SteemShort #1 - collaborative story project

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)


The first part of SteemShort is now officially finished!!! (30.11.2017)

The summary with the most upvotes (99) has been sent by @tolustx.

So, @tolustx is the chosen author for the first past of the SteemShort #1.

Congratulations, @tolustx

Here is the summary:

It is 7:45am and the Benson compound was flooded with the officers of the police force, all looking for traces of evidence that could give a clue to cracking this case. "I just suddenly heard dogs barking in the compound in the middle of the night. We thought something was wrong but the dogs soon kept quiet and everywhere was calm, so I returned to bed" a neighbour reported when questioned.
The gunmen were professionals. Two shots to the forehead, gave him no chance of survival. Chief Benson until his assassination, was a successful businessman, but his recent involvement and zeal in politics made him more popular. In less than four months from now, he is supposed to be contesting for the office of the governor, alongside six other candidates, including the incumbent governor, who is contesting for a second term in office.

Was it a robbery gone wild or were they assassins?
For how long were they on his trail?
Why was he killed in his country home?

The police chief needs to give a statement soon and he does not want to appear confused...

SteemShort #1 - Post 1: Request for First Part of the Story

SteemShort is short story written collaboratively by three different authors and illustrated by an artist/photographer.

The process of creating a SteemShort is described in this post.

This is the request for the first part of the first SteemShort.

Authors that want to write this first part should send in a comment the summary of their proposed contribution. This summary must be in 100 to 200 words. Any proposed summary that is shorter than 100 words or longer than 200 words will not be considered.

The chosen author will be the one that has the most upvotes for his summary comment 4 days after this post. The post will be updated to indicate which author has been chosen.

The chosen author will then be instructed how to submit their full contribution. The full contribution needs to be between 500 and 1,500 words.
Once the full contribution of the chosen author will be received, another post with this full contribution will request proposals for the second part of the story.

All authors need to agree for a "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike" (

No title for the short story should be suggested. When the full text of the full story will be known, the three different authors will propose a title.

So, writers, send your summary proposals.

And, readers, upvote the summaries that you like.

Authored by: @vcelier

Go Adsactly


It is 7:45am and the Benson compound was flooded with the officers of the police force, all looking for traces of evidence that could give a clue to cracking this case. "I just suddenly heard dogs barking in the compound in the middle of the night. We thought something was wrong but the dogs soon kept quiet and everywhere was calm, so I returned to bed" a neighbour reported when questioned.
The gunmen were professionals. Two shots to the forehead, gave him no chance of survival. Chief Benson until his assassination, was a successful businessman, but his recent involvement and zeal in politics made him more popular. In less than four months from now, he is supposed to be contesting for the office of the governor, alongside six other candidates, including the incumbent governor, who is contesting for a second term in office.
Was it a robbery gone wild or were they assassins?
For how long were they on his trail?
Why was he killed in his country home?

The police chief needs to give a statement soon and he does not want to appear confused...

Congratulations, @tolustx, you are the chosen author!

Please contact me either of or on discord for instructions for the submission of your full contribution for the first part of SteemShort #1, in 500 to 1,500 words.

Okay, will do that.

Thank you for your valid summary.

Wow! An action packed movie. Can't wait to see if the police chief can get his composure.

Hi @adsactly here is my entry.

A fictional story about a little boy named John, John's lost his mother during his birth and his father just died, so John was left alone in this world,had no more family, but he always had a dream of a lovely princess. John set out into the world all alone he was left with just 50rands as his inheritance and a pair of silver that was all he had to venture into the world, little John went out into the world he was alone, finally he met a traveling companion, who could marvel wonderfully John got a smarter travelling partner that finally helped him meet the princess in his dreams, and his travelling champion promised to help John win the heart of the princess, this is a task which no one had ever been able to accomplish. Will the travelling champion marvel his way into the princesse's heart??


Bravo cant wait to hear how John got it faired out. I will go with Yes as the answer. But get me updated when the complete story drops @phunke

@phunke, you came at second place in term of upvotes, after @tolustx, another Nigerian.

You should try again for the middle part of this SteemShort, or for the first part of one of the next SteemShorts.

this 50rands part is getting me more curios as to why???

Hi @vcelier please kindly confirm if this is considered a valid entry

Thank you for your valid summary.

Nice story line will love to read this story

Wow interesting story @phunke maybe you should try writing the full one on your next post so that l'll read it in full. i really love stories like this just keep it up👏👏

This is an amazing story @phunke
I know for sure that the traveling champion will definately marvel his way into the princess's heart because John's dream has been to meet a princess and the best way to help John actualize his dream is to have the princess.

I look forward to reading the full gist.

Regards @maintain4real-eu

ok @adsactly - I'm in; I would like to submit a Post #1 consideration which will be a 100% true story of my life which ended in heartbreak. My hope is that the Part II & III authors will take the story in much more optimistic direction so I that I can appreciate 'what-could-have-been'. This heartbreak occurred over ten years ago and it is something that holds me back and I dwell on every day. Perhaps this initiative completion will, in some small way, give my heart closure and allow me to find love again. Thank you, one and all Steemers, for your time, upvote and consideration.

Nice tips! I like guides like this!

Thank you for your comment.
However, this cannot be considered as a valid summary proposal.
You need to modify your comment to give a summary of your proposed contribution in 100 to 200 words, describing the "true story of your life which ended in heartbreak".
Thank you in advance.

Oh sugar :( : ( : ( @vcelier - my internet (thus Steemit) was down for 10 days while I suffered a guffaw in the switch of providers. I am only now back online, receiving your directive - a day late and SBD short! Thank you for your time and attention just the same sigh

@adsactly @vcelier

I hope it's not too late to get upvotes for my story proposal 😁.

Here it is:

"It is a story about the men who go through abuse and even domestic violence but are afraid to speak up for various reasons. They are men after all and a tough nature is expected of them. The story revolves around a man whose seemingly 'loud/glamorous' life has been riddled with silence since his childhood. He has had to stay silent for different reasons; threat to life, fear of the unknown, fear of becoming a laughing stock, etc. Somehow, he manages to turn out alright despite the odds against him. His life is not a lucky one as he somehow ends up married to a beautiful lady who is abusive and the spiral of silence continues. The one time he tries to let his friends in on his life, they think he is making a joke. A revolution begins when the world reads his letter to it after he... "

Well, we will find out what happens in the other parts of the story, won't we? 😋

Thank you for your valid summary.

This is a great idea i should come up with something soon thanks @adsactly for this opportunity.

I'm in. My first part of the story idea - A young girl getting ready to finish highschool, has been studying ferociously for her upcoming SAT exams.Her dream in life is to go to an Ivy league school and follow in the footsteps of her father, a prestigious surgeon. As her highschool tenure is winding down she feels burdened by the upcoming test which will have a major influence on her future. After months of preparation and what is leading up to be a pivotal moment in her young life, she feels confident in her abilities and that he will receive the 1100 score required to get into any of the top ranked schools. Finally the big day arrives. Julia hasn't slept more than 4 hours because of all the thoughts running through her head. She arrives at the examination center and...

great! well done! can't wait to hear what others add on to this

Thank you for your summary comment

Aina becomes an orphan at a tender age but she is constantly driven with passion to be educated and to be successful. She is faced with several challenges as she has younger siblings to cater for. Her only uncle who is supposed to be supportive doesn't believe in female child education. He instead believes she should go live with a boss and learn a trade while her younger siblings stay with him and his family. Aina is constantly faced with sadness and challenges as she learns of how her siblings are being maltreated by their uncle's wife.
When she eventually starts to trade on her own and has money saved, she is faced with the dilemma of choosing to either sponsor her own education or take her siblings away from their wicked uncle and take up full responsibility of caring for them.

Thank you for your valid summary.

It wasn’t everyday that Eli had a call-out. She had just logged on when the live videos began streaming. The code word CIT-FLAG had been activated only five minutes ago.
The videos show the assailant is surrounded, he looks like the usual problem, high on the blue powder that has been flowing through the streets of Barcelona since it became popular in the 2040s. It looks like the situation is under control but she will soon be there to see for herself.
Eli is a Resolution Assistant, a higher ranking of the Citizen Police. She had gone through the training, as everyone else does, from her 8th birthday. In the first year of moral and protection classes, her ability to negotiate was noticed and she gained equity. She now earns more than the monthly living tokens for the calls-outs.
She sees him in the distance as soon as she arrives at the scene. She hasn’t seen him since he left her apartment last Friday morning. She doesn’t trust him, but mostly she doesn’t trust herself around him.
But he may be her only hope, the biggest threat to the Civilian Police is about to surface, and she needs allies.

Thank you for your valid summary.

Thanks for this contest, count me in and here is my entry

Sade was sitting outside at night, though it was cold, she never bothered cos she loved it. A stubborn girl she was that she will never listen to her parents each time they warn her to stay indoor at night. She was pressing her phone with a great zeal and smiling at the phone like one who has won a lottery.
Suddenly she heard a strange voice calling her to come over to the forest in front of her house. She wondered who it could be calling her in the dead of the night.
She went towards the strange voice being a curious cat and wanting to confirm what was happening. Before she knew it, a tree branch got attached to her leg and started dragging her far into the no man's land, she struggled for her dear life trying to cut loose the branch which remained adamant. She shouted for help but none came. Her lifeless body was found in front of the forest the next day.
What a tragedy and sorrow for the parents, they wailed and cried without stopping.

Thank you for your valid summary.

It's 3:00 am, James can not get to sleep, he does not know what is bothering him, but something is not right. He turns in his bed trying to rest, James, the introverted boy, with clear eyes and dark skin, the one who always plans his day to day, the one who has never had any problem ... This night something happens, everything is quieter normal, everything is empty and it is there, within that silence that James begins to feel that he is no longer alone at home, although he knows perfectly well that no one physically accompanies him, he is not afraid, because his loneliness has taught him to understand that many Sometimes it's better to live like that, but tonight is different. Despite his attempts to remain calm he does not achieve it, today he does not feel disturbed, he feels observed ...

Thank you for your valid summary.

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