Her Saving Grace #2

in #adsactly7 years ago

Greetings Steamians!

The second episode of Her Saving Grace is now ready. If you by chance missed the first episode, its right here...Enjoy!!



Daniel exclaimed bitterly. His instinct had warned him something was wrong but he hadn't in his wildest imaginations thought of something this bad. He turned to Stacey and enquired what had happened to Mary.

Just then the door creaked open and Ken poked his head in. Mary's reaction was immediate. She tried to lunge out of bed and started muttering, pleading that Ken not come near her.

Daniel turned angrily to Ken, dragged him into room and asked in a deadly calm voice what had happened to Mary. Ken shook his head in denial. He didn't know what happened to her, he'd returned from work two days ago to find her at the foot of the stairs unconscious. Seems she'd missed her footing and tumbled down.

Daniel was unsatisfied with the explanation. He left Ken and moved to sit beside Mary on the bed. He placed his hand gently on cheek and looked into her eyes. He then asked her very softly if Ken's explanation was the truth.


As he looked into her eyes, he saw her panic return just before she closed them and muttered yes, that she'd indeed fallen down the stairs. Daniel shot an unexpected look in Ken's direction and caught his sigh of relief. His suspicion returned.

Just then Stacey asked ken what hospital he'd taken her friend to and why she hadn't been informed about the accident.
Ken replied he'd been busy and that they'd just been leaving for the hospital when they'd arrived.

Busy for two days while his fiance lay groaning in obvious pain?
Daniel stared broodingly at the figure lying down. Several things didn't add up. Why was Mary scared of Ken coming closer to her if he'd been nursing back to health as he claimed? Why the secrecy about the accident- not even a single call had been made to either himself or her best friend Stacey? If they'd been about to leave for the hospital, why was Mary still in her night wear? Why had Ken refused them entry earlier claiming that Mary was not around?


He shook his head to clear it. There were so many questions but neither Ken nor Mary seemed willing to provide answers. He came to a sudden decision. He withdrew his car keys and handed them to Stacey with instructions to go open the vehicles door. He then bent and carefully picked up Mary. It was time to visit the hospital. Other things could come later.

Sit tight for episode three


Original story by


Hmmmm! Her saving grace.. What am intriquing subject matter. I like your lines and i must say i gained something from it.

Thanks for this... I have upvoted your work.

Thank you bright. I just visited your blog. Great post you've got on purpose. 👍

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