathered a follower base of more than 18k steemians and a reputation of 73 which is an amazing job accomplished. Congratulations to that!


My personal start with ADSactly has been rough, to stay gentle. To put it short, a friend of mine was disagreeing on the rewards of one of their figure heads on steem, showing up twice a day in trending, so he flagged him. The result was one of those drama flag wars with very different “weapons”. In Detail 650k SP vs. 15k SP … not funny at all for my friend. I reacted in a quite harsh way putting ADSactly on the level of mafia, intimidating and force-silencing critical voices. Well, I HAD to dig a little further after being so harsh and so I skimmed through a lot of the stuff that is available and not available out there.

There is no point in talking about adsactlys last 7 years, no point in putting out the failures and no point in doxxing people involved in the system. You will read a lot of things that are negative, talk about ponzi, talk about MLM schemes and you’ll even find an interview of Micah in the same context as fyrstikken, which only shows that the whole crypto scene is still a very small one. Again: no point in talking about it further, because that is how crypto is perceived in general. I will only focus on what they are saying and doing here on steemit, as I have no clue (yet), what happens “outside”.


What ADSactly is saying about themselves

(boiled down to less than a minimum)

through their Adsactly on adsactly series

(the links to the series can be found on their blog, in the discord channel and under each part of the series)

1 Open Value Network and Coopoly

This introduces some new words, which is important, even if I don’t like this kind of reframing of words. It gives the whole thing a cultish touch, which is not desirable to have a businesslike public perception.

2 Doocracy

More new words, even if this is a word framing what ADSactly is exactly about. Do something to get a voice. Do nothing and have no voice. As simple as that. I like the idea of being perceived by what one is doing, not by something people say. As we put it in Germany “paper doesn’t blush”

3 Open Stewardship

This one is easier. Help whoever you like and accept help by whoever is willing to help, just to learn how provide help by yourself later.

4 Contribution

This chapter sums up the previous ones. Contribute to something bigger than yourself, unselfish and see yourself growing while doing so.
A nice and powerful idea, which also explains, why people who help others are much more happy than all the others.

5 The pyramid / time / wealth distribution / non-producers vs. producers

This chapter is about distribution of wealth and the dilemma between producers and non-producers. This is the first chapter I had some problems with. I believe there is an important error in reasoning, as why are people investing time, money and resources and an idea are NOT producers of Jobs. I believe someone producing jobs is more of a producer than anyone doing contracted work is ever able to do. Still it’s true that there is a lot of injustice out there and it’s up to everyone to do something about it.

6 Change vs. The Elites by change from competition onto collaboration

Again this is kind of a dilemma for me. I dislike much “the elites”, I like very much collaboration, but also I see a strong need for competition, as it also has it’s value in finding out where to place resources in a way that makes sense all the while forcing producers to think about how to make their products better and/or cheaper.

7 producers vs non-producers

same statement as in 5-6. It’s important to think about that, the truth lies between the lines.

8 again competition vs cooperation BUT important Set Goals, reach them, help + reinvest in the society

Here we touch the core of adsactly, as I believe. If you know what you want and need, people are willing to help you, if you reinvest into the society and it’s growth this will be seen and you’ll get even more help. If you don’t contribute, people will probably not help you furthermore.

9 mutuality

… don’t expect to take without giving first. Not much more to say.

10 decentralization …

yep, all true. But who is controlling the buttons of ADSactly? Micah? What if he decides to just walk off? I can be totally wrong in this point, but I wasn’t able to figure out who can ensure decentralization in the circles of ADSactly.

11 why crypto is good vs fiat

… well we know by now, if you don't check out this post.

12 some btc history

very interesting, but more or less unrelated to ADSactly (only that it once can be as big as btc. The claim that probably every crypto currency is making nowadays)


and don’t waste the time of yourself and others. YES YES and again YES.

14 ADSactly outside of steem

this is a chapter to find out where the knowledge comes from + what you can do on the Discord channel

15 deep dive

… interesting when you want to see ADSactly outside of steem

16 some info on BTS

very interesting if you are more into crypto

17+18 more about the discord channels (clubs)

just read… nothing I could add.

19 vision on own currency

(ADXCU/DU/FU/IOU/WU explained) long-term support for the society

20 + 21 +22 ADSactly token explained in more detail

crypto development vs. governments and a callout not to fall for pyramid schemes. ADSactly is offering training to understand these markets.

23 Keynesian economics

Explanation of how Keynes thought economics work as guideline and anchor to further research ( Also explained how to become an ADSactly “founder”)

24 Basics on how Fiat Money works and why it sucks.

YES YES and YES again. Too few people have a clue how money works and why crypto has such an insane inherent chance for the entire humanity

25 How to start a fully funded project vs. the dangers of being chewed up by established businesses

This gives you an interesting view on how ADSactly is planning (and probably already managing) projects that are well thought through

26+27 The problems about government / government AI?

Again kind of a dilemma for me. I am an anarchist, no need at all for a government in my opinion, even not an AI one. But ADSactly is right about that government sucks…

28 Near Future

No power downs planned. Active writing and engaging in the steem universe and a short “who-to-know” in ADSactly society when it comes to STEEM.

29 Future of crypto and a probable place of ADSactly (and STEEM) in it

Not much to add here.

30 Thoughts about globalization

pointing out the chances of a “rightly done” globalization.

31 Blogging suggestions on Steemit, guideline + behavior

This is a very good post for those starting out with Steemit. It’s different for anything you know from Social Media so far…

32 How projects work in ADSactly society

This an important thing to read, if you want to engage adsactly with your project. Read this one carefully before throwing around your half finished ideas.

33 How to “level up” and how is ADSactly structured.

This chapter could give you a clue how to start in the discord chat.

34 ADSactly on Medium + a short steem analyze

There is more to ADSactly than steem… patience and learning is key.

35 ADSactly about environmental issues

Will not comment this… I think there is much more to think about than “x is bad, y is good therefore z.”

the blind trying to figure out an elephant by touching only parts of it

How they are perceived by the community

(after many talks this is what I heard)

As the ADSactly account is huge with its 650k Steempower and 18 k followers, they can easily push every post they like into trending. This raises awareness and is a marketing tool without question. But it also triggers envy and misunderstandings. The discord channel remains a mystery due to the lack of governance. It somehow feels (and this subjective) like moving around in a Petri dish, being watched and monitored by several bots (AI government!?) that reward and punish for good/bad behavior. It’s like a conditioning for being a nice person. If you are a nice person by yourself, this somehow feels “wooden” and factitious, but I suppose this has a filtering purpose as well.

Probably a lot of good and productive people left the discord alone, because they just don’t have the time to “hang around” for hours and greet and “make friends” with everybody joining the channel. The combination of being mysterious and very powerful triggers more fear than trust, more uncertainty than real cooperation, which is a pity. Is this a sect, a cult, is this communism reincarnated? Why certain ADSactly guys are in trending twice a day with content that is questionable and without doubt a matter of taste?


Conclusion (100% subjective)

ADSactly is an opportunity to start out with steemit and crypto in general. There are a lot of people who know what they are doing. Most people are willing to help and to answer questions. I believe it’s an intersecting community, different, but in the same time very similar to Steem. Also the selfvoting is different from others, as ADSactly has really invested and not ninja mined their Steempower and thus is a real stabilizer for the steem blockchain. Also their voting serves not only one person or a small circle, but a huge follower and investor base. Thus my conclusion is, that ADSactly is much better than they appear.

Also that there are thousands of good people willing to help and to accept help with a lot of topics, which is more than a lot of other services and powerful members have to offer. I think it would help a great deal not being this “closed” in information while being this open as a community. Also some clarification about why, who is receiving community rewards would lead to more understanding of a broader kind. Most people (outside of ADSactly as well ) receive their rewards because of an amazing amount of time and effort they put into many other things than their blog. It would really help to adjust general expectations by making this more transparent (and this advice does not only fit for Adsactly).

And finally: Each of the articles mentioned above finishes with an invitation:

Every honest individual with good intentions is invited to join and offer skills, knowledge, energy, time or resources for various ongoing projects within ADSactly society. The channel is here: ADSactly and you are welcome.

This feels somehow manipulative, as I consider myself being an honest person with good intentions, even able and willing to help according to my possibilities and my time. But framed like this, it feels like I am bad person if I don’t want to join.

I know this was a quite long thing to read, but hopefully it can help somehow understanding the things happening



ADSactly isn't as bad as it seems. There are a lot of good people involved and it seems to serve a bigger cause. And if you envy large rewards you always have to consider what reasons and what amount of work is behind it. Sometimes patience and time will tell where the path is going...

Personally I will try to help everyone as long as it stays voluntary, so I won't make a difference between adsactly members and non members. Still the probability to be seen and percieved as "helping hand" grows in such a society...

THX for reading



I didn't know ADSactly but reading you looks like a strong community where people support to each person that is part of the community and i really like that, i mean looks like something more exclusive. Regards

Ich gebe zu, noch nicht voll verstanden zu haben, was AdSactly genau ist.
Es ist allerdings sehr schön, daß Du dir die Mühe gemacht hast, ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen.

Wenn es auf dem freien Markt einen Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen und mehreren Tools wie AdSactly gibt, ist auch die Subjektivität der einzelnen Einheiten kein Problem.

Die Punkte 23 und 26 finde ich sehr interessant, stimme ich doch mit der Meinung sehr weit überein. Leider wird oft übersehen, daß sich Kooperation und Wettbewerb nicht gegenseitig ausschließen. Den Wettbewerb ausschalten zu wollen, wird langfristig nicht funktionieren, und führt meiner Meinung nach zwangsläufig zu Stillstand oder gar Rückschritt.
Nein, als jemand, der den "Austrians", dem freien Markt, ja der Freiheit an sich nahesteht, kann ich jeglichen Wettbewerb nur begrüßen.
Und noch einmal: Wettbewerb bedeutet NICHT, daß es keine Kooperationen unter den Wettbewerbern geben kann, und bedeutet auch nicht, daß sich nicht gegenseitig geholfen werden kann.
Es wäre dann eine freiwillige, ehrliche Hilfe, und keine zwangsverordente Unterstützung. Zwang ist immer schlecht!

Ich gebe zu, noch nicht voll verstanden zu haben, was AdSactly genau ist.

Das geht mir genau so und es ist nicht der erste Artikel zu diesem Thema. :-)

A debt of gratitude is in order for the rundown. I haven't managed the subject yet, yet your outline opens my eyes a smidgen.

Thanks for the summary. I haven't dealt with the subject yet, but your overview opens my eyes a little bit.

Big Fan!

Ich finde den Post super, denn ich kenne paar Leute die da drin sind und bin auch manchmal überrascht was für Post manchmal einen riesen Upvote bekommen von denen. Ich war aber dann trotzdem zu faul mir alle ihre Post durch zu lesen um alles zu verstehen, deswegen danke ich dir für den Beitrag.

ADSactly now introducing again as a society, and successively investing into Steempower.

This is historically inaccurate. ADSactly pre-dated cryptocurrency by several years and of course pre-dated Steemit as well. Our vision was formed well before both.

Out of context, this quote is wrong, agreed. I told in my article that I will not talk about the past 7 years, and the "NOW" coming from the quote is timed to the reintroducing as adsactly society about 6 months ago, after Micah introduced himself as a single person in the beginning.

I have joined their Discord channel 4 hours ago. I have read more then half of their ADsactly on AdSactly and my first impression is that because they write in a weirdly complicated way they created an air of mistery about them.

They just seem like a group with a number of big and influental names on Steemit and in the crypto scene.

I think its good to know them, but then again i dont see me benefiting much as a level 0 minnow musician on Steemit.
Still ill mope around their discord channel because, who knows. Maybe someone there gets a liking for what i do. And that "maybe" is reason enough to give them a shot.

ADSactly is here to give you the resources to achieve exactly what you desire to achieve. We work on the principle of equal giving and receiving. How to get involved? Simple: figure out your life mission. Get clear on the resources you need to achieve it. Contact us with a statement of those resources. We work out a strategic relationship that gets both of us what we need.

I completely understand your mission statement and its an admirable one. My predicament is that i have basic tech and crypto knowledge so the contribution in that field i can offer is 0. And i noticed you are very big in that field. Talking with velimir (he is Croatian like me) i got the impression that opportunities for musicians with ADSactly are scarce at this moment. (With some possibilites for growth in that field in the future).
With nothing to contribute from my part, thus disqualifying myself from most of your activities in the dominant field of your interest (i might be wrong of course) i find it ludicrous to ask for something for personal advancement.
I hope you understand what im trying to say. 😊

Adsaclty seems to be a world wide forumed with catergories of platforms .
I think am now okay because i know how adsactly came in existence.
Anyway nice summery

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